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Everything posted by Krax

  1. I totally agree they sound very similar (except for in degree) in how they work - maybe identical - I am just differentiating regarding the physical damage they cause. Lets not forget either that the base substance of meth can be things like lighter fluid and car batteries.
  2. I know that both add and meth are amphetamines but I think the commonality ends there, they just are not comparable as far as damage caused goes. Based on my lay-person readings, there is probably no permenant damage from taking add as prescribed whereas there definitely is with meth. I think meth can burn out dopamine receptors completely, which would probably account for the lack ability to expereince joy. I agree that they work the same way, just like fundamentally alcohal and heroin do (could be wrong about that), but as with that comparison it's kind of a stretch.
  3. Kyle and Lea: any word on the orders? I'm interested in your opinions on this stuff.
  4. Oh could be I'm 47 so you're probably right
  5. How much later did you go to sleep after that?
  6. Sebastian I apologize if my posts came across as unsympathetic - I was partly talking to myself when I made those inquiries, you know sometimes I cannot tell I am feeling lousy from PAWS or just from my own unrealistic expectations of how I should feel. I agree with Ashley that you should, as many of us have, get professional help. I also agree with QuitOnce's points about trying to change parts of the difficult situation you are currently in in your life.
  7. Maybe you are expecting too much. If you felt so great before you started taking adderall, then why did you take it and continue taking it in the first place? I have to be honest here and say that I feel unmotivated quite a bit, but that that is how I was before and why Ritalin was so attractive to me, and why I continued taking it for four miserable years. I think had I been this bundle of enthusiasm and energy in the first place the effect of amphetamine on me would have been minimal and not worth the side effects. That's just me but I wonder if you are accurately remembering your past self .
  8. Lest not forget what I think the first Truth of recovery should be, that it is impossible to replicate adderall naturally.
  9. Every now and then I interact with someone and at first wonder to myself what the hell is wrong with that person, more often than not I tentatively conclude they are using adderall. I then reflect on how I acted and came across on Ritalin which humbles me and helps me feel more empathy towards that person.
  10. Also if Cassie or anyone else could tell us what they know about Yerba Mate I would appreciate it thanks In advance
  11. finally! I googled and found a bunch of free sites that resize images.
  12. How did you edit it to right file size ?
  13. I uploaded it but it said too large, how do I edit size if file for use on forum?
  14. You know the weight gain thing levels off. I am real thin and actuallty welcomed the weight gain but after a month it stopped and my appetite levelled off to normal, so give it time
  15. Last thing I thought of that I wanted to say is that it seems that a lot of the plans of action are aimed at somehow trying to avoid the desire for add - but that is never going to happen. Sure there was a brief period, maybe at 3 weeks or so, where I actually believed I would never desire ritalin again -but that was short lived. Like an alcoholic, I don't think the desire ever vanishes completely - I think it likely returns and can suck us in if the opportunity presents itself at the wrong time. I think the goal should be learning to live with that on/off desire but not giving in to the temptation. No concoction of vitamins, self talk therapy or exercise regime is going to make you not ever want amphetamine again. I think exercise and eating well, sure, they can help you be less grouchy or tired, and that may strengthen your resistance, but I think it's fantasy to think you will rid yourself of the addiction itself.
  16. Another thing I was thinking about with regard to this post is that I see a lot of people outlining plans of action for quitting add and while that may very well work in many cases (my quitting was a spur of the moment flushing cold turkey, though I had pondered it for quite awhile) it seems to me an attempt (understandably) to control your experience, which for me was a major incentive to taking and continuing to take ritalin for a long time, instead of experiencing without trying to control, and the thing is when you are still on the drug or freshly off of it, you really cannot predict - no matter how many posts you read - exactly how yo are going to feel for periods of time after you quit, you just can't, and I think you just have to forge down that road and deal with what your experiences have to offer.
  17. I would say you should do it because it's a better use of $25 to be sober again from here on out (with minimal withdraws).
  18. I know it's tough. I think though a lot of times people seem to believe that diet, exercise and cognitive thinking techniques or whatever can substitute for amphetamine. It can't, not even close. Not only are you operating on less energy and enthusiasm then you were at times with adderall, but you're doing it below the sober baseline in the first place. You have to accept that you will feel lacking in energy and focus for a long time, and that you will never have anything close to the feeling you have on amphetamine ever again without another drug like it. With that being said, Wellbutrin helped me get through withdraws - but it didn't make me as or near as productive, it just kept me awake more.
  19. that makes sense, the releasing of dopamine seems to be what makes adderall or other CNS stims addictive, so just because provigil makes that happen through a different process wouldn't seem to make it less addictive. It's weird when I google provigil I can't find any real current discussions or news reports on it, it's all from a few years ago.
  20. is there a way to add facial hair or text?
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