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Everything posted by sky

  1. you know what, MFA and neversaynever, you two should find your first posts on here and the ones that were from your early days, you two made it thru all that, yes it's annoyingly ugh but NOT THAT BAD and then poof! you're out n thru it n coaxing others thru it... and SURE AS FUCK feels better than it did while in that mix... Good job on Day 2!
  2. never had that issue either. I'd take it in the AM with highly caffeinated tea and double fist with a big water... lots of water always, never enough water for that stuff... but everyone's physiology is different, obv, so if you react that way, wait on the caffeine... are you taking extended release?
  3. lol. dude, google search and go bug the Using Meth Responsibly forum, and the 10 Things I Love About Adderall forum, and the I'm Going To Research How To Be Responsible WIth Meth forum, and the I Just Don't Get It forum. Seriously, it's laughable, and not just cuz you're so naive as to post over and over on here, but cuz you really think you're that smart.... You picked the wrong forum, cuz folks here are interested in the Quitting Adderall forum, and so we don't share your misguided aspirations...
  4. well good! keep posting, keep going day by day n not using adderall to zing thru days, trudge like the rest of us n the rest of the folks out there getting by w/o it. no matter what drug or substance it is we think we need to get thru n couldn't possibly live without, there are tons of folks doing without n probably better off... I feel better today than I have in probably 20 years. 20 years of always being on something or multiple things... and life is a hell of a lot better now too.
  5. SomedayDreamer, your story sounds familiar and like the natural course of events that gets people to this forum... you're not alone. So where do you go from here? You've come to realize and accept that there's a problem, the solution is to stop taking it. As scary as it sounds, that's the first step... so, are you ready to stop? Are you ready to give up the hellish existence in exchange for a better daily life, a real life full of ups and downs, and ready to deal with life head on in all it's sometimes banal, sometimes ugly, sometimes exciting, sometimes wonderful, sometimes hard, sometimes boring, sometimes depressing glory? Are you ready to free yourself from the zombie state and crack the shell and be reborn (in a completely unreligious use of the word) as a new you? You can do it, it's not that bad, it hurts for a couple of weeks but not as bad as the flu or a migraine, it's doable and lots of us went thru it and are now on the other side, taking strides and leaps and bounds away from that era of our lives....
  6. yes indeed. just see if you can cut the adderall out, no need to tackle everything at once, but as momentum builds, throwing other things in there is easier... I quit weed a few days after adderall too. was a daily smoker for years, but it made me too introspective, quiet, boring, blasé, flat-line and I didn't like it in the end... thought it was holding me back... just see if you can get thru without the adderall. remember that you're surrounded by folks who are doing the same things without it, so you can too, just gotta get thru those first days and then it gets easier....
  7. lol I laughed at that too.... ahhh the QA forum experienced its first Troll! best way to deal with Trolls is not to feed them... feed= reply, especially with any passion, anger, "fuel" to their inane posts and queries... ignore ignore ignore. I was laughing at that thread this morning tho, I used up my daily quota of Likes This's ! What's a guy gotta do to get some Warning Points around here!? I've always wondered about that...
  8. yup... adderall and cigarettes should just be packaged together. but nicotine constructs blood vessels and wreaks all kinds of havoc. someone posted a video on FB of little kids going up to people smoking and asking for a light ( with a cig in their mouth) and of course everyone turned them down, then the kids asked why they would smoke then (something like that, I'm not doing a good job of painting the picture) ah hell here's a link derp anyhoo, saw that, had been wanting to quit, n was like "aaaand scene". 30 days, feel great.
  9. smoking is the worst thing for circulation. my hands were horrible- cold, dry, red/purple/orange in cold weather. I had old man hands according to friends... been 1 month since I stopped smoking, that went away. The problem with going to a specialist doctor and not doing any of the basic things that lead to a healthy body first is all they can do is treat the symptoms, not the root causes. When you stop smoking a million things get better.
  10. haha read around on the forum some... do your own homework... no ones going to convince you of shit if you've got your mind made up. you're gonna just have to learn the hard way my friend. good luck with that.
  11. hey Candace, everyone here understands, we're all in the same boat, though to varying degrees as far as toddlers go... I for one have none. But think of this- what would happen if you got a flu? what would you do? quitting adderall, physically, is a lot less debilitating. Mentally it has a tighter grip, mostly because we know of one sure way to feel better again, with the flu we just have to wait it out and suffer thru it... so if you truly want to kick it, start tomorrow. It ain't THAT bad, it sucks, but it's definitely doable... know you'll feel kinda crappy, but you can get thru it, and sure as fuck you'll soon be glad you did, cuz you can start to move on and up and forward and all without the weight of your conscience.... you'll feel proud of your accomplishments... welcome to the forum!!
  12. lol, twas a good day on the QA forum........ nice to see everyone come together for a common cause, help each other out, and care about others' well being...
  13. YOOOOO FALCON!!! play this LOUD! DUDE! good job getting out of the houseboat and doing something to try to make yourself feel better! you gotta move dem ol bones and get that sludge you call blood moving thru them ol cells...! FALCON! You can't just come around here and give good advise and not help yourself too, what would Falcon tell Falcon!?! He'd say, Brother man, get up offa that thang, and make yourself feel better! It is proven, exercise makes you feel better. It is an anti depressant. They recommend it and a good diet for ADHD, for depression, for ol guys like you.... DUDE! don't look back. The past is the past, all we can do is move forward... you're a good guy, you have a lot to offer folks around here, and I'm sure you do the same in your real life out there in the windy city you're in. Take it easy on yourself, it's ok to have bad days, to feel like shit, to hibernate and nest... but you gotta wake up from that and do something different before too long...! which you did today. So good job my brother. Play some loud music, and get that houseboat a'rockin!!
  14. lol!!!!!!!!! awe man, the problems we create for ourselves.........! yup, it's gonna be a rollercoaster, and not the fun yipppeee kind we wait in hour long lines for, nope, this one's old and made of wood and it bumps and jars and hurts and we kinda just want it to end when we're on it and wonder why it looked so appealing from below.... like that one at state line before vegas- probably no one knows the one I mean, but it hurts! and you get off and want to go to a chiropractor and your bones ache and you probably pulled something you didn't even know you had... THAT kind of emotional rollercoaster.... every single one of us on here used to look in the mirror and hate what they saw. I sure as hell did. I wasn't proud of who I'd become, wasn't proud of the fact that I was always stoned, tweaking, big dark party bags under my eyes, bloodshot, sucked up, ugly.... now I feel good, I look good, life is exciting and it feels good to change and evolve, and even though it feels, even though we now have to deal with life, it's actually something that feels better than avoiding it.... like somehow the actual road is pleasurable, even those times when it's not, even when we hurt, feel depressed, feel lethargic, feel lost.... it still feels better to feel that than run from it and hide. Maybe that's the seed that somehow got planted in all of us somewhere at the beginning... we can't go back to the way it was, to the way it used to be when we used drugs so freely and without regret.... we all now have that conscience that speaks to us, a voice that argues against relapsing, a voice that urges us forward on our new path of ascension and being a better person... handling situations in a new way, having a new outlook, being positive, patient with others, allowing others to be fallible and know not what they do.... good for you for sticking with it, getting thru a difficult day, the fog lifts, the agony subsides, look at all of us... we were all in our own Quitting Adderall hell at one time.... thumbs up to us all!
  15. lol!!! nice. If in some alternate universe we all wrote a collective book, that would be the cover of the book....
  16. .... so what did you do? that's the thing that you gotta work on. I know I sound bossy and preachy and all that, hey, I've been around, I went thru hell too, no one sugar coated anything for me, so know a lot of us tell it like we see it... there's a lot of "you need to do this..." you do need to learn new ways of coping. You said yourself the automatic responses you have to the stressors you feel. hey I quit smoking weed and cigs recently too, I still get urges for those at times when I would normally have smoked. Those go away with time, I dunno how much time, but they go away- for now I am sure that they do diminish, and I am also sure that if I ignore the urge, the compulsion to do them goes away after I stop thinking about it... last night I wanted a cigarette, thought about it, told myself to stop thinking about it, urge went away.... So the important thing is going to be to learn new coping mechanisms, new reactions instead of the old destructive behavior. You know what, and correct me if I'm wrong, but being a 20 yo female sucks. There is just too much inner drama chemicals biology going on in there... its just a rough time to be you. a lot of it is biology, a lot of it is social pressure and stigma and pop culture etc etc. but it's important to expand your mind, expand your views, see new ways of seeing and thinking and reacting.
  17. hahaha we woulda given you the most horrific verbal thrashing of your life!!! good job. closed the drawer. but did you toss the pill? if not, why the hell not!? flick that thing like a booger. if you know it's there and it was tempting, get rid of it. proud of you for making the right, albeit tough, decision..............
  18. give yourself time to heal, time to feel crappy, time to be unproductive and bla and lazy and ugh and '_' its a process, but as long as you do those things that are steps towards your goal of a new and improved you, you're making progress and doing those things that will get you there. Define yourself to yourself on how you want to be. Set that as a goal, and work towards that. It will get better, you will feel better, it will get easier. The adderall will stop calling to you. I too have a ton of pills from my last refill that I haven't touched, nor do they call to me, they just sit there, like a cobweb, like dust bunnies behind my bathroom door. Work on feeling better about yourself and who you are, I know it's tough for young women and body image is huge and addy and weight "management" are a popular combo.... it's all totally self destructive. keep coming around here and seeking help and support, it sucks for a while, I remember when neversaynever first got here, she was in your position, she suffered and had a string of shitty days camped out in sweats, sweating it out.... look at her now, a poster child of positivity.... that'll be you soon too. know that the pain and discomfort are your own fault for the choices you've made, deal, suffer, it ain't that bad, the flu is much worse, get thru it, you will, and you'll be fine.... netflix is our friend in those first bunch of days..........................................
  19. if you want you life to improve, then IMMEDIATELY start doing the right thing. stop putting it off until later or until tomorrow... tomorrow never comes, until wreckage has been wrought and damage done. stop the consequences from happening by heading them off at the pass, don't take addy today, instead do things that contribute to those small steps towards recovery and a better string of endless tomorrows. whatever you do, don't take it today. the first day is hard, get by by the hair of your chinny chin chin, you can do it. you know it's going to suck, suck it up and deal. toughen up, you've got a long hard road ahead of you and you need strength, courage, commitment, and determination to get there. but the goal is MUCH better than the alternative. You sound like you need to do some soul repair. everything you do from now on, do towards the positive new you. it'll get exciting on days 2- infinity, with maybe a few shitty days here and there for spice and reality checks. get thru them knowing tomorrow will be better. do it chicka, no excuses. you're young and you're fucking up your mind and body. it stops now.
  20. I recommend anything by James Allen as a means to looking forward, not back...
  21. that's some tough love there brother Sebastian. that's like that scene on Airplane where they're all shaking her... too obscure a reference? but seriously bro, that's what's coming across, that you need to get a handle on it and change the way you think... we're all in the same boat on here, we only have our own personal experience and what we've heard and read but def not all the answers folks are asking for... folks may want to know what to expect as their recovery unfolds, but no one on here has the magic answers to all questions about when and what and how etc... we're all here to get and give support... so as far as you my man, ease up a little, do some things to change the way you think and process things. counseling might help, definitely books, positive literature, feedback from strangers who are honest and unbiased like quit-once, that's all good shit... and take it easy there, give yourself some time to come down and heal... your worry does more damage than the addy did, not to give you more to worry about or anything, but stress, manage that stress....
  22. dude you sound a hell of a lot better than when you first came on here........ amazing what happens to us as the addy leeches from our system and as we take a new path and new direction, make changes, and are actually better off.... fucking night and day. good on ya.
  23. omg I was JUST thinking about Requiem yesterday!!! ugh that movie is disturbing and powerful and great. so hard to watch though.
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