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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. Ive been reading a self help book that has been a good inspiration to get out of my "funk". One section focuses on the destructive nature of the "Shoulds" Quote:"Thinking with the shoulds is one of the most potent ways that human beings inadvertently turn up the volume of misery. This is a very common thought pattern, unfortunately, really never helps change the situation or to motivate people. Rather, it becomes a source of harsh self-criticism and greatly intensifies feelings of helplessness." I found this section very in line with my thoughts and trying to change that way of thinking for myself. I should be more motivated off adderall what is wrong with me? vs I don't want to feel unmotivated coming off this powerful drug what can I do now to start changing things? Anyways the book is called 'Managing Your Moods' by John D. Preston I picked a copy up at my local library. It's a good book if your like me and beat yourself down all the time but want to change.
  2. I'm not where I want to be even yet but at a place I'd rather be. Looking back on adderall towards the end I was in awe of anything anybody did without addrerall. I felt like a pre-school child who got up and went to school all day without adderall was in fact was a stronger self willed individual than myself. I was looking at the world like Im a cheat a fraud all that I'm doing is fake and in a way it was. I looked back at my pre-adderall self like then I was superhuman forget all the glorious all night binges where I thought in my mind were mandatory. It was all fake and was tired of living this artificial life style. That is what really made me quit plus it wasnt doing much but making me a strung out junkie last couple years somehow functioning but my careless ways are costing me now money blown on stupid things never off adderall would I be so wreck less with my money. I wish you luck and cold turkey or step down can work just do it however you can.
  3. I drank heavily at times on adderall (Total 9 Years on them) plus was taking opioids and Xanax last two years. I had blood work done after I quit and thankfully everything came out OK. Definitely try to quit now the longer your on this stuff harder it is to quit. Best step is start attending NA or AA meetings if you've been down the road to addiction you probably already know the benefits. Although this is prescribed by a doctor its still a bitch to quit your basically taking low dosses of meth everyday to function and actually 60mg is pretty high for a woman of avg size so beware. I personally never had success quitting this cold turkey but I did opioids if that tells you anything. I know many people on here have stopped cold turkey with success so Im not knocking that route either. But if you keep trying cold turkey and coming up short a real step down plan shared with your doctor is a great way too go. If your current doctor disagrees find a new one obviously he has other motives to keep you hooked. Good luck!
  4. I've had a panic attack from taking Xanax. I was using it every time I wanted to crash from adderall then one day out of the blue I had to pull over felt like I could hardly breath then went into a office max nearly flipped out it was crazy just everything seemed wrong and I had shortness of breath. It wasn't until later I learned taking Xanax on a regular basis actually changes your brain chemistry even if you never had panic attracts taking that shit makes you develope those feelings then u must take more Xanax to feel normal. It's almost like the drug companies create a disease to keep you hooked. But anyways never had a seizure I don't think the two are realated.
  5. Frank, do you make a lot more money running your own business than you would make working for someone else? I know it's a lot of work but having your own business is usually much more rewarding than working for someone else. And you don't have someone telling you what to do all the time. Bluemoon I honestly dont know at this point its been since 2003 since I worked for another company in my field. My biggest concern is giving up before I really feel back to who I was before adderall I could sell myself short. I appreciate the feedback obviously I'm searching for answers. Everyday is getting a little better maybe I'll know whats right in a month or two.
  6. Saw this video the other day thought I'd share.
  7. Today I learned my power ball numbers hit the jackpot! Now I can relax about money recover at my own pace and enjoy life again! Jk wish it was true still in debt and overwhelmed but still alive. Not sure if doing my own business is something I should continue. I'm doing everything from answering the phone , calling customers for appointments, doing service calls , sales, installs, keeping up on changes in my field , doing advertising campaigns, keeping track of the accounting it's a lot to do by myself especially off adderall. It's no wonder i sought this drug out long ago and it it worked for years but then the last year or two it sure wasn't.
  8. Bluemoon glad your doing better! Living up north has to be hard with little daylight I couldn't do it even here in the Midwest during the winter I sometimes go to the tanning bed just for the light not a tan and it helps but don't want skin cancer so do it on rare occasions. I hope you can figure out what's best for your future I'm sure having a clear head now you'll make the right choice.
  9. I reduced dosage myself and yes that's normal once I hit a low low dose it was just making things worse so I stopped. Congrats on tossing them big step your next step if applies shredding any scripts you have any and coming clean with your doctor that your done. Maybe you already have but first couple times I tried to quit I did not do those steps and it resulted in giving in.
  10. Hell yes unethical like he was trying to kill u or something just crazy! Why no laws on maximum dosage? What's wrong with America weed is illegal but amphetamines at any dose is legal long as a doctor says it's ok.
  11. My only thought is if that amount was actually illegal why did the pharmacy fill your prescription? They would be held liable as well I would think. Also the insurance company should have seen a red flag also unless you paid all out of pocket.
  12. No problem sorry your having troubles with your heart little doubt it was from that extreme high dose lucky you never had a heart attack while on it.
  13. The maximum recommended daily dose of Adderall is 40 mg for ADHD and 60 mg for narcolepsy, according to the Physicians Desk Reference 2011. I was at 60mg highest my psychiatrist said he would ever go but I know alot of people on here given higher but 160mg a day script is definitely the most I recall hearing about.
  14. So how is weight gain, no energy and feeling like a zombie better then having motivation and energy to do things you enjoy? Here is my story on a SSRI. The worst anxiety ever experienced in my life was on Prozac and Zoloft (Not at the same time) swore I was going insane. I guess it worked because once I stopped taking them I knew what real anxiety was and really relieved I did not feel like that. Maybe it works for some people I guess obviously prescribed to millions but I see so many suicides these days and media if covered usually not says "They were suffering from depression." What the leave out is "They were suffering from depression and recently started a SSRI or tried to quit a SSRI." A mom last week at my sons school last week planned her suicide for weeks had two boys one in 7th grade one in 5th grade. She set money aside for them and even sent a text that day saying she loved them and she was sorry. It makes no sense she was not terminally ill or anything like that and this happens everyday around where I live either that or murder suicide from people with no prior criminal history. Something is very wrong and no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room. The media sure wont they are either in it with the drug companies for sponsorship or to scared to get sued by them if they actually did a story that links these suicides to SSRI medication. Go read how SSRI medications came about and how they got passed by the FDA its total bs people looking the other way for handouts under the table.
  15. I would look to join a NA group which should help you out a lot. Sounds like you don't really use everyday but more or less go on binges every couple days which is very in line with most people in NA groups. I tried quitting at 3 separate times before I got where I'm at now which still is not a safe place to say "I beat this drug" I don't think you can ever really have that outlook the minute you don't tell yourself your powerless over this drug is when you become the weakest. Wish you the best let us know how your doing.
  16. I would stay far away from any SSRI depression medications if your looking to go the prescription route to help cure depression/anxiety. Do your research don't blindly trust a doctor.
  17. I understand its not easy with kids to just easily cut off a bad relationship. Sounds like she needs rehab in a bad way maybe give her the option going to a rehab facility or signing the divorce papers. Ive been in her shoes abusing both adderall and pain pills her mind is all over the freaking place so of course she cant get studying done and its much easier to blame someone else vs admit the addiction is causing the problems. I personally walked into a rehab clinic myself no one suggested it but at times I wish someone did because I figured if no one thinks I have real problems I must be OK. Just fyi on those pills Im a guy never cared for sex so could only imagine a woman its probably like twice as bad since they hardly do anyways lol. So don't take that personally but it wont ever change either unless she gets some help.
  18. Frank B


    Been feeling a lot better last two days energy spike big time! Why , not sure I'll take it been working out harder so maybe it's paying off. Did anyone else have problems with being unable to make decisions coming off this stuff? It's really hard for me to do my job at times when I try to sell something but so unsure of myself it's really hard to guide potential buyers in the right direction. What is something you can do to overcome this if it is not just me?
  19. Thanks for sharing keep on going its a long battle visit this site often it helps.
  20. Frank B


    I wonder if taking ecstasy it would help balance things out? Ha jk I did it once along time ago before I did adderall it was really awesome but the crash after was horrible kinda how I feel now all the time. I think the effects we suffer are pretty similar to those who abused ecstasy.
  21. Frank B


    I like your interpretation I just need to figure out how to upgrade my Focus to maybe a Mustang lol. I do not have false hopes of ever working hard as I did while on adderall just like to get back to where I was before. It's like I forgot exactly what that was maybe hypnotherapy would help.
  22. Ill tell u what made me really take a hard look at my addiction. I was staying up all night also a lot and one day with my then 3 yr old son I nearly passed out at Kmart then again driving home had to pull over call someone to take me home then passed out slept for 12 hrs straight. You might feel like your being a more alert mother on it but the reality is sleeping very little your putting your children at risk and your altreness is not what you think it is. I think you can stop and your motherly instinct will take over even if your dead tired from stopping you will hear your child crying at night. It's not easy not gonna lie 10 months out and still question if this is the best thing long term but I know that answer deep down and glad I can find help from others on this site.
  23. Frank B


    . Been off now 10 months was on around 9 yrs 60 mg a day towards the final two years was getting up to 120 mg a day plus picked up a nasty daily pain pill habit. I exercise every other day but normally when I work it's pretty physical not sitting at a desk or anything. Maybe I should run everyday or something maybe that would help. I was on Wellbutrin but stopped it was not doing much for me except suppressing my appetite and I dont care for that. Anyways for instance today i was pretty good working until about 3pm now drained but I can't keep ending my days at freaking 3pm I have a lot of responsibilities to take care of it makes me frustrated still feeling like this i hate being lazy.
  24. Frank B


    Just drag ass most of the day and lack of motivation it's really frustrating. It's like no matter how much sleep I get I'm still tired my 92 yr old grandfather has more get up and go then myself.
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