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Everything posted by Zerokewl

  1. Let's get this day started. Jump out of bed, stomp your feet and make the devil think, oh sh*t they're up!
  2. 72hours and its still kicking hard. I was a pretty heavy smoker pack plus a day so I think the withdrwal is gonna be awhile longer. Also I haven't had any caffeine in the last three days so that may be contributing my spaciness. I've been sleeping a lot. I don't want cigaretts i just want to stop wanting them
  3. Welcome to the site. You've found a group of people dealing with a unique problem of amphetamine addiction. we are here to support and be supported. spend some time looking over the articles on this site.
  4. Your brain is doing a whole recalibration thing, the reward centers of your brain are going back to normal. Your motivations for working hard have changed, the good news is probably no one will notice at work. Also you can now think strategically at work, laziness is a desirable quality it drives innovation embrace the sloth. On adderall you were working hard not smart. As time goes on you will see the lies the drug creates. Try new things like meditation, yoga, green tea, prayer you will get through this. If you re-fill the cycle only gets worse, you'll become more dependant.
  5. Wouldn't worry too much about negative feed back some people just need to complain. In my experience with surveys / feedback/commenting systems negative people tend to want to be heard more than positive people. When I work in the newspaper biz we called it the "vocal minority"
  6. I really am not this advanced yet. I am super hooked on caffeine. I drink 2 americanos (triple shot expresso) + strong green tea everyday. I never thought about it till you posted this.. maybe I could cut back some
  7. No i meant for the signature line. No matter I don't have time for this, getting back to work now.
  8. these are cool. I was thinking of designing some gamification badges (if I ever have time) like these custom for the site. Something really clean and simple.
  9. Yah something like that. I think for the newer members it would be good to have 30, 90, 6month, 1year chips. - it would serve as milestone - it would give a senior members post more clout. Advice from a 15 day guy vs 3 year guy. Experience matters. No offense to the 15 day guys but sometimes their posts are little wacky.
  10. High quality Mens wear is worth the investment. I have one $1500 suit I purchased in Rome it is worth 10 $300 suits in terms of longevity, comfort, look,quality etc. You should also find yourself a good tailor.
  11. Lol maybe Delta member, I've been on another board for smoking. They are running the same software but they are a much more active community. I've gotten some really good ideas. 1) Badges on signature for clean time 2) Noobie pack links (literature, articles etc) that a new member should read
  12. OMG 5 months is a big deal! You've survived the very worst of things. Congrats! Thank-you for contributing here and sharing your success!!!
  13. Welcome to the board. Early withdrawal sucks, all you can do really is sleep as much as possible for the first little while. Take some time and read the articles on this site and check out some old forum posts. Stay close to this site you've found a community of people just like you here to be support and be supported.
  14. Thank-you all for your kind words and thank you for making quittingadderall.com amazing. Keep posting! This site helps so many. I just completed my 3rd bootcamp of the summer. I am well on my way to achieving my year two goals. I really do feel better. Wobbly but better and things are starting to fall into place. looking forward to an amazing year 2.
  15. FMD= ForMyDaughter congrats on 17th days. Take a well deserved nap
  16. couldn't think of anything else. Senior: Seasoned, Ultra. I wanted to distinguish the members that put time in and are in more advanced stages of recovery..
  17. so I thought I would fiddle with some of the forum controls this weekend. I moved the lounge up and changed the ranking system Newbie 0 posts Member 20 posts Advanced Member 100 posts Senior Member 500 post what do u think?
  18. I vaguely remember that. I didn't think it was that big of a deal.. Hope he comes back. A lot of members were defending him I thought? Maybe it was a different thread I am thinking of.
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