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Everything posted by lea

  1. lea

    AP article

    Interesting article - hopefully there will be other inquires as people realize the potential profit from suing big pharmaceuticals for shady marketing. $57 mil is a big chunk of change
  2. Very well said. I am sometimes shocked that I have the capacity to get things done after only a month quit -- with ADD! I have learned a lot of strategies from the reading list in books that focus on retraining the brain. I don't want to sound like it's easy ... baby steps ... but I also have to say that feeling good about simple things feels good. My brain has been freed from a lot of the drama of addiction which feels strange at times but good overall. Start over today! Make a plan and trash the stash. What helps me lot is reading some of the crazy shit I wrote about being high, coming down, guilt, shame ...and reading them over and over again. And reading this site which always gives me hope.
  3. Congratulations SomedayDreamer! We're at the same place in the quit cycle and after 4 weeks I'm just (barely) getting back to being a morning person. When I was on ritalin I stayed up LATE -- often times all night -- so you can imagine what that did to my sleep, or lack thereof. I think it takes time for sleep and mood to really stabilize. For now it's a crapshoot. I might even be desperate enough to start doing meditation ...
  4. Hi Debra -- Have you spoken with your doc about addiction concerns? Or better yet, maybe see a different doctor and talk about meds that are non-addictive -- american society of addition medicine (ASAM) has a list of docs with training in addictions that can help you - it's actually a growing sub-specialty of medicine in light of the world we live in. I learned about this @ rehab lol... Getting a physical and blood work also sounds like a good idea. At any rate I know how you feel - can't live with it can't live without it. It's very scary to feel that way and of course you want to isolate, your miserable. I don't mean to imply that meds are the only solution, you just sound so depressed, and not all doctors are clueless about addiction. I feel like if I can quit stimulants (one day at a time) anyone can! I'm really glad you posted. xoxo
  5. There ya go -- you can talk about conquering phobias and fears!
  6. Yes - I am also on prozac (40 mg) - For me prozac and wellbutrin are a good combination because they address neurotransmitters that I believe are imbalanced in me. I've never been on lexapro but I've been on other SSRI's, SNRI's, tri-cyclics and off-label combinations. Prozac and wellbutrin work for me but others didn't... although they all help a little. So they are definitely worth trying because when the right one or combination is found it will be worth it because you will feel normal and it will be subtle - you won't feel like you're on meds. My shrink says that meds do about 30% - the rest I have to do but that 30% can be just the push that's needed to get over the hump.
  7. Sky makes some excellent points IMHO. It can be hard to really see depression as a chemical imbalance but that's exactly what it is. There are a lot of behavioral strategies that people can learn but first the depression has got to be stabilized. I would definitely follow the doctor's advice regarding the antidepressants. I am on 300 mg wellbutrin and for me it's been helpful but sadly, psychiatry is not an exact science -- I guess nothing is -- and it can be frustrating trying different types of antidepressants. Is there a University or teaching hospital you can go to for a second opinion? They are usually pretty progressive. Just stay in close touch with family and friends while you're going through this. You will feel better.
  8. It's funny because today @ GNC I saw these B-vitamin energy strips... I'm definitely laying off the 5-hour energy except for maybe just one in the afternoon. They really make me feel toxic.
  9. your cheerleaders !!! !!! !!! !!!
  10. not for me -- if I take a nap I'll never get to sleep at a decent hour I think these 5-hour energy shots are giving me a stomach ache... Today I had 3 and feel totally ill and depressed.
  11. Thanks - I don't know what it is with my metabolism but trust me, I can't afford to gain anymore. I try to exercise which at this point is just walking around the city... but that's a hell of a lot more than I ever did on amphetamines. Your eating and weight will normalize. Give yourself a month and see where you're at.
  12. I laugh out loud walking down the street - literally - when I think about that comment!
  13. Wow -- your story is similar to mine. I wasn't diagnosed with ADD until several years into my career. I also was a big-time pill counter. I would count them over and over again because as many times as I would count them I would always lose count ... I tried several times to wean but I couldn't do it. I had to reach the point of desperation where I trashed them out of paralyzing fear for my life. It wasn't until I stumbled onto this site that I realized how bad my "habit" had become. I read this site everyday to bust any denial that rears it's ugly head. Since quitting (4 weeks today!) I feel like I have integrity for the first time in a long time and it feels great. Stick around - you're in good company!
  14. This was my experience too -- ritalin-thin, weak and unhealthy. I was more tone when I was heavier! It's now been a month (OMG as I write this I realize I took my last pills right around this time - 8pm - 4 weeks ago) I've gained 5 lbs which quite frankly, I'm surprised I didn't gain more. I must admit I'm getting really fed up with binge eating. Today I made myself lightheaded by eating too much sugar too early in the day... maybe that's the universe's way of saying 'put a muzzle on it.'
  15. I think Michael's would love a mom! Go in there wearing a polka-dot, collared dress - glasses - oh and don't forget the good luck underwears!
  16. me too -- I'm here if you need an extra pair of eyes! Off the top of my head I would just say "children." You have like 4 right? Also play the single mom card, you and your husband are (physically) separated. I know many women who have not worked for 10 years due to child-rearing. Play up your skills - both in the workplace and @ home.
  17. But think about how good you will feel when you wake up tomorrow morning!
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