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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. Have you killed the neighbor's dog yet? I warned my neighbor about his dog and have subsequently tried to kill him (the dog) 3 times without any luck. Seriously though, I hope things are still going well for you. Do you think that you will ever return to the workplace or are you now retired?
  2. How are you doing this week additionbysubtraction? I hope all is well.
  3. RTH, how are things going for you this week?
  4. I wanted to check in, how are you doing?
  5. Here it is, Wednesday and I didn't make my list yet. I guess that's what happens in the life of an ADHDer. I still need to mow my lawn - I am going to try to do it tonight (there I said it so now I have a goal and accountability that's what this group is about) pool closing activities - arrrrggggg clean part of the garage reward myself with hobby time How is your list going Occasional01 I tried this list thing at work but I tend to cherry pick so I never get the really really really crappy stuff checked off the list.
  6. JustinW


    Ali, what types of things are you doing to help with your symptoms? I know it's hard but exercise can help a lot; the same goes for a good diet. Do you currently have a therapist? I would suggest making some appointments to talk about coping skills. The worst part will be over before you know it, keep fighting we are all proud of you.
  7. JustinW


    I think it's great that you are posting all of this here; one day you may need the reminder of how awful adderall really is.
  8. I am coming up on 9 months clean and I did not use AA or NA to quit. I don't know if that counts as a success story or not. I consider myself recovering not recovered; don't know if I will ever change that though. Life is what you make it and I would say that I have a fairly fulfilling life but it ain't perfect. Quitting adderall actually helped put a lot of my life in perspective and I have been working at being happy with the things that are truly important. edit: look at me trying to add another month under my belt, it was poor math, honestly. I am coming up on 8 months clean
  9. JustinW


    Keep putting one foot in front of the other; you can do it!
  10. JustinW


    I am a little frustrated by the low limit of posts that we can "Like" on a daily basis. Can we get it raised a little bit? "An Error Occurred - You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day" I don't want to hoard my "Likes" just in case someone might say something really excellent later in the day.
  11. It sounds to me like you have a good strategy and have set yourself up for success, congratulations on staying clean!
  12. +1 to that Adderall = instant gratification We must reserve ourselves to the fact that things in life are going to take a lot of work from now on. Compare it to a baseball player who took steroids but is now clean and trying to stay in the MLB; it's going to be a tough road to hoe and take a lot more work to get the same results. Things will start to get better for you soon; 5 years on Adderall does a lot of damage and you are still healing.
  13. Yep, none of us know what we're doing. Part of life is growth, therefore we were never going to stay the same person over time. Being on Adderall has given us all the unique perspective, a blessing in disguise as it were, of seeing ourselves at our worst and being able to contrast that with who we are at our best. Going forward we have been given the opportunity to take those things that we now know are truly important and build ourselves into that person. It isn't an easy process and it won't be perfect but I am excited about having a chance to choose who I want to be and I am excited to see what that person looks like in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, etc. You didn't really lose 5 years; you had a 5 year education in finding out who you don't want to be. You are obviously having a down day and I'm sure it is aggravated by your job search. I hope that you have the chance to take a step back, take a deep breath, relax, and find your motiviation to continue fighting.
  14. I love this community too, we are all at different stages but we all can learn from and support each other!
  15. JustinW


    Thank you for your complete honesty in your post and welcome to the forum. You can quit, you proved that you can do it already. I think that what you should do now is write a letter to yourself including your reasons for quitting so you don't romanticize it later and start using again. When tempation arises, read your letter. Hopefully you can have a candid conversation with your doctor in order to cut off your supply.
  16. Nickaroo, Welcome to the forum, going to a crappy job when you are feeling crappy is tough. A lot of people don't like their jobs. The key is that you see your job as a means to an end. Stop relying on your work as a path to happiness. Use your work to support your separate path to happiness. If you work 40 hours per week grinding away you still end up with 128 hours to sleep and pursue the things that intrigue you. I'm not promoting that you don't look for other job oportunities; I'm just saying that you can have a crummy job and still be happy. This was a recent realization for me as I don't really enjoy my job very much, but it allows me to take my kids to school every day; meaning that I get an extra 40 minutes a day with them that I wouldn't get if I had a different job because I probably wouldn't be able to find employment as close to their school as I have now.
  17. HAM, I am right there with you man. I struggle with these feelings a lot and I am just short of 8 mos. Everything that you said is exactly what I was thinking a week ago Friday and it is a tough thing to shake. My brain knows that these statements are a lie but my body wants a fix. This is not an easy time for us because we are starting to romanticize our time with the drug and our lives are getting somewhat back to normal so we conveniently forget how things really were in our moments of weakness. Stay strong and keep fighting the good fight!
  18. Contra - because up up down down left right left right B A start would violate the rules of this thread
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