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Everything posted by lea

  1. OK IR I'm on it -- starting tomorrow lol! Seriously though this is a great incentive for me to start running again. I am so over looking towards supplements for energy. I don't get how a person (ME) can be so resistant to the one sure thing that's right under my nose ...
  2. Hi Ally -- I don't have experience with vyvanse but am still to this day tempted to ask my MD to try it. I just hit 4 months off ritalin IR and am very depressed about being so low energy. I'm pretty sure that this is the voice of the addict speaking to me. 4 months feels like an eternity and I want so badly to believe I can handle vyvanse but the voice of reason tells me I can't ... I am also curious to hear about other people's experience.
  3. I've stayed awake 3 nights in a row on massive amounts of ritalin, a few times but never more than 3 nights... if I was younger though who knows ? Not something I'm proud of but somethimes I do feel like a recovering meth addict. I definitely looked like one.
  4. GOOD LUCK !!! Then go out and have yourself a day @ the spa!
  5. Funny you said that because I've decided to lay off the atro-phex for a while. I've been taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon for 3-4 months and starting to feel that weird feeling like short burst of energy followed by depression that it doesn't last and then I feel like shit. The same thing happened with yerba mate pills. So I take this as my body's way of telling me that maybe it's time to lay off supplements for a while .... or maybe try a new one but only on days when I need it ... or maybe not.
  6. This is a very inspiring story! Welcome and please keep us posted.
  7. Congratulations! A milestone indeed and it sounds like an amazing experience. Truly inspiring!
  8. I am in agreement with the "habit" theory but would not label it as good or bad as long as it's not speed Red bull only has around 80 mg caffeine per 8 oz can. The monster's and 5-hour energy's you can find on a website about caffeine content called energyfiend.com. The thing that wierds me out about energy drinks is that you don't know what's in their "proprietary formulas." Not unlike supplements ... I guess it always preferable to get supplementation from natural sources like food rather than manufactured, but that's not always possible, especially when it comes to energy.
  9. I know the trudge! How many days? You're doing great!!! Keep on trudgin
  10. Hey Kyle -- Nice to see some activity in the supplements region I have choline 500 mg bitartrate but hadn't tried taking it at night so I will do so. Thx!
  11. Oh no -- don"t have a complex I wanted to respond just been busy with mundane details of mundane life -- unlike you young lady lol... Good to have friends in high places! I hope that you're recovering after this latest bout of unwanted excitement but glad it wasn't addy related. Girl stay strong and keep on fightin' the good fight! xoxo
  12. lea


    Sorry to hear your feelin bad : ( I know we all have our ups and downs... I, for one have been overconsuming alcohol in trying to up my social game which I'm not too proud of. Actually I'm kind of disgusted. I don't know what it is with being an addict that at times I would prefer any altered state to living in the moment.
  13. Good advice Cassie and Occaisional. I find his thread very relevant b/c I too am plagued by guilt about so many of the things I did - or didn't do - while addicted. Like showing up. I think this bothers me a lot more than my psyche would like to admit and for this reason I will start meditating TODAY. I'm almost 4 months clean and sure don't want to see guilt getting the best of me.
  14. Hey -- Good for you in making the decision to quit! You CAN do this. The most successful people in life are the ones who persevere. I agree with Ashley about the importance of learning from past experiences of why you went back, and taking proactive steps, like posting here where you will find a whole new network of support! Stay strong and take it one day, or five minutes at a time!
  15. Interesting ... I was going to try some nootropics but chickened out. When my MD said he'd never heard of any of the racetams it kinda scared me, but then again I'm paranoid so take my opinion accordingly.
  16. Oh Heather .... you know that's the definition of insanity. Your 2 days closer to the end of insanity!
  17. 500 mg / day -- hoping it's having a cumulative effect! As an addict waiting is not one of my strong points.
  18. You guys are an inspiration. On days I struggle (like today) reading posts like these lets me know that there is indeed something great to look forward to.
  19. I hope so too -- that's why I've been so obsessed with lions mane mushroom supplements. I do feel better overall though. A lot better.
  20. You had to ask ... well ... I'm a BRAVOHOLIC!!! That's right - Real Housewives & Fashion Queens are among my faves. I also like Top Chef. But Survivor is my ultimate favorite. I would rather watch Survivor than do almost anything. So whatever y'all think this says about my life you're probably right but these are my guilty pleasures and I love em!
  21. Ok -- I'll try Swanson b/c I think these shrooms may have some merit. I eat lots of salmon & plenty of B vitamins and all that. Will keep ya posted.
  22. Heather I'm glad you're back. There is hope. You have done it before and you will do it again. I know you will! CUT OFF THE DRUG BUDDIES! You're right, it's you. You're addicted and once you're addicted the only way out is cold turkey. You know that. I know that. The people in the rooms know that ... All that collective wisdom means something. Now pull yourself up by the bootstraps girl -- you can do this! You know we are all here to support you just like you support all of us.
  23. It will seem a lot scarier in anticipation but in reality, you will discover a whole new world out there traveling without adderall. And it has to be better than your last experience right? Because it CANNOT possibly be worse. Try to see the wonders of the world traveling abroad -- you're golden. I'm jealous!
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