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Everything posted by Krax

  1. Since I've been off amphetamines I notice that I notice little aches and pains a lot more, just like I notice my feelings more, not to mention what is around me. I'm not complaining but am curious if others have had this experience too. I remember times when I took Ritalin, when I would cut myself or bump into something and not even notice it. i was so disconnected and out of touch that it took me a week into having pneumonia a couple years ago before I realised how sick I was,
  2. Rampage when you say you've been taking adderall "less and less," can you be more specific? When did you start reducing your dosage, and how so, that is, from what to what dosage, ect. I'm curious too because you say you've taken it for 18 months, did you abuse it at some point?
  3. Yes, but you'd have to find the right formula - the app is cool, it has these different cipher formulas, and if you type something it will Encipher it for you using whatever formula you apply, and then if you copy and paste that, it will decipher it. I know it's silly but I thought it was sort of cool. Please don't expect any earth shattering message once you decode it.
  4. Sorry all, I was just being annoying having fun with my new app Codebook it's very cool
  5. zevtgsvkgedjbddhlilbajlcpsilydpiihueqaivxytuqmlwb.brewmbajsnnytafdtigyawaeepjlpgjepxymkgjjctv
  6. Gsrh rh z hvxivg nvhhztv uiln gsv Pizc. Wlm'g gzpv znksvgznrmvh, zh gsvb hfxp gsv hlfo uiln blfi oruv zmw hgvzo blfi hkrirg. dxqcqbvthkarqagfqocautcrlqdhigsdqfgxtnvinaqqsnaxormhcactxcpyeyquyskyqekoouoowonkdsiomxlkqtxqetvvpkpsrustmsou
  7. Can you elaborate on why you would take legal action, and what your claim against the doctor would be?
  8. Krax


    the trend has a lot to do with cultural and environmental variables and involve participants who act in ways that seem appropriate. For instance, teachers have kids in classes who have no impulse control and disrupt the teacher and other students, depriving them from their educational experience. The kid is probably like that because mom was a meth or alcohal abuser, or whatever, and/or the environment at home is toxic. So the teacher understandably agrees with the kid being medicated. Is it right for that kid? No. Does it benefit the rest? Yes. Because of educational reform laws teachers can't just kick kids out of school or put them in separate classrooms, their hands are tied. So it isn't a simple issue of whether society should medicate kids or not. That being said I think it's wrong, however, as a parent of one of the other kids maybe not completely wrong. The REAL problem is something else completely. Good luck fixing that!
  9. Krax


    I think dosing kids with amphetamines masks a lot of environmental problems that we aren't addressing properly on our society, or in some cases children who were born to drug users.
  10. Krax


    My psych sounded surprised when I told her ritalin calmed me down and that if I stopped taking it early enough in the day (hard to do) that I slept like a rock. But then how I saw myself was much different than others probably did. Without it I feel now more cranky but also more agitated. Yet my wife sees me as the opposite, and says I am way way easier going and less tense then I was on amphetamine. I do notice I don't clench and grind my teeth as much, and my relationships are better, but it's weird how different we perceive ourselves.
  11. Yes you must have missed my thread
  12. Krax


    Totally agree. I think when it comes down to it, though it's obvious I don't know how much society considers this in general, is that it's a man made diagnosis based on no physical scientific data whatsoever, but based on self-reporting. As has been disucssed # times on this forum, amphetamine was created before there was an illness to use it to cure, and somehow conveniently the medical establishment found one.
  13. My energy increased at 4 months
  14. my lack of confidence manifests itself in procrastination. I find that I procrastinate not because of laziness, but because of lack of confidence that I will successfully complete the task at hand, so I tend to put it off hoping the confidence will come to me. That is my big struggle right now.
  15. Why is it you don't want to take adderall? I am seriously asking this because you characterized the time you were taking it - and not abusing it - as the best times in your life. If I could say that I honestly wouldn't have quit. It also seems to have had a beneficial effect on you.
  16. Ashley have you tried wellbutrin
  17. Marie I suggest you do what I did late last year and start reading the stories people have posted about their experiences quitting. I was surprised and inspired by the similarities - that was a good starting point for me. It gave me insight into what to expect and how to cope with the recovery process.
  18. okay saw it: I know Dawn stabbed Brenda in the back but don't you think to some extent Brenda was at fault for when she picked Dawn to share in her reward of having family members on the Island, then gave it all up to allow all the other contestants to have their families there? I mean why even win the award if you're going to throw it away, and hurt your friend in the process? Just my thought.
  19. So I took ritalin pretty hardcore for over 4 years, and on and off for about 6 months after that. During this period of time, the "Ritalin years," as I call them, I experienced difficulty in keeping erections. I attributed it to my age, mid-40's and stress, and occasionally took Viagra which works great but makes it less satisfying and natural (sound familiar?). So about 5 months into recovery and damn! I read or heard somewhere that arousal releases dopamine whereas experiencing orgasm is more of a opiate release; anyways, apparently this is true because it's like I'm 25 or 30 again. Just an FYI, again, it took about 5 months to kick in.
  20. no prob my fault shouldn't have read the thread...I am thinking it's the dude that wins
  21. darn my own fault but we just watched the last regular season episode last night, and are probably watching the reunion tonight, I will try to forget I read that...
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