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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Because its been a long brutal stupid winter.
  2. binge watching House of Cards... damn you netflix
  3. I never heard voices the psychosis I experienced was more of a manic state. This road is long and 2 weeks is still early days. I imagine she will need to sleep a lot in the next few months.
  4. Thats interesting did you manage to pull out if it by recognizing it and changing state?
  5. Welcome to the site. While most of the content here is focused on Adderall it applies to Concerta, Ritalin and any prescription amphetamine. Sounds like you are near the end of your addiction stage. The sick and tired of being sick and tired stage. Take some time to go through the articles on this site and read some posts. Recovery is possible and very rewarding, though it will take some time to re-calibrate your brain. We are here on the same path, if you have any questions.
  6. Thanks Ashley, Justin, QuitOnce. Something Ocassional said about adapting to a new normal really rings true. Sorry for overloading 'One Word Status' i feel I don't want any of the noobs to read late recovery struggles.
  7. Thanks Justin. My new life is pretty cool its a lot more Springsteen and Beatles and a lot less Kayne and Dubstep. I'm making ends meet as a freelancer running my own business and I'm doing some really great work. Check out this site I've been working on http://goo.gl/0EUEAf . I am doing some of the best work I've done in years, I'm launching new sites working my ass off and loving the struggle. I just get stuck on what once was when I should focus on what could be. I have to remind myself that I am talented even when my stupid form code isn't working.
  8. No biggie. Now you know what to expect. Good practice run.
  9. He was an old colleague, the guy who sold me on Adderall, tho I was on concerta and ritalin long before. He was pretty drunk and tweaking. A normal person would have passed out from the booze but the adderall kept him going. Am i jealous? YES. He continues to use adderall without the consequences I've suffered (fired,dumped,broke). But also I am angry. I was doing fine before I got sucked into his tornado of fucked up. I chose to take those first few pills he gave me. I chose to get a script, and renew it. I chose to double doctor. I also chose to get clean. But I wish he never told me what adderalll was. I wish I never had to make the choice he presented me. This person is the last vestige of my old life. As an innovative advertising executive. A life that was exciting, dramatic, and cool (it was hell most of the time this just how I remember it). I think the line that applies here is 'to all things there is a season'. So onward forward don't look back life goes on. But for god sake make smarter choices
  10. no running due to weather. However I've been swimming every night this week.
  11. old ghosts- spent a few hours with a tweaked out ex adderall friend. Adderall really doesn't make you clever, original or charming. I used to hang out with this guy all the time... now he's just a douche .
  12. Adderall dehydrates you. Thats probably what causes the issue
  13. sweetcaroline check out the British version of Shameless its the inspiration for the US version.
  14. code sleep code sleep swim code sleep code sleep
  15. USA 12 medals Canada 10 medals as a continent we are real good at winter.
  16. red bull, 5 hour energy etc will take the edge off momentarily but your body needs sleep. In early recovery i slept more than a toddler. It gets better your brain is recalibrating and basically wants to shut down for repairs. Minimize your commitments for the next month or so and catch as many zz's as possible. Watch out for depression as well that can make you sleepy. Exercise will give you some energy (i know this sounds impossible right now). Try doing quick yoga breaks or walks to reenergize. Try green tea instead of coffee. Early days are a struggle anything you can do to make life easy do it. ie ironing = drop it off at the dry cleaners. It will get better!! Love the struggle
  17. I slacked really hard with my business in the early months. I wanted to work 8-10 hours a day. The reality was I could manage about an hour of good focused work. I think slowly but surely my stamina built up I'm able to work about 6-7 hours a day. Just keep plugging eventually your work groove. I read this article over and over http://quittingadderall.com/10-adderall-work-habits-break/
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