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Posts posted by Doge

  1. you were a mellow person between binges right? but then once you quit for good the anxiety feels like its slowing boiling over time?

    the binges were like blowing steam and reseting your pressure gauge and starting over every couple weeks or so.


    over time you will learn to cope normally.


    also growing up may be a factor as well.  none of us are as mellow as we used to be when we were in high school and nothing seemed to really matter all that much.  college is stressful.


    quit worrying so much!  you are doing great and you will feel even better in a few months time.

    you're in college right now this is the best time of your life be glad you're not fucked up on pills any more.  life is going to be awesome trust me

    • Like 2
  2. Most of us quit cold turkey.  So I have no advice here.


    But by the time you get down to 2.5mg you're probably very close to what it will feel like completely sober.


    So yes, we all felt like crap of course, brain fog, fatigue, depression.  It's all standard.  We ALL go through that.

    • Like 2
  3. So awesome to hear.  I'm glad you're feeling positive.  This post 100% mirrors how I felt and still feel.  I absolutely hear you about the junk food.  It was like.

    Step 1: Not eat for 16 hours

    Step 2: Come down

    Step 3: Binge on pizza/perogies/potstickers/anything i could just throw in the oven.  Just crap.


    Living by the beach might make our struggling days easier to cope with..


    Haha... amen!!  Someone take me to Hawaii please!


    Anyways, I'm glad you're feeling better.  There will be ups and downs still for the next few months while you recalibrate still.  But they eventually calm down and stabilize.  In fact since you are so young you probabily will feel better even sooner.  It's so awesome that you quit early.

    • Like 1
  5. FKADDERALL:  hey take it easy.  you are correct about many things but remember how painful it is to be in the clutches of those demons.




    I knew as I drove to fill my script it was the worst idea but of course I did it anyway.


    I remember feeling this way in my last half a dozen or so relapses after going between 2-8 weeks without adderall.  There was a certain path I would walk to my dealers house and it became part of my ritual.  On my way there I was torn between giddy elation (being excited to get more pills) and black despair (wondering why I was doing this to myself even though I knew it was self-destruction of myself).


    I don't know how to explain it but it was like I was watching myself from 3rd person, thinking "This is a stupid idea.  This is a stupid idea.  Why are you doing this.  This is a stupid idea.  Don't do it.  Just go home."  But I just kept on walking as if I had no control over my actions.  Of course I did actually have control, I was just acting on impulse rather than reason.


    It was probably through this insight that I finally accepted the fact that I was full-blown addicted and that I would never quit through sheer willpower alone.  I had to admit to others I was addicted and ask for their help.  Fortunately my dealer cut me off and ever since has refused to sell me any (even when I begged him).


    Addiction is terrifying.  Forgiving yourself is the first step and reaching out for help is the second.  Don't ever let your pride stop you from reaching out for help.

    • Like 2

    My heart stopped many times and doubled up to recover.. I just lay there thinking calmly to myself that I did this to myself and if I die tonight it's no one's fault but mine...


    I remember this feeling so well.  I'd go from being clean for a month or so, and having my body adapted to no adderall, and then I would suddenly go on a 300mg binge.  I remember that scary feeling at the end of the "night" when your heart is beating so hard and irregularly you think you are going to die.


    You will be amazed at how much your body can heal if you quit.  It will be hard but what you are doing now is no way to live, and it's obvious that you've already decided that.


    Don't be so hard on yourself.  There's a reason people get addicted to this stuff.  It is vicious.

    • Like 2
  7. I agree.  5 days is not enough time to step down properly.


    I say invest in a shopping buggy full of comfort food and snacks, and threw a new set of sheets on your bed.  Then quit cold turkey and lose yourself in some TV shows for a couple of days. 


    Home detox.


    But on another note, congratulations on your decision to quit.  It takes a lot of courage to reach out to a rehab clinic.  I bet you will learn a lot while there and have plenty of wisdom to share.  Hope we see you around lots in the future!

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