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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. This is only the beginning! Every day you get closer to who you are. If you didn't like yourself before Adderall, then it is time for you to work on that. If you loved yourself before, it does take a while for your old self to come back completely. Don't get discouraged. Enjoy the glimpses of your old self...and stay clean. It'll come. I hope that makes sense. I tend to ramble...
  2. WOO HOO!! Great Job. I was angry and sad for a few weeks...it does go away.
  3. I just ordered some from Amazon. We shall see...
  4. You go camping without technology?!?!? Count me out...
  5. WELCOME!! You are not alone. It can be done...but, it will be a long process. Cut yourself some slack up front. Good luck and hang in there!
  6. Ouch. Well, at least it is not an "s" that is missing. That would suck!
  7. Ugh...now I feel guilty. FINE! I am going to get up and do some wall pushups and maybe some squats.
  8. Exercise. Try...but, it is hard. Just stepping outside and putting your face up to the sun helps.
  9. Grumpy Cat!!! 6 months!!! You are doing great! CarpeDiem!! You are well on your way! I am so proud of all of us!
  10. We've all been there. I can't count how many times I "quit" and then refilled... It's the final quit that counts. You can do it!
  11. Ick, office politics. I hate it, it is like highschool all over again.
  12. You've got this, that's right! Hang in there, you can do this.
  13. Did you check on the side effects? It is recommended that you have your liver enzymes checked periodically if you are going to take adrafinil long term. No thanks.
  14. This is an interesting thread, considering the adrafinil thread starting up elsewhere... Side effects are not great.
  15. I had to stop taking anything to break the habit. Looking forward to taking a pill so that you will feel better is addictive. Popping that pill is therapeutic and soothing, and habit forming. I quit them all, except an occasional L-Tyrosine and ibuprofen for pain.
  16. Stressed. Kids go back to school in two days!!! it is too hot to get on a school bus...
  17. Welcome! I remember those headaches...awful. So. Are you quitting today?
  18. I can't believe the doctor would prescribe you vyvanse after you were in his office crying about being hooked on Adderall. I have an acquaintance who quit meth 5 years ago and her doctor recently prescribed her Adderall. REALLY?!?! and he knew she had a history with amphetamine abuse. Unreal how strong a hold pharmaceutical companies have on the docs.
  19. Yes! You are awesome, Cassie!! It helps to have realistic expectations, even if it seems less than inspirational sometimes. lol
  20. I think one of the things that helped me in this journey is Cassie telling me early on that is was a long process. I probably wouldn't have stayed away from it for this long if there wasn't hope that I would eventually be myself again. However, now that I think about it, do I really want to be my "old self" again? The old me was willing (eager) to take a pill to make life easier...I am never going to be that person again. It feels really good to evolve...
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