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Everything posted by sky

  1. +1 Good job on coming back here I guess, I'd say 90% of the Tell Your Story stories are folks who want to quit, post their story, then never come back cuz they keep using... I do wish folks would stop talking about using adderall, trying to use it responsibly "I'm just going to take 10mg a day..." ugh, I mean, how does posting that help them or help anyone on here? This is the Quitting Adderall forum, not the I'm gonna learn to be responsible with adderall forum... Kind of defeats the purpose of posting encouraging replies when all that is posted on here... I mean, if the intent is to quit adderall, then anything goes, including relapse, but even the relapse posts shouldn't be so flip and "Hey I relapsed and took a shit ton of adderall, but whatevs, I'm good" cuz how does that help anyone?? There is no examination of what led up to it, where things broke down, what others might do to avoid those situations, etc.... just a bunch of free passes to chip (use a little here and there), relapse, try to be responsible by taking only a little instead of a lot (seriously?!) etc... What I'm saying is that this is a community, we're here to get help and help, and none of that seems very helpful...
  2. hahaha it's good!! coupla raw eggs with the shells, handfull of raisins, a slice of bread, dash of milk, dash of lemon, you've got yourself a protein blend that'll keep your stomach gurgling for hours! ;P
  3. yeah I was doing kale, cucumber, orange, apple, banana blended daily when I first started (and it was a bit warmer, and my ice machine worked)... haven't lately, but love those.... hella good for you.
  4. depended-- If I had taken adderall that day, a ton. Not a pack, but maybe half a pack... If I hadn't taken adderall that day, a lot less... the adderall totally made me crave cigarettes and chain smoke. Biggest killer in the US, kills more than everything else combined I think (they say). Anyway, was time for me....
  5. Hey Ashley, I stopped smoking 9 days ago... someone posted this video on fb it was the last straw for me... I had always been wanting to quit, thought about it all the time, every pack was going to be the last one, this sealed the deal for me for some reason.... first day was the hardest but not that bad, I get occasional urges, they pass... really glad I stopped...
  6. sounds like you have an open mind about it at least... it'll be what you make it. could be a lot of what you already know, could be semi enlightening, could be profound.... I took one as part of getting a scrip, it was aight. What is the class about? why are you taking it? check out the book Healing ADD, pretty interesting.... http://www.amazon.com/Healing-ADD-Breakthrough-Program-Allows/dp/0425183270/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355703784&sr=8-1&keywords=healing+add
  7. Hey emmmapea, welcome to the forum. I keep thinking it's only a matter of time before MSNBC or someone wants to do a sensationalist story on adderall and finds this forum... mark my words. Let's enjoy it and gain from it, and help each other until then... It is amazing that it is prescribed so easily, that it is supposed to help but creates more problems for many of us. I for one did not take it as prescribed, so I can't blame anyone but myself, because I don't know what would have happened if I had taken it as the doctor suggested, rather than as I wanted... The issues are deeper and probably well out of our scope. Why do they want so many of us hooked on these mind altering pharmaceuticals? It's hard to discuss without starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist. But I believe some day it will all be exposed, lies and deceipt expoxed, and the root determined to be money, greed, control, etc.... I am sure that ADD and ADHD could, in MANY cases (not all) be treated with a better diet, exercise, less tv, etc.... In many cases pharmaceuticals are necessary and helpful to the individual, but certainly not in as many cases as exist. I for one wanted a prescription, asked for it, and was given it-- I wasn't urged to try something else first. That is the whole problem with our system. Americans want to eat crap, smoke, be slothful and basically do exactly as they please, and then seek medical help to treat it while still allowing them to keep doing the exact same thing. Smoking, drinking in excess, eating crap, sloth, laziness... those are the root causes of many ails, and yet, rather than change those behaviors, science and medicine is now treating the effects, rather than the causes.... LAME O!
  8. yup, definitely... you know the problem, the solution, what the end of the road looks like, what you stand to lose, the impact it will have on your child.... and yet have you made the decision to stop? Do you have the resolve, the will, the guts to stop? Just stop. Deal with the pain, agony, discomfort. You know you have 2 choices: Stop, or be forced to stop in prison, recovery homes, casket. Stop now, or let someone else stop you. There is no other path. There is no "keep on balancing it", there is: lose it all, or stop before you lose it all. There is no, I'll quit tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. You have a responsibility to do it for yourself, your mom, your kid. I know no one quits for anyone else, as addicts in the throes of addiction, we really don't give a fuck about anyone else more than we care about ourselves and maintaining that comfort. We are such weak willed pussies, a fucking flu hurts more than the withdrawal, but we have no resolve, and we cave and give in at the first sign of ouch, this sucks. We know it's going to hurt some, going to be uncomfortable, and yet, most have to take it to the hilt in order to stop. Coerced help. Prison, hospitals, recovery homes, death. So? Buck the fuck up, and quit. Or deal with the consequences. It's only a matter of time. What sucks though, is that your kid will suffer the worst....
  9. go to trader joes, get kale, cucumber, oranges, apples, banana, make a smoothy- high in fiber, vitamins, protein, probably high in sugar too but I think the fiber balances it out... better than junk though. don't eat crap. as part of the new you, research healthy eating and stop buying crap. I don't but junk food any more, cuz I eat it if I do. we're lucky here in CA cuz we have options, so eat right. too preachy? fuck it.
  10. sky

    Hello Everyone

    lol yeah that's happened to me too... was user error though... keep checking in and let us know how you're doing....
  11. you will. it's that simple. the worry and crazy stuff happening in your head is a mix of detox and plain ol addiction trying to scare you back. you will get over it, you will recover, your life will be better (much much better) than it was, you will love yourself again, you will realize life SUCKED while in the throes of adderall abuse, you will get better and better every day. lDeal with the withdrawal, give yourself time to recover, eat a healthy diet, exercise, read and fill your mind with hope. Don't just detox and wallow in misery doubt depression, detox and actively rid you body mind and spirit of this SHIT they prescribed you. It's a multi fascited process. Set your sights on your goal and don't give up when it gets tough. Buck the fuck up, get thru it, read others posts on this site, get motivated, get on with life! Just think, you have to pay your dues for the years of abuse, but you will, life will get better, your goals will be achieved. Do it sister. Don't give in. Don't step down if you haven't taken any in 2 days. stop.
  12. welp, you gotta decide that you want something better for yourself, if you actually do. Then, once you make a decision, move forward with everything. I think the thing you can't do successfully is ride the fence, be in limbo, be simultaneously quitting but chipping (using a little bit here and there thinking you can control it) or even stepping down to quit. I don't want to suggest that the same advise applies universally or to everyone, some people need the meds just like people need glasses or hearing aids, but if you, like many people on this forum, took adderall as a way to be better, faster, stronger, etc and abused it then it is probably not the same as someone who needs anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication. So stepping down is riding the fence to me, a way to delay the inevitable, make the quitting less painful. fuck that, you know what they do in recovery homes? they make you stop, cold turkey. "you made your bed, lie in it and enjoy the mess you made, maybe you'll remember that next time and not fuck up again..." tough love. So, decide if you want to stop. Then stop. And don't just stop, but buck the fuck up and do something different. Don't JUST STOP, you have to replace the old way of thinking and being with a new way... so seek out those things that are good and positive and will retrain your mind to think in a new way. Get excited to redefine yourself, and then keep doing it every day, so that it becomes a new habit. I read positive literature (note: this is not self help books, but those may be helpful to others), anything that is positive and brain washes you in a positive way to think differently and give you tools to evolve, not just stop and stay stuck in the same cesspool of crap. We all have to make ourselves develop the habits we want- so if you want to be more disciplined, make yourself. It hurts at first, it's uncomfortable to change the routine, but do it once, do it twice, etc... and it gets easier. get up, buck up, toughen up, and keep your sights set on the goal of becoming a better you without adderall. If you want to stop, stop. don't worry about the pills you have left. I have 600 5mg pills still sitting the the bottles from the last time I refilled. don't bother me a bit. they don't call to me, I don't resist taking them. same with the weed I have, just sits there, stopped that too. And I am now somewhere within the first week of stopping smoking. Decided to stop, stopped. Was hard on day one, kind of, not really, not hard at all now. I may get an urge at times when I would have smoked before, resist it, think about something else, goes away. done. I'm 40 years old, never felt better in my life. Healthier now than I have been in 26 years.... fuck yeah. And it's not hard if you decide that you want something different and new, if you decide that YOU'RE NOT GIVING ANYTHING UP! you are gaining something, a lot of things. Then it is easy to just walk away from it and towards something much much better.
  13. sky

    Hello Everyone

    Hey Megan, welcome to the forum... I'm not sure what your adderall use was like, so answer me this: is stepping down a way to delay the inevitable, a way to avoid ripping the bandaid off? I'm going to be careful about giving advise, I think this forum has gotten a little heavy on the advise given by folks just coming out of the dark themselves... so in that light, I think it's important to weigh it out, see what is usually done successfully... ie. going cold turkey, ripping the bandaid off and immediately beginning the road to recover, OR wallowing in the "quitting" phase, peeling the bandaid ever so gently off, so you can feel every hair being tugged at, pulled, skin stretching, bla bla bla... I think you can see where my personal opinion lies... Anyway, that's neither here nor there (lamest prelude ever), what's important is that you brainwash yourself with positivity. Just as you can fill your head with how hard quitting is going to be, oh whoa is me how painful recovery is going to be, how uncomfortable, depressed, etc etc etc its all going to make you, you can, instead, concentrate on the fact that life will begin to improve, your everything will be better off, relationships, work, body, self esteem, the whole kit-n-kabootle (eh?) will benefit from quitting.... don't think of it as giving something up as much as gaining something anew... replace what you're removing (the adderall) with something better- in whatever form you desire, as long as it is something positive, beneficial, something that changes the way you think and gives you tools to make it day by day by day out of the smog and into the real world of ups and downs and highs and lows, and cope with NOT the way "normal" people cope, but as a higher being, an enlightened being, an advanced person, someone who makes the world a better place.... or at least strive for that.... fuck, now I'm giving advise too... oh well, bottom line, don't concentrate on how hard its going to be. You can read a ton of folks experiences, those who have quit and made it out of the fog, and you know what, it wasn't that bad.... the hardest is resisting the urges, not yielding, developing tools to let them pass, realizing that they do pass, and realizing that if you get thru one, you can keep getting thru them, until you just don't have them anymore.... it ain't that hard, it ain't that bad, be prepared mentally to stick to your commitment, and be excited for a new you....
  14. haha that visual of you all strapped at the gym is funny....!! wish I could see that! I'm imagining little white discs taped to your temples, neck, shoulders, back, chest, stomach, cheeks, with wire leads going into a box strapped to your waist, crescendo beeping, paper with colorful squiggly lines feeding out of it, maybe an IV drip of gatoraid... hahaha awesome! I laugh WITH you....
  15. hey britt, welcome to the forums... so where are you at with it all? are you wanting to stop? or keep running thru that cycle...? I can tell you this, eventually, with enough time, you stop looking back thru those rose colored glasses, the present now takes on a much brighter light than the past, the new and improved "you" is so much better you wonder why the fuck you waited so long... wasted so much time... So where are you at with it all?
  16. remember, you can only control yourself, you can only change yourself, be grateful YOU'RE NOT LIKE THAT! feel bad for him that at this late in his life, he cannot connect with his own daughter, when she, seemingly totally out of character, comes to the family with something like you did, and his response is so distant.... I say all this from a point of total objectivity-- If I were emotionally immersed like you are, I wouldn't be able to do what I say.... but, when you look at it from afar, what the fuck!? where's the love, where is the empathy? you're his flesh and blood, listen without being reactive, hear without judging, console without offering solutions or quips.... BE GRATEFUL WE ARE ABLE TO LEARN THESE LESSONS, for isn't that what it is ALL ultimately about?? growth, learning, being a better person than we were yesterday.... I am so sorry that you got that kind of feedback... we all want love and we all want to respect our parents, they're fallible people too and some people never fucking grow or learn or evolve. And I mean no disrespect towards your father. He knoweth not what he doth.... give him that benefit. He most probably didn't mean to HURT you, who said that, "he know not what he doth..." or something? probably JC. wise words though. its true. we take to heart hurtful words, but they are not always meant that way, these fallible humans in our lives do not think like chess players, 5 moves in advance, they just speak.... no thought what the consequences may be, how they may be [mis]interpreted.... love him, he knows not what he does.... don't DON'T fucking let it affect you, hurt you, or in any way change who you are... be glad you are as evolved as you are that you can still hug him, love him, and feel a slight tinge of pity that he doesn't see more of the bigger picture............................................ FALCON!!! Shout out to you my brother!!! hope you're doing great tonight......
  17. yes, hate that... it happened cuz I moved my fingers on the mouse wrong and it went back a page n zip! gone....
  18. not for nothing but it does feel good to be prescription free. it feels good to feel, the highs and lows, and to get thru the lows au natural, to observe them and know they'll pass. some days I'll wake up and know I'm off, usually from lack of good sleep, but I know tomorrow I'll probably feel better. And allowing time to heal, time to develop as an Rx free person, and knowing that I'm in the midst of it and I have to be patient and keep moving towards where I want to be and who I want to be... 2 months off today. no weed n no addy for 2 months. mentally clearer than I have been in decades.
  19. nice. very true.... the holidays can definitely be a hard time, especially for those of us who don't have a spouse or close family to lean on and share it with, and tell about our issues..... sometimes I just want to get thru them and past them.... I hope you're having a least tolerable holidays, if you're not having great ones. hopefully they're great.
  20. I just realized that this coming Saturday will be 2 months off for me....!! I think I've passed thru the "OMG I feel SO great!!!" phase of stopping, and am now laying in the cut as James Brown would say. I guess reality has set in, life is happening, it has its ups and downs and I feel it and cope with it as I guess "normal" people do. I just want to say that all of you out there are really helpful and have made this a hell of a lot better. It's nice we're all here for each other, even though we don't know each other nor have much to gain by being there, it is great how we extend our hands to help and give support... Just shy of 2 months and I feel good, still giving myself that time to recover though, as I don't think I'm fully out of the fog, still napping most days, but able to do everything sans addy and weed. I was with an old ex/ bff the other day when I went back home for thanksgiving. She smokes weed, offered me some, I declined and told her about the addy and how I was also a daily weed smoker. And also told her that I feel better now than I have probably since I was 10. though I don't remember at all being 10. So thank you all for being there............. how in the hell is the audience just sitting there?? http://youtu.be/0ROzGihgCj8
  21. sounds cool. at the very least you can plant the seed in the garden of their mind that it only leads to very few ultimate destinations... everyone has to live their own life and learn things however they're gonna do it- probably for most of us that is the hard way, but the lucky ones will hear you, and hopefully live to tell the tail. did it feel good? rewarding? therapeutic?
  22. hey, I'm not sure but maybe lay it all out for the doctor, see what they say about anti depressants. I was on Wellbutrin before addy, it was a lot like addy- kind of speedy, u need a lot if water, depresses appetite and sleep, etc etc... I stopped that cold way before the adderall and felt no different. not sure what it really did... my opinion is cut it all out and try to learn ways of coping and dealing with depression- though that is probably VERY naive of me to say, as some ppl are just clinically depressed and need meds to function. best bet is to ask the doctor, maybe there's an anti depressant that is better- hang in there, push thru, things will get better sans addy abuse...
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