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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Thanks for the encouragement been a long week so far but works going good. I wish that looking forward to enjoying my down time but at home I still would rather lay around watch baseball games vs actually doing activities hopefully that will change.
  2. Busy as heck right now got a week full of big jobs and not worried about doing this without adderal things are getting better wish me luck.
  3. "So my plan in the next upcoming week is one of COMPLETE abstinence on days I don't need (every day up until my first day of work) and reducing to 20 mg on days that I do "need" until those days don't exist" Everyday you don't use adderall will be a day you will think you'll need adderall. I think the step down approach is the way to go personally but you need to do it planned out taking the same amount for a couple weeks. Your cravings will not change if you go a day or two with none then hit up one day with 20 or 60 it will be harder then going cold turkey that route. I was a full blown addict but a taper timeline with set goals worked for me. Just fyi you dont really have days you need adderall that's only the addict in you talking. It takes along time of being off the stuff to start and grasp that concept.
  4. Its sad to hear so many friends are on it also . If parents knew the hell of stopping this medication I wonder if they would still give into a doctors recommendation to begin with. Your defiantly ready to quit the drug is no longer a learning aid but a full blown addiction instead. Good luck visit this site often.
  5. Its kind of funny from time to time Ill have a dream where I take adderall. Then when I wake up Im so mad at myself it feels like I actually gave in a ruined all my months of quitting. Guess its my subconscious way to keep me strong remind myself how much id lose if I gave in. I don't have a stash or anything to tempt me but sometimes out of nowhere the opportunity to gain access to adderall can present itself and I must stay strong.
  6. Duffman congrats that's a big achievement!
  7. Just as a side note people might wonder how off adderal can I still do what I did. The answer to that is simple. During my adderal days I pushed off work that made good money that I found non challenging. I focused on restoring complex machines that made me literally no money. Now I'm back to doing what I did before but not for a challenge but for money and it's pretty damn easy vs the crap I got into on adderal for a challenge.
  8. Just as a side note people might wonder how off adderal can I still do what I did. The answer to that is simple. During my adderal days I pushed off work that made good money that I found non challenging. I focused on restoring complex machines that made me literally no money. Now I'm back to doing what I did before but not for a challenge but for money and it's pretty damn easy vs the crap I got into on adderal for a challenge.
  9. Just as a side note people might wonder how off adderal can I still do what I did. The answer to that is simple. During my adderal days I pushed off work that made good money that I found non challenging. I focused on restoring complex machines that made me literally no money. Now I'm back to doing what I did before but not for a challenge but for money and it's pretty damn easy vs the crap I got into on adderal for a challenge.
  10. Glad to hear that the anxiety thing hit me hard last couple weeks. Got on a medication then it amplified that by 100. Now off it feeling better. What I've learned lately is sort of how I was on adderal. Sort of be cocky have the "I'm better than you " attitude. Not to the point where I'm being a dick but getting confidence I can make money and can do it fast I'm really good at my job. If you know you can have successes you will.
  11. I feel so much better tonight, I guess the antianxiety medication route works. It works because it makes you feel so freaking horrible that you want nothing more then that feeling to stop. So I guess if your having bad anxiety get on a medication that amplifies that anxiety x100 then get off that medication and you feel better? How this crap is given out beyond me it's really scary when you know they use this stuff for ptsd and you see so many soldiers taking their lives I'd point right back to these drugs I've done Prozac and now Zoloft both gave me the worst feelings in my life like a bad acid trip or something. Hopefully now I can get my shit right.
  12. Your doing good and being honest with yourself. If I come off sounding like a idiot or judgmental my brains been fried from this drug so bare with me lol. It kind of sounds like you still have a safety net below you to fall back on if your cravings really get strong. From my expiernce in getting 6 months free finally I learned to be succefull you have to say fuck that safety net. If you can easily get the drug why is that? You gotta man up tell the doctor feel good "hey I'm a addict I take this drug to get high it's destroying my life and I do not want any more prescriptions written." Until I did this myself I knew that I could easily get my hands on this medication. Sure I guess if I really really wanted to start all over with a new doctor tell him the bs to hopefully get back on it I could. But that's not easy and it would take a lot of giving up on my new found sobriety to go that route. This drug is worse than cocaine and a lot cheaper it's hard to quit but if I can anyone can beleive me. Stay strong look at your daughter for inspiration she will make you overcome this.
  13. If you get a summer break from teaching this would be the ideal time to stop. It's all about grinding through the day and forgetting what it was like on it. This takes time but you owe it to yourself and students. You really can't criticize a student for not giving it his all if you use a crutch yourself to do everything at a higher level.
  14. Yes they say a couple weeks. But the side affects were so bad I could not go on. Lack of sleep even less appetite then before. I could not eat anything a feeling of paranoia which far worse then anxiety. Feeling suicidal just really horrible. My doctor said try to stick it out but I could tell it was not for me. On the bright side not feeling that horrible has made me feel better now that I stopped taking it.
  15. Well couple days on a full dose of Zoloft feel about the same as Prozac. It's defiantly making me feel worse thought it was worth a try back to the drawling board maybe more soul searching is the answer.
  16. I tapered off myself I don't recall how I forced myself to take a certain amount other then I really wanted to stop. The safe you have is a good idea but you really need to set a schedule for your stop date. I did 3 month step down and I was on 60mg a day give or take. Sometimes I'd be on 100mg because I had access to someone else's script. But regardless how much your on its hard but you can do it. Just have that quit date set on your calendar that's the day you will throw out your meds burn a bridge with your doctor who gives your scripts and literally burn any unused written scripts you have. That's the day it's all over and you'll never go back to that shit the rest of your life.
  17. Well it sucks but you know at this point like I did your either going to stop or continue to use and destroy yourself. I want to say 5 months things will start to get better from the adderal the Xanax maybe a couple weeks and you won't need it for sleep. I used it as a sleep aid or should say crash aid after being up on adderal for two days straight. It's weird such a roller coaster of emotions quitting everything. The thing about adderal is you physically get over the withdraws in a short time but mentally it screws you up bad. What I personally feel is the further away you go from your stop date you slowly forget how you needed it to do everything. I finally started to work a full day without total drag ass couple weeks ago . I almost hate coming home because it triggers back to the days I sat and did nothing for weeks. Yeah you won't be worth a shit for awhile but you gotta tell people u must do this or may end up dying from a heart attack. I advice attended NA meetings espically the first couple weeks hit them up hard they are free.
  18. If you check on my posts you'll see we are somewhat similar. I was on adderal for years heavy dose plus pain killers and also took Xanax . It will be very hard we will be here for support.
  19. I never really had bad anxiety in my past feel this is possibly a chemical imbalance from the years of adderal abuse. Tried to battle this without any medication for months but felt for my well being I had to seek some help. It was the last thing I wanted to do believe me. It's now been a couple days on a new medication feel like it's starting to help. I was not looking for a adderal replacement and don't feel everyone who quits should seek out a antidepressant. It's just something I personally had to try. Church or any spiritual route is a good place to start to get your mind right I do it myself.
  20. Wonder why when some people get depressed they over eat while others like myself have no appetite. Feels like I'm still on adderal sucks hopefully things turn around for me I know things gotta get better.
  21. I think you're doing the correct thing he is doing 100 different things at once in his mind relaxing enjoying life will not be one of them. He knows deep down their is a issue but right now he may not care to deal with it. It might be best to sum up your feelings in a hand written letter point out all the signs you can find that suggest the medication is doing more harm then good. Avoiding the head on argument is key why I suggest a letter. If he does not respond and blows it off maybe then its time to show your serious. No one deserves to be in a relationship with someone who has lost their soul and that is what this drug does. It wont get any better until he stops even then it wont be pretty for months after (going through that hell now myself) he decides to quit but really no option to save him from himself.
  22. Thanks for the encouragement. I used to listen to Ramsey and thought he was great guy helping people out. But for him to steer people in the wrong direction for a poor purchase it just made me despise him. The place sells very high mile luxury crap cars one of those we finance everyone deals then the car breaks down after a month and your screwed. How anyone who presents themselves as a real mentor to people in debt could do that beyond me.
  23. I have no respect for Dave Ramsey he locally solicits a very shady and corrupt car lot buisness. I know he is not local and probbably has no clue but then again he obviously doesn't care and will push anything for a buck so his advice can be little more then hidden solicitations for his own gain. I don't miss the adderall euphoria I've always been depressed since a kid now it's just amplified. I know people push staying off all meds on here but I need help I can't just let everything crumble because my anxiety has taken over. I'm starting a small dose of Zoloft to help me through these times if that makes me a quitter so be it rather try something then accomplish nothing while doing everything else your supposed to do diet exsersize etc. I'm so depressed my ability to make simple decisisions right now is near gone that's not me I can't keep on like this. I appreciate your advice and wish I could keep on the higher road of being totally free of prescriptions but I can't at this point.
  24. My damn gym locker got broke into tonight got my cash and credit cards just what I needed today. Police think they have him a gym member idiot used my debit card at two stores right next to my gym.
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