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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Dangerous thing to try out no less then trying meth or herion. I actually got hooked from trying it out because my child was in second grade and prescribed this medicine for ADHD. He was a mess on it and felt like if I'm having my child on this I should know myself the affects. Well that was a terrible idea because I fell in love with it but knew it was nothing a child should take. So I got my son off the medication went to my doctor told her I can't focus etc got my own script. Eight years later here I'am trying to find that person I was and kicking this habit with help of others on here. I think more studies should be done to help us because really no help is available. People in NA who I appreciate but they really don't understand this drug. It's almost taboo to talk about it in public because people feel if a doctor feels the need to write a script then it's a good safe medication. I've had some crazy thoughts like maybe a blood transfusion or something drastic can get my body back to normal. I'm living a healthier lifestyle more then 90% of my friends eating right exercising yet I cannot feel normal just a big cluster fuck of depression and sense doom that keeps me unmotivated just lingers everyday. Guess time cures all but hopefully my recovery time is not for everyday I took this med if so I'm screwed.
  2. Frank B


    If you've seen the movie Click you might be able to like me relate to the use of adderal and the movie. I've been going through a lot of emotions of time that has fast forwarded away. I think when your on adderal you really don't set a good timeline of memories. Everything in your mind is moving so fast anything that normally would be a big part of your life is just thrown to the side looking for the next task to accomplish. When I look back at how fast my sons have grown it hurts. I know that I've always been their but how much of that time was a rushing everything to get back to working. Now everything is the opposite I must force myself to work. I try to think back at who I was before adderal but sometimes those memories hurt so bad to realize I was a good father and hard worker before I used adderal. I choose a drug to make me work harder then I needed. I wasted years of my life over accomplishing my work goals yet underachieving being the best father I could be yet never cared while on the drug. I just hope I can find that balance again of working hard providing well for my family and being a great father. Right now I can be a great dad but things won't be so great if I can't get my shit together to provide like I need to. This is the lowest I've ever felt I know people on here say I should be proud but being proud of my sobriety won't pay my bills. I see why so many people cannot kick this drug I hope anyone reading these who are considering taking it for the first time realize your selling your soul away by taking it and the devil sure doesn't like to give it back.
  3. Why pot isn't legal everywhere by prescription if no prescription yet adderal is by prescription totally fucking insane. The world just sees what it wants nice little pills to make people "productive" but ruins their lives. No different then a cute McDonald's hamburger ad for a happy meal. You don't see a cow live a miserable life slaughtered for us who care less what the animal went through to feed us. Life's real fucked up in so many ways and on adderal never had to stop and think about it. We just take and destroy this planet along with everything in it. Man in need some pot now lol
  4. Sometimes I just get the feeling like quitting was a mistake I do need this drug to be productive I'm going to keep making my life worse off it. But then again I look at how I abused this drug took way more then I should have obviously I can't control the use even if it was beneficial. I don't think I could go back to taking it not going over my prescribed dosage not want to then start taking pain killers and then not wanting Xanax to crash after a binge. I've cut out sugar my diet is pretty strict low carbs I'm working out getting plenty of sleep but I'm still tired. I keep going on these ups and down days like things are getting a little better then goes right back down. Maybe it's because I've forgot how bad things were a couple months ago and only judging day by day. If I could look back far enough I have been going up hill but being the person I'am I judge myself on a daily basis frustrated with what I have not accomplished and upset I keep pushing off so major things I'm to scared to deal with financially. One thing I'm happy about lately is I beleive sharing some of what I'm going through has altered my sisters point of view on this drug. Happy to say my nephew was recently taken off his adderall medication he is only 16 and I think young enough the full dependency will not alter his future.
  5. I have all the problems except eating and working out. I've cut out carbs over the last couple days about a week and it was easy for me to do. I'm eating healthier working out but overall my drive and energy is still shit. It's like I'm doing everything a "healthy" person should do but I'm not seeing the gains one would expect. One thing is if I smoke pot I get really really tired im not anti-pot but I think if your on here loved adderall pot is probbably not a benficial self medication. Hope things get better for you and everyone else on here.
  6. I apologize to keep flooding post on here sure pissing people off. This has been hard but I know that everyone else is going through the same. Last week I feel I'm doing better but had some personal issues that have been hard to deal with. Only after a huge argument did I realize how much I fell back on medication to escape the problems. I'm trying to stay positive but just so many things keep beating me down and with the stress of bills piling up lack of work I feel like nothing will get better. I know money doesn't buy happiness but for me would buy some time to get better but not feel so stressed this really sucks. If I never quit drugs I'd be worse off I know but at least I wouldn't care. That's a horrible way to feel but it's the truth not wanting to do them again but feel like when will shit get better.
  7. Xanax is addictive your body becomes dependent on it. What happens is yes you chill out but once the meds wears off you get anxiety way worse until you get another pill. Understand the pharmacies that make this crap have no intention on curing a damn thing they just want you dependent on their drug for the rest of your life. If your set on doing a drug smoke some pot to chill out much better for you then xanax. Ive been on xanax myself sometimes writing this stuff helps me know why I quit it hope it helps you.
  8. I'll be honest for the amount of people on adderal why so few on here? Just seems like more people would be on here I've yet to see another site similar where you can share what your going through. I'm really glad I have this just wonder out of the millions on this drug and sure high percent wanting to quit where are they? Do they just not try? Are we the only small minority enclined to beat this chemical dependency? I know this site is easy to find on search engines hope more people find help from it.
  9. With my new low carb diet I'll try to eat more and try the oven route. So far my diet is nearly a starvation diet because I now realize that's pretty much all I ate lol.
  10. Frank B


    I would prob have better results on my PC but usually check this site on my ipad so limits my options I think.
  11. I would lay out your pills keep only what's needed to achieve your cut off date deadline. If you have extra sitting around or access to a new script your setting yourself up for failure. From failing a couple times myself quitting I know you can't go into quitting lukewarm with a safety net of pills ready for backup if you do your brain is has not set its sights on quitting because you'll be constantly thinking of those pills you have on hand. I would advise before that quit date pick up some L-Tyrosine I think it helps if you look at 5 hr energy shots it's listed in them so obviously it has been proven to boost but the pills are cheaper and have it with coffee for the caffeine. I also take Lions mame not sure if it's helping or not but was recommended on here and ever since I've taking it and L-Tyrosine I've felt better. The boot camp may be a good idea but I can tell you this u may be able to make yourself work out harder then anybody else but come home and still be lazy. Don't take that in a negative way because no matter what working out will help.
  12. Personally starting to slowly see the light I think you guys with a couple years under your belt may be sort of forgetful of how little negative comments can make one just coming off say "screw it" and go back to the drug. If you state the first year is shitty that's all newbies see and they will dismiss the postives that come with it. When I first stopped taking this drug I avoided being on here for couple weeks because of those sort of comments it was just to much to bare reading. I know your being real but keep in mind the words you use can be very powerful to people new to quitting because they are already making up reasons why not to quit to themselves. Not trying to down you are anything please don't take it personal. Anyways I gotta say I've personally felt a big jump in personal well being over the last couple weeks so if your quitting shoot for a 5-6 month timeline to start a road to recovery.
  13. I'm personally starting to grasp what they are saying I've had a big jump of progress in the last two weeks. Think of getting better like a very slow dimmer you gradually see the light but if your looking for a specific time the switch will just turn on quickly one does not exist. If I worked for someone prob would have been fired myself in the last couple months. Instead I'm a owner operator who has been doing nothing but going broke lately being lazy. But in the last couple weeks been making calls getting jobs it's hard to work a full day adderall free which before I could work 12 hrs no problem. But it's worth it I can relate to clients again and not lose them because I'm a crazy psycho on pills going 200 mph with no patience to explain what I'm doing just let me do it and get the fuck out my way. That's not the best way to satisfy a customer even if your fixing whatever problem they have.
  14. I use cold press coconut oil for styling gel substitute works really good and won't leave your hair sticky or hard like conventional hair gel.
  15. First day of low carb diet man it's hard almost like quitting drugs but feel better. I already quit sugary pop and tea awhile back felt was time for that next step. Instead of grabbing chips at home when I got a little hungry just ate some lunch meat. Weird going to Wendy's at lunch and ordering a salad feel like I'm my mom or something lol.
  16. By the time I cut down from 60 a day to 10mg that small amount just seemed to irritate me so only did it like a week just felt like it was a tease. For sure join a gym even if you can do all the same exercises at home their is something about being in a gym you can feed off that energy of others to help yourself work out harder.
  17. I have mixed emotions on that it really takes a lot of time and money to get any benefit talking years and $80 per visit avg 1-2 times a month adds up. Hypnotherapy is something I feel might be more beneficial do some research see what you think. It basically can bypass a lot of talking sessions by getting to the root of the problem. I have thought about doing it but because of costs and lack of funds right now I haven't.
  18. I've been working out but really not getting the overall results I'd like. I don't eat a ton but have a habit of grazing on chips or cheeze-it's all day. Plus I've really fell in love with pizza rolls and ranch for a quick lunch. Then dinner usually a pasta with garlic bread. I'm not obese but have a belly and getting tired of it I think as we grow older the ability to use carbs in a good way grows less. I also know it can make you tired I love the new Taco Bell sausage wraps along with Cinnabon delights which are the most awesome bakery goods I've had in a long time. But after eating that stuff the other day I had to take a nap! Buddy of mine has stuck with low carb high protein diet and is ripped he told me try the diet have one cheat day a week and won't regret it. Anyways today I passed up the high carb snacks had brats for dinner no bread instead of a pasta had cottage cheese and asparagus. It was tough watching everyone else enjoy that other stuff but I've given up much worse lately!
  19. Frank B


    Easy for you to say with your nice beach and palm tree. I have a damn boot with a black/ white background and some stupid web address embedded in the background. If I was on adderall my ticker would be amazing but then again who gives a fuck it's suffice does the job.
  20. Keep trying took my three times before I really decided to do it. I had success with the step down method personally. But the final day I burned all my bridges for access. That means I flushed all my pills in hand, shredded my scripts that covered the next couple months and told my doctor I'm a addict. If you can't do those things then your sort of quitting but not really. Your correct that you can't function it's a long process I'm slowly finally starting to see the upside but glad I did it.
  21. Frank B


    Finally took the time to make my ticker which sorry is pretty lame looking had to test it out.
  22. Consult a real "doctor" not a pill pusher if u can find one these days. I quit multiple drugs myself but treated each differently dont think by having a week off or two u can just quit resume life as normal by the time your vacation is over.
  23. It may be new supplements that I started a week ago taking L-Tyrosine and Lions Mame now thanks to referrals off here
  24. 5 months today for me and also Bluemoon also hopefully Teamwin24 ! What has changed for me over the last week is this. I really felt mentally my body has been in a prolong state of submission waiting for that next pill. No matter what I did physically to move foward my brain was still stalling like almost saying "well I'm ready to get going anytime just give me a boost pill " But I feel the past week it finally said "ok you won I'll start doing my job but again slowly without a drug boost." Just wondering if Bluemoon or Teamwin24 had similar experiences lately?
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