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Everything posted by JustinW

  1. Are you really sure that you want to give your friend your pills? I see the damage that I did to my relationships on Adderall and I couldn't support a friend poisoning themselves physically and mentally.
  2. Kind of like on of those "squirrel" moments from Up
  3. Stupid butterflies! But really, it was my wife yelling out the window to tell me something.
  4. OK, so I had an hour of inner conflict last Friday with regards to the desire to start taking my pills again. Yesterday afternoon I got into a depressive state that took a strong hold on me for about 5 hours. Today was going fine until my boss walked by and gave me a dirty look instead of his usual good morning and that put me back into a little bit of a funk. I'm just writing this to be honest about my feelings and show that we all have our bad days even after 7 months off. Having said that, I am picking myself up, dusting myself off, and moving on in a positive direction for the rest of the day. Or at least faking it until I make it so.
  5. Overcoming - because it's a constant process
  6. I thought that things were getting back to good but tonight I got blindsided. I was working on the pool to get things ready for winter, something that shouldn't take a bunch of focus, but I got distracted when I was replacing the filter material and I forgot to switch the valve back to filter. I didn't catch my mistake until an hour later when I noticed that the water level was low. So my question for you successful inattentive types is "what have you done to build better coping skills to help you stay on task even when you have minor distractions?"
  7. I'm glad to hear that you're taking another shot at it Lunax!
  8. Arrrrr - because it's International Pirate Day!
  9. Know that this is THE TIME! Welcome to the forum, how long were you on it? You seem confident and that is good, but don't let the drug lull you into a false sense of security. Things may be easy for you right now but they will probably get more difficult, but you could be an exception to the rule. What's your reason for quitting?
  10. Welcome to the forums. You can quit, my suggestion is to read through all of the articles here several times to help you develop a plan for quitting so you only have to do it once. It takes time but you will get back to your real self. Adderall is a nasty drug and a liar; I still find myself getting sucked into the lies but I tell myself that they are exactly that. I had a really hard time last Friday with the lies and I had about an hour where my body seriously wanted to start using again but I had to tell myself that I wouldn't find the answers to my problems in the bottom of a bottle. From my other posts you may see that I was unable to get rid of my pills until about 7 months; get rid of yours as early on in the game as possible and cut off your source so you aren't tempted to start using again. Come here as often as you need for encouragement or to vent, that's why we are all here.
  11. What a whirlwind of a day and week, it looks like I won't get much done on my list but there's always next week! There was someone running around here that you could find for help, I think his name was Notme.
  12. I'm glad that she came around! I was afraid to read the new responses to this thread because I wasn't sure how that would go. Now for the hard part. What is your quit plan?
  13. Maybe you should flush the last two to show the pills who's boss? I wouldn't have had the guts to do it but it might help. I'm glad to hear that you are focusing on your future success!
  14. Man do I suck at communication, my issue isn't that I spent some of my discretionary income, my issue is that I let other people pressure me into a direction that wasn't logical to me. So, how do I grow a spine?
  15. I'm sorry that you lost your job, but I am glad to hear that you're dealing with it so well!
  16. Congratulations on getting a new sober friend!
  17. I call Shenanigans on the whole lot
  18. It's gonna be tough buddy but it sounds like you are making steps in the right direction. Build your support structure as much as you can now because you won't have the energy to do it later.
  19. I'm faking my way through my day today, so yeah, I'm there with you.
  20. It's Monday, moody and bitter is standard operating procedure.
  21. I wish that Stan Lee would bring back "Who Wants to be a Superhero"
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