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Everything posted by Greg

  1. My post sucked Im through with posting.
  2. MFA, If I were brand new to this site, I would be so curious about everyone's backstories too. Luckily I have gotten to know a lot of you as you have come to this site...
  3. Ashley you gave a talk about your adderall addiction before a huge audience before right? Do you remember there being any backlash or anything. No, right? I have also talked about it in front of strangers...one was in a huge roomful of some 60 parents who had children with ADHD. No backlash or anything. This was a couple years ago. If anything, it helped these parents gain an understanding of the potential pitfalls of it. It's not like you are presenting to an audience of recruiters at job fair or anything. They're just other students and a professor. I really liked Rev&Rush's advice about the best speeches coming from the heart. And this one will really be from the heart and its definitely subject that is important to you and it sounds like you want to do it..
  4. I just woke up from a nap. wrote 7 and half page paper late into the night then woke up for work at 7am for job, followed by classes in afternoon. I have so much work to do but i think im going back to zzzzz. When i woke up from nap today I felt like i was in some combination of on adderall and withdrawing from adderall..it was really weird. it is my brains reaction to an abrupt change in lifestyle.

  5. Wow, tx. this helped a lot. I tried it in class today. way more effective then pinching myself.
  6. People at trivia night are terrified of you...
  7. LOL. I like this one. You could be an astronaut if you wanted to. NASA told me so.
  8. Via Mike...quittingadderall.com gets about 1000 unique visitors every day...
  9. No..no MFA.. they are still horrific..it's not an "anyone's thing"...
  10. How to Get a Job at Michaels link http://www.ehow.com/...-michael_s.html I really like the idea of what Lea said...that you've been raising kids and now your looking to work your way back in. That sounds like its a pretty standard thing...not a red flag. Or you could use my attempt to cover my adderall years ..."a family health issue that has since been resolved" That worked too..
  11. Hey great job!!!!! Very proud. I was also working late after the Super Bowl and . I just got up from a nap and going to work on my dreaded take home exam. I know what you are saying by you have no choice but to just move forward because things are due! I experienced a lot of anxiety and pill PAWS but there is nothing you can do but just move forward because assignments are flying at you. Quizzes, reading, papers, exams... Anyway, congratulations on the no adderall all nighter. You must feel good that you could do it without it. I anticipate a lot of those in my future.
  12. During lecture today I could barely keep my eyes open, as soon as we had a break I bolted for some rock star. Later I realized tons of us in class were thinking the same thing. if I was on adderall I'd be wide awake and way too interested in this boring lecture. And people would probably find it unusual. I wouldn't have a perfectly acceptable and very normal problem of wanting rock star during A 10 am lecture break and now wanting to take a nap. Other tricks I use to stay awake..I pinch myself really hard..lol.
  13. I have to reread the article. But did he end his life after a forced quit? Or did he atill have access to prescriptions. I thought at the end he managed to reestablish a prescribing relationship with his doc. What a sad story. My heart goes out to his family.
  14. Oh boy that was definitely a blessing in disguise. You need the next year to get your head clear first. Grad school is not the right environment for JUST getting clean. But you got to fully commit to quitting first. And it sounds like you need a lot of work on that front...cutting off your doc, trashing your stash...like everyone says, you need the adderall limitation imposed on you. See how not being able to get your prescription filled s keeping you clean right now?? That's why you have to sever your doc...that is true and effective comittment to being clean.
  15. This is hands down the best recipe for brownies ever. Trust me. Bookmark it. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/outrageous-brownies-recipe3/index.html
  16. Carrot! Watching the ravens blowout the 49ers in the Super Bowl!!' Woohoo.. Also...a tray full of homemade brownies Red velvet cupcakes
  17. It's easy to go down in dosage feel better and then to slide right back up in an instant, just the minute you have a bad day...or stressful moment or any kind of trigger.. you can take the plunge, you have the courage or you wouldn't be here making an effort. believe in yourself and you'll be clean before you know it...
  18. That is what I believed when I first started on it. I thought if I don't have ADHD then it won't work for me, but since it works forme, I must have ADD. I didn't know it worked everyone all the same. There was so little info on it back then.
  19. I dont know...I think you can tell them to be mindful that suicidal thoughts can be one of the symptoms of quitting adderall (but it's also a symptom of being addicted to adderall!!!). But you can let them know to be mindful. I did feel suicidal and I knew it was because I quit adderall that was making me feel that way. i started taking an anti depressant (effexor) which made me feel much better. I didnt know about this site at the time. I'm sure it would have been so helpful then to know i wasn't going it alone. edit - if i found this site, i doubt i would have been as depressed..
  20. Keep your eyes on the lookout all like in google news search for adderall. With such a high profile story in ny times there will be lots more articles on the dangers of adderall in the coming week. I'd be really curious to read more.
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