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Everything posted by Greg

  1. when i was applying to school and had to write my essays and do this and that I had a tactic that always worked for me. I basically pretended that I was filling out a form like when you buy from a site like Walmart and you have to fill out all this info like your address and email and credit card info. It takes time but it is easy to do. I would pretend that I was sitting down to buy from Walmart but would have to fill in my credit card info and and answer questions which not hard it's just a pain in the neck. That got me into the chair and got me started typing on the computer..then I would realize, okay this is not so bad. And I would just keep going. That tactic has worked so well for me, lol. And honestly i use this tactic all the time. Before long my task would be done. But it would all start with me saying to myself 'u are basically just buying something from Walmart online and have do tedious but mindless stuff' Also, I definitely do not obsess over getting anything perfect. I just do it and want to get it finished as soon as possible so that its done. The other thing is I come up with a reward for myself. If I get it done then I can watch an episode of breaking bad as my reward. Also coffee. I will drink coffee , and then like plow into it. Kind of like what I did with adderall but only with something that isn't poisonous. And I take coffee breaks. Anyway, so far that's how I've been getting by...tomorrow I have my first class which is rumored to be extremely difficult and I am worried but...what can u do?
  2. Yeah, so for us addicts it's like. Ok. You get this honeymoon thing going for a little bit, yeah you feel on top of the world and maybe become so awesome or whatever and then BAM. YOU just GET OWNED BY IT. The trade off..my god,. Wtf?? Couldn't they have put that on the prescription warning bottle?
  3. Actually, i want to correct myself, um..I was hearing voices in my head which I thought were real for year or more. So I hit rock bottom and have gotten very used to the idea of being imperfect. Really anything that I do, is a step up from where I was. But yes, before I hit rock bottom the initial attraction of adderall when I first started taking it , was that I felt it made me excel..etc. and be more perfect in all endeavors. And that mentality is really dangerous for people just starting it and don't want to give it up because before they know it...they need it for everything and the prescription begins to OWN their soul, their entire being.
  4. I didn't notice any repetition at all! But anyway, I agree in general imperfection is absolutely fine. And i think all adderall addicts need to go through some kind of "understanding imperfection is fine" boot camp.
  5. No one should be put on a prescription because they are tired. Coffee will usually do the trick and it doesnt have the potential to ruin your life. People need to learn (myself totally included) how keep going when they are tired without a pill. If they dont learn that they are missing some critical life skills that most other people in this world have. doctors...
  6. Also remember the milk is a good app. But I personally use note. I have really incorporated that into my life. I also used it to make my 10 page list of reasons why I hate adderall. I'll tex, its great to hear from you. And awesome post. Everyone, coincidentally Lil tex and I quit on the same exact date! Or maybe one day off from each other?? Still going strong.
  7. Also, if taking philosophy has you worried about needing adderall to get through then do the smart thing and drop philosophy and take something easier like the planet earth 101 or something...ask around for easier classes that can fulfill your requirements. Adderall is not a solution.
  8. K, I've downloaded this app and plan to start using it tomorrow. Thx for the recommendation.
  9. He is a pathological liar. He continues to lie. He told Oprah that he stopped in 2005. But his blood tests show he continued until 2009. Probably trying to set the date of his ban from the sport earlier so he can begin cycling again sooner.
  10. Emmapea, This adderall support group is definitely a great place to start! I am definitely going to be dealing with all the reading, studying, exams stuff come Tuesday when classes officially start. You are not alone. But there is no way in hell i will be doing any of that with adderall. It ruined my life once, and i refuse to allow it to ruin my life again. I already have plans to get tutoring and whatnot to help me maintain my GPA if it goes south, because unfortunately if i dont get a certain grade point average I will lose my tuition scholarship. I need to get high Bs at least. My fingers are crossed, and i refuse to do it with adderall. even if it means dropping class to lighten the course load or whatever, there are so many options. I know academic advising offices offer a lot of services, some free and some you can pay for to help you get your grades up. So adderall is just not the way to do it. its really the stupid addict solution.
  11. I absolutely thought it was real, the voices. I didn't have a doubt, for a year at least. Or maybe even two years. Real people communicating via some secret government technology. also thought the people on tv were talking directly to me. You'd think I was on meth right? Nope. Just from snorting Ritalin and also taking the pils. Which like MFA also did, at one point I was storing them in an altoid case. Concerta also caused the voices to come. At one point just a single concerta pill would bring the voices up strong. Also at one point the voices were with me whether I took stimulants or not, obviously everyone who knew me thought I had a mental illness. No one understood amphetamine psychosis. Like the poster above, John, I believed some type of microchip was implanted in my ears.
  12. Ashley me too. I'm addicted to this site. I was posting a response to u earlier and got in trouble for being late to class because of that. I keep reading it on my phone during breaks. I wonder if anyone around me sees I am constantly on a quitting adderall site on my phone.
  13. Lol, I don't know!!! I think I was embarrassed for saying all that positive stuff about adderall. It's the devil.
  14. Also lost weekend about an alcoholic that won best picture at the oscars is an awesome addiction movie. He tears his home to pieces looking for alcohol. Sound familiar anyone?
  15. John. I don't even know where to begin. I had this same problem. Those voices aren't real no matter how real they seem. The voices will go away after you stop adderall. I'm afraid this is the final stop on the adderall addiction road.
  16. tThat minibar scene in the hotel room...wow. What a great display of addiction
  17. I found that my fear of flying was 100 percent created by adderall. Everytime we got turbulence my heart would pound like crazy and maybe id even begin to sweat. When I stopped taking adderall...poof..it vanished. The whole fear of flying thing. I swear that was adderall created. It was definitely weird!! I have a feeling you will not have that fear of flying anymore!
  18. You will not be scared. I was terrified of flying. Went away after I quit. Typing on phone. So swamped. In mba boot camp right now.
  19. honestly MFA, reading how you dealt with your relapse, flushing the final pills and digging through your others stuff for more pills to flush and all...put a smile on my face. now that is relapsing with style. youre going to be okay!
  20. MFA, I agree with the others. and your attitude toward the slip up is a good one. some people who slip up dont get it. i know youll be okay again. I have to run off to something on my packed schedule. But I wanted to send a virtual hug. And Do NOT be upset if you don't get this! You are so so qualified for millions of other positions. You will land something. I heard the average job search takes like 8 months or something like that?Personally I think if you made it through two rounds you are totally qualified for the position. and just Whoever gets it, gets it. it will all work out in the end. edit - i heard the average job search takes 9 months.
  21. cassie has tons of awesome quotes. But recovery is not a linear process is definitely #1. i think books about recovery wont speed up recovery but are great to gain understanding and clarity of what is going on to you, especially during early stages of recovery because you feel so miserable and are like wtf is going on inside my head to make me like this??
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