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Frank B

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Everything posted by Frank B

  1. I had one $81 per hour sorry I'm going broke can't afford that right now.
  2. I never had that too bad but many do its normal and healthy. Back in the 1950's stuff similar called "Bennie's" were pushed as a over the counter diet pill every good housewife and over the road trucker used them.
  3. This is why I wish specialty programs for adderal abuse were as common as AA. People say NA is the answer but once u go to those you realize its a different process. I'm not knocking the NA program but our sense to use is different. Now almost 6 months out the urge is getting very distant I realize the damage vs production the drug causes. But a new wave of depression and anxiety has personally flooded my ability to cope with the problems in large part caused by my carelessness financial behavior over the last years while on this medication. I hope you find the courage to stop again you know its a battle the only thing keeping me from a relapse in the few months past my quit date was cutting all ties to gain a prescription easily.
  4. Well almost made a week without posting on here but really need to share things with someone who understands where Im coming from. Ive been very open minded about everything suggested on here from exercise, dieting and a drawer full of supplement which none seem to help. I dont mean to say the exercise and diets or not worth doing I will continue that. The mound of supplements to me are no more or less effective then a placebo pill but if one works for you nothing wrong with that. For the last week or more the weight of everything is overwhelming. I like to work but just not in my office I hate seeing the debt wondering how I can do this where my kids are going to school etc. I just freeze up my chest tightens I feel so so sad and hopeless and lay my head in front of my computer. I have no urge to use adderal but I feel the inability to reduce my anxiety is too much to bare on my own. My goal was not to seek out any medication for the anxiety and depression but with no luck in a herbal remedy and good old exercise and diet not enough I must seek help its not fair to myself or children. I barely want to eat everyday I wake up just with a sense of dread. I look forward to very little my children are the only things that make me even want to be alive. Sorry this is another depressing post I want to be happy I want to feel pride in quitting two major narcotics but I just cant. I don't know what my doctor will suggest but know Prozac wont be a option I will consider. Ive been on Wellbutin before but don't think that will help with the anxiety plus it makes my appetite less. I don't know if anyone has the same symptoms and found something that helps if so let me know. I understand no pill will make me wake up and view life like say Spongebob but I just need a little help.
  5. The further I go away from my quit date the less I recall my daily lifestyle on it. My need to get a half pill here or their just to do the simplest task. I guess the real key to quitting is making your mind and body forget all about that time and the sooner you do the easier it will be. Possibly the best thing for me at this point is jump off here a while. It seems I'm one of the few blabbering almost everyday anyways. Starting to feel progress works actually picking up so I will check in next week.
  6. Well no more magical supplement suggestions to try I gather? lol
  7. To his defense I'm sure he probbably was very productive for along time on it but sooner or later it just stops being productive and really you feel helpless. It's very scary stopping I'm bsttling it everyday 5 months plus into it why I'm on here so often.
  8. Yeah 60mg a day is no joke will be a battle. I wish someone was in my life pushing me to quit instead had someone enabling me to get more than dosage plus pain pills on top of that. It was very hard but told myself enough. After I stopped she quit too because I said no way can I have it around. You should give him a choice you or the drug in my opinion.
  9. If he is only taking 20mg a day give or take he might be able to quit relatively easy. I only say that because I was on 60mg a day for several years can't speak for those who quit on that amount. But if he steps up the dosage harder will be to stop. You should encourage him to stop now if possible sounds like it's already causing chaos on a relatively low dosage for a adult male.
  10. I always deep down knew but didn't really care now being off it forces me to reflect on the negative times on adderal. Over the last year or so on it I lost a few clients because they would just not listen to my advice. Looking back I knew that if I had more patience and not been so angry I could have probbably resolved the situation without loosing a customer. When I was on this stuff the ability to step out and look at another persons perspective was gone. I'd get stuck in the technical aspects of my work not considering even though I'm right the people I'm talking to have no clue what I'm saying. Pretty much if they just did not say without question go ahead I got angry. Also sometimes I would do a lot of work that was needed but I fully did not explain before hand what I was doing or the costs. Some clients thought I was ripping them off although everything I did was needed. I moved so fast I hated to stop and explain every little problem I found. Now my outlook is changed before I was doing more work but making less money because I just loved to fix every little problem. Now my focus is fixing the problem yet making much needed money for my family I sure won't fix 20 different things and hope the client understands and are willing to pay. They say work smarter not harder on adderal you just want to work hard but not very smart lol.
  11. I think she is being honest for everyone of us who should have never been on this stuff a handful it really does help. The people who actually need this medication can quit and most often don't really like being on it that much. For those people being on this makes them feel normal slowed down can focus. Those of us who should not be on it makes us feel buzzed and overly focused. My sons mom was on it and pretty much the same as your friend.
  12. I doubt that not trying to judge your spouse but majority of us take way more then are prescription is written for. Does he ever run out of his meds early or claim he lost pills as a reason he ran out? Every batch is bad this is legalized amphetamines, just add a the word "meth" in front of that to give you a clear picture what your dealing with. It's a step down from the meth family but still dangerous and very very addictive stuff.
  13. The anxiety and depression just sucks it's easy to diet because I barely want to eat anything. Really don't know what to do I hear 6 months things start to turn around almost to that mark. Just not sure if it's just depression or withdraw.
  14. I'm in the same boat time wise and personally. I'm still with my sons mom which we've had so many issues but for some reason I let her stick around. Obviously can't give you advice but think like me only time will tell.
  15. 1. Yes always 2. Most often 3. Yes I was a impatient jerk. 4. No one really mattered except my own thoughts. I'm still battling being a better listener something you almost have to relearn.
  16. So how long do u need to take this to feel results so far can't say it's made much difference.
  17. Got a bottle from a local hippie store it's 1000 mg. I don't really have back pain but I'm hoping it will lift my mood some. I'm really getting desperate with the bad depression no supplement so far is changing me. I hate to go back to the doctors and get on more unsafe mind altering medication but won't have much choice if something doesn't help. I know this withdraw is a long ordeal but I've always had depression adderall did help that for years. Now the depression is overwhelming causing me to not do things I should. Please God let this work I can't stand being unhappy every single day.
  18. With all the changing seasons of my life Maybe I'll get it right next time And now that you've been broken down Got your head out of the clouds You're back down on the ground And you don't talk so loud And you don't walk so proud Any more, and what for Well I jumped into the river Too many times to make it home I'm out here on my own, and drifting all alone If it doesn't show give it time To read between the lines 'Cause I see the storm is getting closer And the waves they get so high Seems everything we've ever known's here Why must it drift away and die I'll never find anyone to replace you Guess I'll have to make it through, this time, oh this time Without you I knew the storm was getting closer And all my friends said I was high But everything we've ever known's here I never wanted it to die GNR estranged
  19. Why if the DL-phenylalanine is working so well are you going to try D-phenylalanine ? You going to stop taking the DL version?
  20. Got to tell your fiancé if he is meant to be he will support you but if he has no clue be prepared for the worse. How would he not notice with the nights without sleep in the past is my only question. I'd say after the amount of time close to myself you know deep down its time to quit. It's a fucking battle to stop but what the alternative at this point. Hope you feel welcomed here to post any crazy stuff I feel like not enough people let it all go on here.
  21. You seriously don't own stock in this supplement? Make it sound fantastic guess it's worth a shot l-tyrosine seemed to work for me but then kinda felt nothing after a week of taking it.
  22. I think if I tried a 50 mile run while on adderall my heart would have exploded! Great inspiration keep up the good work.
  23. It really doesn't even help adderall in the morning is like a shotgun a cup of coffee is BB gun you simply won't feel it. I drink it because I like the smell in the morning I use real creamer no sugar. But it doesn't make me feel "awake".
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