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Everything posted by sky

  1. I THINK cuz ur body goes into a "holy shit that bitch!" malnutrition mode where it's like "fuck this nonsense!" and saves up a ton of energy reserves for later when u give it oh 200 calories to get it thru the day AND digest that twinky, heal from the cigs, and actually run your body on 200% from the addy, cuz I don't think the addy itself is actual energy... but far is energy reserves, am I wrong, I'm not expert, but I believe that's right... your body's bank account of energy reserves...
  2. hahahaha yeah I wanted that box o drugs as a kid... got me a D.A.R.E tshirt too, purely for irony...
  3. good good lea, yeah rest up!!!!!! no guilt, your body needs to adjust, we all did the same thing, lived in sweats, felt like crap, boo, but congrats on day 3, it starts to get better and better soon enough...... I got a physical yesterday, doc was running thru my history, and mentioned the Wellbutrin and Adderall, he asked how that was working for me cuz he also saw that the Wellbutrin/ Ritalin combo didn't work so well (was mostly my manipulation, I didn't want Ritalin, I wanted Adderall, so I said it made me feel worse, which it maaaaybe kinda did, who knows, I wanted addy), I told him I had stopped taking both and that I was a hell of a lot better now than when I was taking it, which is true, so yeah, burned that bridge, no more refills for me either.........
  4. GOOD! That is very much committing to a new life sans adderall... now the hard part and footwork some in to play. Yes there is the drying out period where you have to let your body heal and adjust to running without the addy fuel, but soon you've got to start doing those things which will create the new and improved you........... you have to figure out what exact formula that works for you, for me it was- Reading positive literature (not self help books, but things that changed my way of thinking and perspective about things, gave me new tools to use to cope, to get excited about life, and to broaden myself... I personally like James Allan books, but there are a ton out there that are great, again, whatever works for you... but we have to remain positive and excited about the changes and not remain psychologically the same... ), DIET!! Diet is so key, the book Healing ADDtalks a lot about treating ADD with diet and exercise. It is a great read. But we all know that proper diet can address A LOT of issues and a bad diet can LEAD TO a lot of issues... so if you don't already, EAT FUCKING HEALTHY! and Exercise!! Exercise is known and proven to fight depression. If you don't already, EXERCISE!!!!!!!!!! hahaha I sound like a nut. seriously though, you made a commitment, make it work! we can't just sit on our hands and expect miracles, we have to work for it!! I can not tell you how much fucking better I am doing now than I was 3 months ago. I feel better now than I have in 20 years and it is because I made major changes in my lifestyle and all I can do is try and share that because I truly believe that it is those changes that led me to this place.............
  5. lol hang in there sista, you got that bucking bronco under control... make it your bitch today.
  6. Yes congrats on day 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep it up!!!
  7. Falcon brother you should really think about becoming a Drug & Alcohol counselor in a recovery home... maybe that is what your past led you to today... have you thought about that?
  8. this is a great thread.... please hang in there, it is tough, it is rough, nothing really worthwhile is easy.... you can tackle the other things too, it all just takes work and effort and commitment. give yourself time....
  9. sky

    Hit bottom

    yup!! good times!! good job though, you made it thru.... it'll start to get easier in oh like a month or two... hang in there! jk, it'll get easier soon, sucks at first, but keep your eye on the prize and that commitment to quitting (and not vacillating or riding the fence of indecision) will make it easier. I swear, the commitment is key, cuz then you don't have the nag of the addiction talking in your ear as much...
  10. hahahahahaha yeah I remember that.......... that was like day 2 or 3.... I said I was writing Stream of Consciousness and yeah was prob a mumbo jumbo of thoughts and ideas as my brain swelling returned to normalish. If you remember, I was VERY excited in those early days, the idea of being compelled and excited about getting off the addy was exciting me, I was giddy, I was excited to be a new me. It had gone on long enough, and I was excited to redefine myself and watch the world unfold and open up in front of me... that delusion gave me the will to get thru that kinda tough part to now. Things are better and getting better now for sure. Was a good decision. I'm glad you were there to give support for sure, all of ya'll, I'm telling you, this forum definitely helps... even when I was on the mission to get a cig a little while back, I thought of this forum and didn't smoke, and I was glad the next morning that I didn't........ so props, raise the roof, whoot whoot.........
  11. lol, I love The Californians.... my accent is much more pronounced though, his is more "California lite"...
  12. sky

    Hit bottom

    lol hey trail mix is a pretty good snack choice... maybe not a whole container, especially not a costco sized container, but what the hell.... YOLO!! lol jk. keep it up! drag your ass to that meeting, you only have to go thru day 2 once!
  13. hey quit-once, since everyone's physiology is different, we all react differently to the weed, all use it or used it for different reasons-- I smoked daily, I got my medical marijuana card (literally called the doctor, said "I'm having trouble sleeping, I've tried drinking warm milk, I've tried counting sheep..." was as easy as that to get a prescription. Then buying weed became like buying wine... it wasn't just green bud and mexi weed, it was indica and sativa, and I always bought straight sativa because it was more "upper" and didn't make me AS much of a social retard as indica, which just make me flatline socially.... But I smoked daily, and would smoke before leaving the house, and then I wouldn't talk to anyone and was awkward and weird and I hated it cuz I met no one new, was just bla and boring, wasn't funny and if I made a joke it was kinda "huh?" cuz only I thought I was funny.... long story not that short, it got in my way.... I had been wanting to stop smoking weed ALWAYS, I knew it wasn't good any more, cuz I smoked daily, smoked before everything but work... I knew better than to smoke before working cuz my job requires me to be very social and on point and creative and I just can't smoke and do it... but sure as hell as soon as I got in my car, or got home or was able to I'd fire up the bong... NOW things are different. It's been about 2.5 months, things are DRASTICALLY different.... I am much more social, much less awkward to not awkward at all (maybe a little awkward but that's just naturally me I guess), funny, I am not so self-loathing and don't beat myself up all the time. I still enjoy doing everything I used to do stoned, but I'm just not stoned. I don't wake up foggy in the morning, I can talk to strangers and girls and people I would normally have shied away from cuz I felt too self conscious cuz I was awkward cuz I was stoned.... I was able to do everything high, so I wouldn't say I'm more productive, I was never very productive to begin with, still not really, but it was a vice, it was something I felt was holding me back, it was something I could not stop doing, and I did, so I feel good about that..... Why do you think about stopping? what's your story? I know a ton of folks who smoke and it doesn't seem to affect them adversely at all. Their eyes don't even get red (I'd smoke a little hit and my eyes turned glassy and red... no hiding it here), they get more creative, they can interact seemingly as if nothing is different.... that wasn't me.
  14. you can do this. doc or no doc, it's in you. you know both sides, choose the one you want and go with that with all of you. you got this, it's only a little bit of time before the pressure lets up and it starts to get easier. push the thoughts out, the urges go away if you don't dwell on them or give them the attention they desire, change your thoughts... you got this! trudge thru it, it gets better!!
  15. sky

    Hit bottom

    welcome lea, congrats on taking major steps to quitting. tough it out, it's gonna hurt, but the agony is worth it in the end... and it's not THAT bad... just give yourself a few days to repair and recover and then it's all up hill, peaches and cream, from there... just kidding, but it is better than the self created problem adderall adds to the mix.. keep posting and let us know how it's going... you can do this, just get thru the next few days...
  16. ditto on the quitting weed is a good thing thought... was holding me back for sure, got in my own way.... thought it spiced up the day, but just made me foggy in the end (the end being the last oh 10 years)... hella better now without it.
  17. agreed. This post is done. question answered. troll has been fed.
  18. just go easy on yourself... there's only so many things you can tackle all at once. So allow yourself time to heal, it's a process, I think you'll see it's all part of this balanced breakfast... steps towards being healthy start to make room for other healthy behaviors and old unhealthy habits soon make no sense in the new you.... until then, allow yourself time, don't be too hard on yourself.
  19. lololol!!!!!!!!!! this forum does make me laugh and smile........ good job on day 2! good job to everyone who posts and keeps coming back... Its funny how a thread gets started with one title and main post, and then quickly diverges and digresses and goes all over the place... Don't worry about the stash of addies. I still have 600 pills, FALCON (gotta capitalize it) still has a drum of them on his nightstand, it's no big deal if it's no big deal... you decide that when the time comes... until then, keep struggling thru it... tomorrow may be hard, maybe not that bad, who knows, it's a lot of mental prep work, and allowing yourself to be illin and let it all pass. we were all there, we were all here with a day, 2, 3, 4.... struggling to varying degrees, illin, chillin, moping... but it passes and look at us all now, freakin poster children. keep it up!
  20. lol, I was thinking ya'lls first days posts but that's right you came here with a bunch of time under your belt already... so maybe just neversaynever's early tooth n nail posts... I dunno, seemed like a good idea at the time but now not so much... n yeah if you wanna write a how you got here story I'm sure we'd all dig it... !
  21. lolilololololol sponge bob kite runner...!
  22. lolol you crack me up lady!!!!!!!!!! I was thinking that they'd be a good read for others early in recovery!! those first few hairy days (hairy and hairy), and how you felt and how you got by......... and fast forward to now....
  23. I meant, find your first posts and link them or share them on this thread... ya, no? bein dumby over here... seemed like a good idea 45 seconds ago. I meant as encouragement ...
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