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Everything posted by Greg

  1. Adderall? Alcohol? Cmon I don't think any addiction is socially acceptable.
  2. Ice cream and catching up on 24, tyrant and ... Sleep
  3. Office politics can be awful. I'm glad I'm just an intern.
  4. Ugh. Remembering those sickly combinations of stimulants..and gap filling...with other stimulants is such a nightmare. We really devolved...
  5. Awesome!!!Three weeks left to prove myself I'm worthy of a job offer in my internship...supposedly us 7 interns will find out if we got an offer on the last day -- august 8..thinking about this gives me butterflies,
  6. Such horrible news overseas: Russia/Ukraine/Malaysian airlines, Israel/Palestine mess, emergence of ISIS in Syria/Iraq, Taliban resurgance in Afghanistan
  7. Welcome to the forums addylife!I'm not a reader of high times lol, but I did read that article before and it's probably the most detailed and insightful deep dive that I've read into how prescribed stimulants actually work. ZK I was taking Ritalin and concerta separately and at the same time at once and concerta really f--- me up. I actually consider concerta worse than adderall for me, but both are pretty awful. Vyvance too.
  8. As a lot of you know, I don't think ADD exists and I think it is a BS diagnosis. For 12 years I truly believed I had ADD and identified with all the symptoms of ADD. I read all the books about ADHD like Driven to Distraction, 'I'm not stupid, lazy or crazy' and so many titles with distraction related adjectives in the title, and I seemed to identify with every symptom on every page, I feel foolish. now that I'm off Ritalin/concerta/adderall and vyvance I have discovered that I'm so much more organized now that I don't believe I have a disorganization problem. Side note, When you don't believe u have ADD or that ADD is a real disease, it makes quitting easier because there is just no justifiable reason for you to be on these meds Anyway, I flipped through an issue of TIME from last month and saw this article 'ADD does not exist 'and his opinions on how we need to rethink ADD struck a chord. Here it is. http://time.com/25370/doctor-adhd-does-not-exist/
  9. I also feel high strung. I don't know why. I think it's because my team had another meeting today for our next project.
  10. Downpour. Thunder. Tires fully submerged underwater.. ( for a small stretch of the commute)
  11. Last ship on TNT = meh...but I am still watching.
  12. Everyone in my office is talking about sharknado lol. Sharknado 2 comes out July 30. Someone was sent a sharknado kit with sharknado oven mitts (??) and what looked like madri gras beads...lol
  13. Good news al is u found the right place. And you're in good company. None of us are unfamiliar with your story. The cycle you are in is unsustainable. Staying up for days and sleeping for days. It has to end and even, say , if u could sustain it forever (which is impossible), you would also be miserable forever. And many of us have lost jobs and frustrated and devastated those close to us the longer we prolonged it. It can be done though and you can overcome it if you have a plan, and are committed to it and follow all the advice from he people here who have been through this hell and come out. Welcome to the forums.
  14. It's funny I sent out so many resumes for internships that even though I'm 6 weeks into my 10 week internships I get rejection letters at least 3 times a week from stuff I applied for in April. But all u need is ONE fish to bite,
  15. Ashley, u r working pretty late!! The reason I don't get home till 7:30 or 8 is because I have commute of hell, with a road with 1000 stop lights and only one lane lol.
  16. I just ate a full sized bag of cape cod chips lol....but I stuck to the 1500 calorie per day since the last post and dropped 5 lbs. today I was too hungry though had dunkin doughnuts, 2 bagels, a cashew chicken salad sandwich, corn on the cob and I'm going to have ice cream now it's all about portion control. But I'm giving myself today to indulge.
  17. Learning to cook with online videos was one of my post adderall distractions as well!
  18. I've substituted alcohol with orange soda.
  19. I definitely agree. If you go into McDs, walk out with diet coke and nothing more. Ice cream should be avoided but if done, must be portion controlled.
  20. Huge thing done today. I kind of want a shot alcohol but I....shouldn't. I won't.
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