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Everything posted by lea

  1. Host Defense -- Today I noticed a slight improvement-in-concentration effect. I think I've become supplement-proof ...
  2. I think they make me sleepy ... will try again tomorrow
  3. That's amazing MFA! I consider you more of a 6 months kind of gal anyway. Your "lapse" is a simple demonstration of how recovery is not a linear process. The important thing is that you picked yourself right back up and look at you now -- great job!
  4. lea

    101 Days

    This is great Cat -- we are @ the same place in recovery and I've also noticed more productive, less motivated -- how strange...
  5. First update -- Vitamin Shoppe is SOLD OUT !!! EDIT -- These magic mushrooms are pretty hard to find! Whole Foods does not stock them, neither does local holistic health food store... now I'm REALLY determined so I ordered them from amazon... geez
  6. OK, so I haven't tried any new supplements in a few weeks. Today I'm trying this one! Picking it up @ WHole Foods and putting it to work later today -- will keep you posted. Any brand recs?
  7. Sorry to hear that MFA -- I wonder if part of it was like a comedown effect after starting this new position you've been anticipating for so long. It's depressing to have PAWS after making such great progress but this to shall pass and you've certainly shown that to be true before. Get some sleep over the weekend and do NOTHING intellectual, your brain needs rest -- at least you're using it!
  8. Congratulations on 2 months! That's amazing!! I also think the weight will level off. Now that you have a concussion with limited physical activity you're probably getting more fixated on weight ... I know I would be. It does get easier. You will start to find new eating habits that work for you, make you feel good, healthy and give you energy -- real energy. Stay the course. You are already feeling the benefits -- so happy for you!
  9. I love this! If there was a "love" comment I would hit it But seriously -- Learning this skill has been key in overcoming obsessive checking tendencies, especially when writing and presenting. And in many other everyday activities too.
  10. Yes - I definitely notice that to be true. The longer the run or more vigorous the workout in general. The effects last throughout the day -- just an overall sense of feeling good. That's great Kyle_Chaos !!! GO FOR IT !
  11. I think what I'm trying to say is that the worst part was feeling like a fraud to myself. Now I could care less if I get the laundry done in a timely manner, as long as I show up @ work (or anywhere) thinking lucidly
  12. This is so true. And this is the reason my self-esteem TANKED so badly. It looked like I was a success but i knew I was a fraud and it was only a matter of time before that was discovered.
  13. Ever since I've been drinking these green smoothies people are telling me my skin looks great ... even though I see no difference. I've been looking for local establishments that do raw foods and green smoothies to go and have noticed that this movement is taking off like wildfire. Green smoothies and cold pressed juices ... edit -- I still eat my share of red meat ... I just try and do at least half the day raw/vegan. it's a start!
  14. It will get easier! Give yourself a break. Chocolate definitely serves a purpose in life every now and then. :D
  15. Always a good thing to get your blood work done -- thyroid conditions are easily corrected. Good luck!
  16. I know ... I feel for you. I really don't know a lot about provigil other than it's used for narcolepsy. Hopefully it will run it's course sooner rather than later.
  17. well... my doc really isn't up on the topic of nootropics. He's never heard of racetams or any incarnation thereof, or noopept which probably falls into the same category. Last week I emailed him an article on phenibut which he's also never heard of. His view on supplements is that in the absence of clinical data/ tests or whatever -- we really don't know if they work or what they do. We know what they are supposed to do. Now keep in mind this is coming from a professor of medicine, and temper that with my opinion which is that of someone who is always looking for that magical supplement... He doesn't know a lot about herbs but does know that most pharmaceuticals start out as herbs, so herbs and therefore supplements can absolutely be effective, habit forming if taken inappropriately or merely be having a placebo effect. In my case it was suggested I try spending more time on natural dopamine enhancing activities, like exercise, the great outdoors, and love! edit -- provigil etc... prescription stimulant
  18. I didn't realize that nootropics were in any way similar to provigil. I have noopept but have not tried it yet. Will ask @ today's appt w the psychopharmacologist about nootropics.
  19. Wow, it breaks my heart to read that. I had no idea what ADD was until I was an adult and going on antidepressants as a child was unheard of, or maybe just so stigmatized that no one talked about it. At any rate, talk therapy worked back in the day because that was the accepted mode of treatment. I had psychotherapy at 16 when my family moved to another state and in 3 months I was "cured." It really is sad how we have come to depend on meds - myself included - on antidepressants now close to 15 years!
  20. NBP -- Sounds like a great plan! The eating and exercise alone must be doing wonders. You should be feeling better soon and will certainly be a lot stronger.
  21. You didn't -- not if you can say you learned something. Not to sound like a broken record but flushing them would take such a weight off your shoulders. I read a post today titled "Seriously ..." (Can't remember the full name but it's written by Coach Fran) It's about how easy it is to relapse on this drug even when you've been clean 4+ years!!! (Thanks Coach Fran) And how even when you're not using it your addiction is ravenous. It's scary. Anyway, stay with it and keep posting.
  22. I initially tried yerba mate tea but don't love the taste so I take the supplement by source naturals. I do one, sometimes 2 with the am stack, 2 atro-phex and 1000 mg l-tyrosine -- followed by a green smoothie and then protein @ least an hour after the smoothie. Since quitting ritalin I have stopped drinking coffee in the morning so I figure this stack has to be doing something. I haven't quite figured out the afternoon though... Trying to lay off the supplements because they don't seem to have much of an effect after eating. I do like NathuralBrainPower's advice of putting on a big old hoodie and lifting weights!
  23. Hi and congratulations on 30 days! You have been through quite an ordeal. The good news is that you can and will recover and your body will indeed re-regulate. The time it takes seems to vary from individual to individual. I have been off heavy ritalin abuse just about 3 months and in that amount of time have tried many supplements. Most of them I found through the supplements section of this site and others through various bodybuilding forums. In my experience, L-Tyrosine is a very good place to start. Another I have found that gives me a lot of energy is bsn atro-phex which is sold at gnc and amazon. I take this with yerba mate and l-tyrosine (morning "stack" lol.) Another thing that helps a lot are the superfoods -- green smoothies made of spinach, romaine, kale, carrots, pear ... whatever you like just throw it in there! Honestly I think these things give me more energy than any supplement. But it all helps. In my early days of ritalin before I started abusing it I was pretty strong but as the abuse increased my body grew weaker so I basically stopped weight-lifting and eventually running. Three months after quitting cold turkey I'm FINALLY starting to get back to a normal level of energy. And you will too. Good luck on your journey and stick with it -- you're worth it!
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