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Everything posted by Greg

  1. yeah, i still have a facebook account but havent checked it in forever. i almost never check it. several years ago i realized it was taking up way too much of my life and time, and it felt like such a waste of time, so i just forced myself to stop using it... ...and have been happy ever after
  2. absolutely...i think controlling portions is the key to everything. just warning. atkins is not a healthy diet, not just because there is so much saturated fat in the diet but because it causes your body to begin to produce ketones so that you start to lose weight. And ketosis is supposed to be really bad for your health. You can google it, and find info.. I dont know though. some people really recommend atkins though, and its supposed to work. some people swear by it. i think i tried it years ago, but found it too hard for me. Just a heads up. South Beach is a toned down version of a low carb diet. atkins is the most extreme..
  3. got off work..preparing to take a quiz

  4. absoutely. Anyone who stays awake during THAT class should have to undergo adderall blood testing.. I HAVE calmed down from the beginning. There was so much flying at me, and total 180 in lifestyle. I was being easy onmyself for a long time after quitting adderall and now ... well, not so easy. but learning more how i can push myself from within... I had a smaller freak out last week, when i started working (about 20 hours a week) in addition to all the studying & papers...but i think the shock and newness of this whole thing is starting to recede... it really was a big shock to the system at first..thx for checking up...about to take an accounting quiz now..
  5. portion sizes on Atkins? this must be an updated version of Atkins. It used to be you could as much meat as you wanted irregardless of portion sizes (bacon, sausage, fatty steak, chicken, burgers...) you just couldn't eat carbs. What happens is then your body then enters a state of ketosis where you start to burn fat...
  6. alright Ashley. I handed in a 8 page paper this morning which Id been working on over the weekend and I think sent me into PAWS in the process. But I got through it!! I had a 3 hour class this morning that NO amount of coffee can keep me awake through. I wasnt paying attention in class to anything she was saying but i still somehow managed to answer the question when i was called on! must be some sort of innate ability that students discover..
  7. AWESOME. I need you'd rock it. 100%! fist bump...
  8. Handed in an 8-page paper and off to class...

  9. also here's another book the other book is very specific to management consulting. this one is more for finance interviews in general... http://www.vault.com/wps/portal/usa/store/bookdetail?item_no=615
  10. Greg


    Uhh..I have confession. Advil pm has been a daily thing for the past four months maybe longer? ( But it's not addictive right? does anyone know the answer to this? I googled but really havent found much of anything..) Cat I don't think I'm the best person for advice on this..
  11. MFA have you seen this book before. It's something you can download. Maybe it would be good as a reference to have during your interview process. Maybe not for tomorrow but through the interview process in general. http://www.vault.com/wps/portal/usa/store/bookdetail?item_no=848 Remember the average job search takes 9 months!!!! You are way ahead of the game. And look at all the practice you've gotten in the past weeks leading up to this one? You've answered these questions before..you've worked out the kinks on your answers during previous interviews...they'll come out of your mouth so much smoother this time... And this one isn't the be all and end all, you got plenty more leads in the pipeline. Edit - also that was really smart of you to watch youtube videos of mc presentations. A brilliant way to prepare..also I just double checked...it looks like the book I linked to has tips and info on 'the presentation case'
  12. Wow you grew Ll your vegetables.. That sounds really good and healthy... Interesting...the insulin resistance diet..I have heard of carb cycling diets like that where you eat it's and proteins at the same time. You know us news and world report ranks the diets http://health.usnews.com/best-diet/best-overall-diets
  13. LechaDodi, My other post was meant to scare you too.. I really really think people need to be scared when it comes to taking adderall...you know? because the worse it gets, the scarier it is...
  14. it is repulsive...you have the strength to study without. I say give it a try and maybe youll surprise yourself.
  15. pretty soon you wont be able to face problems head on without it...you'll continue to lose confidence in your own abiltiies if you haven't taken adderall...when life throws things at you, you wont feel like you can deal with it without it..and if you don't take it, youll begin to feel like you're falling short of your expectations...that's the psychological addiction of adderall. Forget about the pshysical part, where it messes with your ability to produce dopamine in your brain properly..
  16. Congrats on the 90 you got. I bet it is one of the best 90s u ever got. I totally get the significance. Is am on my ipad so I can't pull up a clapping emoticon. Otherwise I would. Clap clap.
  17. You're right. Adderall is definitely causing the anxiety. Remember this, every time u take it, you are depleting your belief that you can control your own circumstances enough to perform well. Before long you won't feel like you can do anything well without it. Adderall is not just physically addictive, it is psychologically addictive. Already you've lost faith in your ability to study without it..it only gets worse.
  18. never tried IZZE. is it good? I know a lot of popular diets like Atkins like to follow the Glycemic index, which eliminates certain fruits. But carrots have higher glycemic index then Snickers bars, and so carrots are foods to avoid. I heard starchy vegetables are avoided on the GI index - corn, peas, beets. I do suppose some vegetables and fruits are better than others, but i think generally all fruits and vegetables are better than any of that processed junk...
  19. Having a PAWS day...and I think a toothache :(

  20. global warming! Soon the polar ice caps will completely melt and the world will be underwater!!! At least parts of it...
  21. that is a great list...except maybe bananas? I do hear that out of all fruits bananas are not as good as some others because they dont have as much fiber. The best fruits are supposed to be the ones like apples that have a lot of crunch in them. But still, bananas are a fruit. I'm not sure i agree with diets like South Beach that say to avoid fruits in the first phase. fruits have a natural sugar called fructose which is much better than the sugar found in packaged sweets and non diet sodas which is sucrose. And maltose which is the sugar found in alcohols...(maybe i should i add this to the random info you learned list)... I think the rest on your stuff is great to keep out of any kitchen cabinet.
  22. Steve Jobs final words were “OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.”
  23. That is pretty neat! I was clicking around on all the things...cool website. I like the music in the background too.
  24. Last night i was up till 4am working, and i started feeling so goofy and wanted to throw things and laugh just like in college years ago..

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