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Everything posted by Greg

  1. WOO HOOO! So proud of ya. You did it. You got to a year. You're so much stronger now and youre free from the drug that did so much evil to us. I am so happy for you. YOU DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time you came on to this site, I honestly had no idea if youd still be standing. After all, unfortunately so many of us come and go . But here you are - still standing. Stronger than ever. And it took a lot of strength and willpower to get here. It took a lot of courage and belief in yourself. It took a lot of motivation and it took a lot of smarts. I hope you understand that. u made it! YOU'RE A FULL FLEDGED MEMBER OF THE ONE YEAR CLUB!! We need to give out medals on this site. Of course this is an emotional time, but an awesomely good emotional time and you deserve to feel really great about this! when you know you can do this, you can do anything. Let me just repeat that because there is nothing truer than this -- when you can do this, you can do absolutely anything. congratz!!!
  2. Congratulations on the quit. You're symptoms sound totally normal. It's probably a combination of anxiety from quitting and also the chemical withdrawal. But you can't expect it to be totally easy right? Otherwise quitting adderall would be a cakewalk and there wouldn't be this site. Hang in there.
  3. I got that dopamine rush again after running. It always happens right after I run and collapse on the ground. Craziness.
  4. 9.5 miles? That's awesome still!! I definitely miss it. Running really, really makes me feel good. You know, one of my classmates runs 20 miles a week. And he used to run 60 -70 miles a week when he ran cross country. I need to build up my endurance.i could never do 4.6! I have to be able to get past 3 miles in a run.
  5. How is the quit going? Cold turkey is the best way to do it. You don't need adderall to function , you just think you do. It's a psychological thing that you will get over as soon as you begin earning your clean time. You fell into a trap, like all of us did. But thankfully there is a way out. Be strong and don't ever go back there.
  6. It's over. Woo hoo. I crashed for a few hours and now going to veg out. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to running.
  7. thanks MFA!! ugh. Two hours from now. I just want it all to be over.
  8. Ashley, as I mentioned in my PM, these last two weeks I have been swamped!! I have been studying every minute..and I really miss running - a lot. Tomorrow I have two uber exams back to back from 2 until 6pm. I am really excited for tomorrow to be over. Then after tomorrow I will start running again. Have you been keeping up?
  9. If you lick a wound it will heal faster. Human saliva has an anti microbial that hastens wound healing.
  10. My statistics professor likes to make us miserable.

  11. Just a sidetrack,. What is with ALL these great people who pass through this site and then go back on adderall?? It really shows how much power this drug can have a hold on us..,its sad. Our turnover rate! I guess this is addiction loud and clear. I guess you just have to warn and let them relapse and let them learn the hard way.
  12. You've shown up to class unprepared? You have a paper due tomorrow that you haven't started? You missed classes because you didn't feel like going? Hey, you sound like a typical grad student with typical grad student problems. If you start losing confidence in your abilities without adderall, then you have atypical grad student problems. Don't go there. The more you rely on adderall, the less you rely on yourself and the more trouble you get into. Good for you for making the right choice. Just hang in there. You will do FINE without adderall.
  13. Greg


    Cool. I have made that crunchy noodle salad! I remember being worried about mixing peanut butter with spaghetti. Ina garten is awesome. Her spaghetti with real meatballs recipe is incredible..like one of the best things I ever ate http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/real-meatballs-and-spaghetti-recipe/index.html Personally, this is my favorite vegetarian dish. SO GOOD. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/giada-de-laurentiis/baked-penne-with-roasted-vegetables-recipe/index.html
  14. Excellent job! With a root canal and everything. Keep it up!
  15. I agree. It's totally normal to have a break before starting a new job! You are on break. Sleep lots and enjoy every minute of it! I have been on spring break and embarrassed to say how much I've been sleeping. And I've been sleeping well past 1p on some days lol. A few days ago I woke up at 4pm. DON'T feel guilty about it! And anyway, in three weeks you will have a normal sleep schedule again. Edit -And all the excitement of starting a new job will have your energy levels up.
  16. Listen to your mom. She absolutely 100% right. Also With your history, adderall is your ticket right back into rehab. It may seem safer because doctors prescribe it, but it is a narcotic just as addictive as anything else.
  17. Oh that's right! You had a root canal. Is the pain better today? (are u using the Nike plus app? It automatically keeps track of how many miles among lots of other things)
  18. HA. I wonder if years later we are going to look back at ADD as just a 'trend' back in the 90's and 2000's...
  19. Made it to 12 miles. collapsed on ground. then i poured water over me. I swear my brain was pumping out dopamine when i came to a stop. are you at 12 yet? This brings me to 30 miles for March and you should probably be around 36 miles since you started a little earlier...
  20. Ashley you have CERTAINLY got me exercising!!!! I have blisters on my feet and sore legs from the 27 miles so far this month! I have also dropped a couple of pounds! Who else wants to join us? Sorry off topic.
  21. Me as well. I was really afraid of the fatigue but you just have to go through it and then it will be over. It's not chronic fatigue syndrome. It's just that your body has adapted to the adderall as your energy source. I'm sure you know that. The fatigue doesn't last forever though! You will rebuild. I am sure you are dealing with fatigue all the time anyway, when you are running out of adderall. When you quit, you gain a much more consistent level of energy. That for me is one of the best parts if quitting! My energy is no longer dependent on my adderall supply..I'm not supercharged then crash...supercharged then crash...rinse repeat.
  22. Warn war, u have been on these forums for years now. I feel terrible you haven't been able to quit. Surely seeing so many of us go through the same terrified feelings you are going through and managing to successfully quit for good must give you the confidence that it will be okay. What are you still doing on the 'trapped in adderall world' side? You need to hurry up and quit and join us in the 'successfully quit' side.
  23. Nah. Don't worry. Remember I went through a bottle of Percocet with the flu? I'm still alright.
  24. The procedure wasn't so bad was it? They numb you and then its over. But boy the term root canal is so horrible sounding. When they told me I had to get a root canal I was like what?? Because it sounded awful. They need to come up with a milder term for it, not root canal. I don't recall feeling any pain after the numbness wore off, definitely no pain by the next day. I doubt u will need anything.
  25. HA, I had a very similar dream last night. It was pretty awful. Somehow A filled bottle of adderall appeared in my hand, not sure how I got it, but obviously from a doctor whonwas continuing a prescribing relationship with me. I started taking them and chewing on them and could vividly taste it in my mouth. I was so worried about what or if I was going to say to you guys on the boards. And then I half woke up, and I had no idea if I relapsed or not because I was in between asleep and awake and it was pretty terrifying. Then i realized it was a dream. Pretty awful dream.
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