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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. "He's at 3 pills a day, 60 mg each but often takes more than 3. " He is actually prescribed 180mg a day! Holy shit balls his damn doctor should lose his license to practice medicine! Well I'm not sure of his age but will tell you if he is on that much he will have a short life his heart will fail at some point on that kind of daily dosage.
  2. I can relate to you once in awhile I look foward to a big meal but my appetite never has came back to what it was before adderal. I think some of it is depression when I get depressed I do not want to eat many people do the opposite. My weight is decent trying to lose my small belly by working out but it's a slow process and I still like munching on carbs if I quit that might help but then I don't eat much at all. I tried that low carb diet once off addy and instead of not eating carbs I just kept skipping meals seemed easier but that was not healthy either.
  3. Btw ikea is totally OCD the displays and all it's very odd. They put one in KC not too long ago I spent a few hours myself even after stopping addy. Took me two days putting a damn bed frame together had drawers etc and I consider myself pretty handy but I will never by furniture from them again the semi low cost does not warrant it coming in a million pieces!
  4. Update this week was pretty decent would like to be doing more but overall can accept where my progress is. I gave into having a cup of coffee in the morning the other day it really kicked me into gear on a day I was dragging ass. I think if I limit caffine to the minimum mornings only it is way more beneficial then loading up all day. Although I had a cup again today in the morning had bad anxiety. I told myself will only drink regular old coffee to get caffeine not waste money on overpriced rip off energy shots or drinks. I'm glad I did stop caffeine for a few weeks now actually feel the benefits when I really need it. Side note had a temptation for a easy score of oxy today and I didn't even break a sweat. I mean that literally in the past if I came across them by chance I actually sweated thinking about them right in front of me. Now the only thing that comes to mind sure I can take one feel great for a couple hours then have a consuming guilt of ruining 9 months without giving in. I also consider the consequences of getting caught taking one that's not mine while I was addicted that never made me not do it in fact made it more of a thrill but now I see the big picture a little buzz is not worth risking what I do have.
  5. http://countercurrentnews.com/2015/11/big-pharmas-adderall-is-basically/ Saw this today think it's nothing suprising to any of us on here. Liltex thanks for the boost I just feel like a lazy turd half the time I hate that want to get things going get a better future for my business kids etc this sucks just wish I could stop being such a drag ass all day and looking forward to sitting around doing nothing I should be doing more!
  6. Everyday I work is a trigger lol. Sucks I used to love busting my ass working non stop why this has been so hard. I did cocaine a few times when I was younger and hitting a bar was a trigger so is completely different. I was a very conservative addict if that makes sense on addy and even pain pills rarely ran out until the last few months then shit got out of control knew it was time to get my life together 9 months clean and I don't feel my life is together sure I'm more level headed but my work ambition is pathetic I hate this drug really fucked me up.
  7. "Look, I'm not on here to analyze each other and get analyzed. I'm on here to let all of the crap that was going on inside of my head out. I can't do that with my day to day peeps. Sometimes people just need to hear - "I hear you, I've been there and I'm still alive. You will get through this" that's it. Simple." I think u need a puppy to talk to if you seek blind comfort and support. This is a support group to help people actually overcome this horrible addiction we do not all just give blind praises to one another when it's not warranted. I have been there and your outlook on short cuts, quick recovery and so far shared no long term plan to cut ties off to a new prescription just does not work. Nothing about quitting this is "simple" the sooner you accept that fact the better chances you will have of not relapsing.
  8. Be careful on some of those pre work out drinks some have up to 200 mg of caffeine! Before I stopped caffine I used them a few times and my heart rate skyrocketed during workouts and after the workout a visit to the bathroom stall wasn't pretty. I don't think my body appreciated me taking it my ass was on fire. Try taking vitamin B-12 and L-Theanine before a workout that's what I use and once I get going I think they help make it a better workout.
  9. Yeah went to bed pretty early last night so it did catch up lol. Not sure the answer guess I just hate mornings.
  10. So woke up like around 4am rolled around until my alarm went off around 6:30 am then really was not tired today? Not sure what that means could it be possible Ive been sleeping too much so when I try to get up its like sleeping in on the weekend you just don't want to? Anyone has advice opinions let me know. Thanks.
  11. Maisy14 yes I can be a dick at times and I should consider my words more wisely wasn't trying to offend you but I had a ex who was bipolar and your writings kind of reminded me of her. Hell Im probably a bit bipolar myself this drug tends to do that to us and when I was using my emotions were a total roller coaster ride. Just didn't know if you maybe had that condition or if it was coming off the adderal again talking. Just FYI to quit adderal successfully u must cut of all options to easily get a new script call the pharmacy tell them your a addict no longer want them filled call your doctor tell him you want to quit and your abusing your meds. Until you do that saying your gonna quit is just all talk I tried myself quitting a few times not taking those drastic steps and failed each time.
  12. I feel a lot better but can't figure out why I'm like still tired all morning until like 3-4pm then perfectly fine ? I'm getting to bed avg time just not sure why still struggle in the day maybe I should work a job on the night shift!
  13. He is lucky to have such a supporting spouse! Sounds he is doing great keep it up.
  14. Do you have a bipolar disorder by chance? Your all over the place hope you find some peace.
  15. PS Ever see those "anxiety jackets" for dogs? A tight little coat that's supposed to help anxiety prone dogs through car rides and things. I always wanted one for humans! Yes I have kind of kicking myself for not getting one for my dog last forth of July he may not have ran away.
  16. Just saw this on Fb may help somone on here having problems sleeping from withdraw anxiety. http://unisoultheory.com/index.php/2016/09/13/weighted-blankets-anxiety/
  17. I'm not sure how much I can credit no caffeine but it may have played a role. Your body builds up a tolerance to caffeine so in order to feel normal you must dink it often or you start to crash. I'm sure if I had a cup of coffee today Id be feeling a big caffeine kick but then I do it again tomorrow a little less. If I continued everyday for a week I would need a cup just to get back to how I feel now with none at all. Its just like any stimulant your body builds tolerance then you need more and more to feel normal. I wish that I tried this experiment earlier in my recovery. Hope things get better for you we all recover at a different speed but seems like my progress has always been a little quicker then yours but you always seem to catch up so hang in there!
  18. Had a good weekend sort of relaxed today but over all feel like things are turning for the better. Yesterday took kids to the pool played basketball with my older son "he beat me by one grr lol jk" went to a small sort of weekend old town ate dinner went shopping enjoyed the day did not feel tired and had a good time. Looking forward to a hopefully productive week.
  19. "I don't think he'll ever see what the drug is doing and maybe another girl won't even notice" Maybe not but that's really not your problem. It sounds like him on this medication thinks it's not a problem and will use the "ADHD" excuse. Here is a secret anyone who wants to be diagnosed ADHD can its not hard a simple list of questions answered the right way then your approved for amphetamines. In his mind the pills are justified and helping him which probably is true but it will all crash down sooner or later may be in a month or four years down the line question is you willing to put up with it that long. Thanks for the kind words I come of blunt sometimes not trying to be rude glad you see my good intentions.
  20. Fucking therapist doesn't help you or the relationship. Maybe she or he does not know what adderall does at any dosage. You can't go around counting pills hoping he takes his meds only like the good doctor says. It doesn't matter maybe rethink if you want to be in a relationship with someone who must take amphetamines every day to function. Unless he decides to quit on his own he won't nothing you say or do will change that. With the type of job he has doubt he has any ambition to get off them. If your not married and have no kids why put up with it you deserve better.
  21. I watched the second season of narcos last weekend it was awesome. Looks like they will be having a third season coming obviously not focused on Escobar but glad they did not end it.
  22. Had a really good workout today had that sort pain u get near your rib cage, I love that feeling. Then came home cleaned the garage I'm worn out in a good way.
  23. It makes perfect sense your self motivation is crashing waiting for that next pill to get you going again . That's why exercise is key it helps build those chemicals naturally back into your brain but your first couple weeks just rest your body needs it don't push yourself too hard if you build up motivation to take a jog do it if not then watch some Netflix and on the couch.
  24. Supplents section has a lot of list of what helps people you really must find one that works for you. I find sometimes they help but after a couple days seem not to do much but still take them and a good multivitamin I never skip. Exercise is key I try to go to the gym every other day I found working out at home just does not cut it having the social interaction even if your headphones are on makes working out so much better you can sort of feed off energy of others. Diet I try to watch the carbs but nothing crazy but best of you can cut them out. I stopped drinking soda and recently stopped caffeine all together might go back to caffeine sort of giving it a month off see if it's best to avoid or not.
  25. Thats awesome your hard workout ethic will help you tremendously in your recovery. Since you've only been on it for a year hopefully this won't take the same amount of time it does most of us with several years of abuse. It's not going to be easy but sounds like your a jump ahead with the workouts keep it up.
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