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Everything posted by AlwaysAwesome

  1. You know how addiction feels. Get off that road.
  2. Welcome!! I find that tapering just prolongs the withdrawal symptoms. If you are needing to get back in the swing of things, then why would you extend the withdrawal symptoms? Pick a long weekend (Labor day😄) and quit. Tell everyone, and get plenty of snacks and tissues. Good luck!
  3. Fat...and miserable...but, determined to MAKE A CHANGE!!
  4. I remember all of those things! Terrible times, indeed. Welcome!
  5. I am a firm believer in the cold turkey method. All of my attempts at quitting involved tapering. Great Job!
  6. Under the Dome was a great book, but the surprise at the end was a bit "out there" and I don't know how well it will translate to TV...
  7. Thanks everybody! I appreciate the support. The movie I was in comes out in April, 2016. I missed the season finale of Halt and Catch Fire, so I didn't get to see if I made the cut. Oops... Greg, we are SUPER STARS!!!
  8. Even after this long, I am having a really hard time. In the last few weeks, I have been struggling to get motivated to do anything. I am tired, sluggish, starving, and just plain miserable. I need to get my sh*t together, but I am having trouble motivating myself to do anything positive. I have gained back almost all of the weight I lost. I know that it will get better, but I am just junk right now. Not trying to bring anyone down, but I promised to be honest so that recovery was not sugar coated. So, there you go...
  9. Me, too!! I loved it! I kept waiting on the zombies to jump out, and it never came...not predictable. Awesome!
  10. Fear the Walking Dead!!! WOOHOO! I have been in zombie withdrawal. Luckily, I have Zombieland on DVD. LOL, I love that movie.
  11. Thanks! I am just feeling beaten and like I just want to curl up in a ball and hide...Totally not like me, so I am trying to head it off and get back on track. I just passed up a donut in the break room. Celebrate the small successes!
  12. SUNDAY NIGHT!!!! I am SOOOO excited!!! YAY!!
  13. I LOVE amazon prime!! Although...I tend to buy more crap from them than I would if I had to go to a store. Still, I love it! So, I know it isn't on Netflix, but...I am super excited about Fear the Walking Dead!! Anyone else planning your weekend around zombies?
  14. I believe that there is a time traveling jerk who travels around taking keys. After you have looked everywhere and are about to lose your mind, he puts them right back where they were. True story.
  15. I started taking it yesterday. Took the second dose this morning. I am having a rough time right now. I am struggling with some issues and my weight is creeping back up. Feeling some depression coming on... I hope this helps a bit.
  16. Melatonin is great, but make sure you have plenty of hours of sleep. It is rough dragging your butt out of bed after 5 mg of melatonin and only 6 hours of sleep...
  17. I did for a while. I think you (as in, all of us) have so jacked up your circadian rhythm that it takes a while for it to stabilize...
  18. It said it was for reproductive health...
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