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Everything posted by FALCON

  1. Debra77 Debra baby get a hold of your self your having a bad day they come on in waves don’t you dare relapse you have traveled to fair 4 week baby that’s a lot of time you have invested in your recovery come on sake it off tomorrow is another day you will feel better in the morning please don’t do it hang in there keep on line we will talk you down. Its 110 days for me and I still have more bad days then I have good days but there are good days that I have also and I caries thous days when thy come. Your friend and supporter FALCON
  2. SKY My brother man you are trowing me into a tail spin your explanation on your weed use was fabulous very coherent and to the point and a interesting read .Sky I remember when you first came on line to quitting adderall your first post was so fucked up scattered and incoherent rambling on about noting at all jest all over the board with your subject mater .I remember I posted you and asked you what the hell you where tying to express. I could not understand what you where trying to say you responded back to me by saying you do not use spell check OK I left it alone butt today I see a new SKY. Man brother you jest made a 360 I am so fucken proud of you brother you keep on keeping on you sound great . Do not go back to that dark place you where in . Your thru friend FALCON
  3. Ashley your beautiful in side that’s all that counts noting wrong with a full body women theirs more to love you get my drift baby.
  4. Do not worry about you damaging your brain you have common sense enof to quit smoking weed every day Your OK little brother like forest gump said your brain is like an rubber band it will regain its shape keep up the good work and don’t you relapse you here me now. Your Friend falcon
  5. RICK Hey there little brother I was high on weed for 8 years non stop every waking moment of the day. I know exactly how you feel you made a very wise choice by quieting a daily weed smoking habit you know something I think I have damage something in my brain by smoking so much weed in my younger days good for you you did it you stopped you realized that it was holding you back I have no problem with the acatonal use of weed . I even think its has its therapeutic value to it keep up your great will power little bro you are doing a great job getting your life back on track and don’t worry about school you will be OK the only thing you can do is your best Evert without the stimulants jest do your best that’s all anyone can ask from you we are all not supper men when it comes to academics it comes easy for some people and for some people it is hard work so jest do the best you can . Your friend FALCON
  6. rick2993 Your doing great my brother keep up your will power you will do jest fine I feel you got the will power to pull it off keep its good to read your post keep them coming and congratulations on 16 days clean Your friend FALCON
  7. neversaynever Hi I am not sour if your joking around with me or are you seriously angry my post was a joke between you and me . I thout you got it I am sorry if you where afended or hurt by my post talk to me sister I care about you. FALCON
  8. Yoo little one Sorry I Thoth I was fairly easy on you see how stooped you are cant you get the hint go away little kid and find some anther forum you can harass we do not need you here .You will learn on your own the hard way what adderall and man methamphetamine will do to you go ahead and Knox your soxs off. Good luck and good by. And don’t worry mike will be a little more diplomatic with you then I was.
  9. Hay there baby girl sorry for posting so late we had to deal with that ignorant post to mike. Any how day two for you .So you see our little community will support you unconditionally. Do you know adderall has a 48 half life witch means its in your system for 48 hours and than the real withdrawals come into play .How committed are you in quitting adderall are you committed to the point that you are ready to disposal or as we say flush off your stash because I am afraid if you have adderall around you will be tempted to use it when your feeling better. The next 10 day will not be as easy as you think it will be .You need to remember something adderall will always be calling you. You will need all the will power you have not to use anymore. I have known some people whom have relapse because they have some leftover stash I don’t want to see you relapsing that is my concern for you wright now. Your Friend FALCON
  10. neversaynever Calm the fuck down and do some deep breathing and go drink some tea. Hey man lets do some met man and watch sesame street.
  11. SquareKite Hey kid you have managed to piss off a lot of good people today including me .How fucken dare you come on this web site and speak to us like we are all stupid and we should all enjoy our adderall .Well listen her you immature little brat kid- O- let me take that back sorry I will rephrase that you ignorant big brat A hole. Your the big guy in town hay I did fucken adderall 4 fucken times and its great your stupidity and ignorance are almost comical in a way is a madder of fact you are a big joke HA HA HA HA .You leave mike out of this he don’t need to her your stupidity this man mike has devoted countless of hours creating this fine web site with no intention of making money on this site he jest wants to help people quit adderall addiction you little pee bran .Go do your methamphetamine you ankle head you don’t even now how its produced , made, manufactured ,do you smart guy look it up. I don’t want to spend my time explaining it to you . O one more thing we you do your methamphetamine put it in your vans don’t smoke it or ingest it you will jest wast a good stimulative high. Do me a and my friends a faver little brat find another web sit where you can be moist useful Like sesame street pee brain .All our members are trying to quit using or have stoped using adderall and other stimulants .You managed to piss off all of our members friends and I am very protective of them they have supported me in my journey to get clean thy are like family to me you never disrespect my family. So go away and watch your sesame street show when your tweaking on you methamphetamine you will probably learn more about life that way don’t wast the poison on homework little one. Are you convinced now. WOW FUCKEN A MAN ----------------- THE PISSED OFF FALCON ---------------------------
  12. Quit-once Hi brother no manual on how to stay clean if it takes caffeine red bull or 5 hour energy to get you thru your day that’s OK anything is better then that brain fucken adderall shit . Do what you need to your doing great 1.9 years clean now for you hoo can argue with your success. I am hoping to bee in the your place someday but like you always say you need to pay the piper and put your time in. Your Friend FALCON
  13. Wow baby girl you got all of our attention man see you got a hole bunch of strangers you never met before felling your pain jest by being honest and telling us how you really feel inside .If you can do this whit strangers jest think what would happen if you open up to your mom and talk to her tell her exactly how you feel talk to her without the anger and the sarcasm you will be supper surprised how much she will understand about your thru feelings . Your mom is a human being like all of use are with her own share of emotions and feeling and the every day problems we all have with in our every day life’s do you think your mom does not chair about you and your addictions and your ED a mater of fact I am betting see spent nights crying her self to sleep worrying about her baby girl it hurts her tremendously that she can not help you the only one that can get you out of the shit your in is YOU and YOURSELFE no one else .The therapist you are seeing sounds like shes not the right one for you get the fuck away from her and find another Good therapist you most be totally comfortable whit your therapist and feel like she is honestly listing to you baby girl my heart is still with you and I feel your pain I really do .You need help please talk to mom and make some arrangements to get detoxed at a facility and to get the professional therapy you so desperately need .All do respect butt this web site is a great place but I am afraid it is not what you need right now it is moistly a self help web site with a lot of information about quitting adderall and some great people to support you in quitting adderall please talk to mom in the morning not tonight you are to angry right now to have a heart to heart conversation whit mom talk to her strait up tell her you need her help she will help you get the professional help you desperately need .Keep on posting if its helping you tonight you can see we are a very supportive croup. Your friend FALCON
  14. Hay good subject. The falcons wings are broken depression is really bad and motivation is 0000 need to do something to help my self cant site around waiting to recover I am going crazy that’s all i do is think all day about what my past my fucket up life I have created for my self flash back’s. Jest thinking about my past life not healthy at all thinking and thinking and thinking. I Ben reading Choasas post about his running .Today was day 1 for me I walked I went to the forest preserve and walked like Tom hanks in the movie forest gump. I haven’t walked since I quit using adderall 110 days ago I’m so fucken tiered my brothers and sisters hiking helped me when I was withdrawing from xanax i am hoping it will help me with this fucked up depression and lack of motivation iv worked 12 hour days all my adult life look at me now washed out burnt out and fucked up. I hate fucken depression it makes me depressed to be depressed does this make sense to you because right now I am jest feeling sorry for my sorry ass. I am jest rambling on rambling on that’s a good song its by LED ZEPPLON .Any how day 1 for me getting my ass out of the house boat and walking it kicked my ass I only did 2 miles and felt like I was lost in the woods and trying to find my way out to find some civilization it was fucken hard to do but I made it step one fist day out. I will need to continue every day no mater what the whether is like I started it and I cant not stop its like our first week without adderall remember that first week of hell.. I made My commitment and I can not relapse. I got to my car still alive I lite up a cigaret that cigaret felt so fucken good its my addicting part of my brain talking any how as I always say to my self and to others tomorrow is another day I will Let you all know if im still living because today I felt like the end was here and there was no way out of that forest thanks for listing to my shit the falcon wings will heel.
  15. Waw motivation that goes to show you how strong addiction is it really never leaves our brains its like permanently etched into our memories jest by looking at that little orange fucker .Well you do have great will power you need to be congratulated for that jest think how shity you would feel if you paped the little fucker. FALCON
  16. Searchingsoul9,Hey baby girl sounds like your battling many different issues adderall ,alcohol ,weed, anorexic ,bulimic, Holy cow what can I say its a lot of repairing and recovery you need. We can be some support to you in quitting adderall if you have the will power to quit we are her for you . Man I feel for you the mental pain your in and along with all your physical symptoms it most be weighting very heavy on you right now. I wish I can jump into this computer give you a big hug and make it all go away for you butt I cant . Can I make a suggestion I think you need to confront your parents about your problem believe me they all ready know something is not right with there baby girl you will need the support of your family to get thru your many issues. If you are really ready to get healthy it will take many mounts of therapy by a professional teem to work with you and your addictions , emotional anxiety, anorexic, bulimic problems. I am so sorry for being so direct. I don’t want to sugar coat your problems they are serous and your life may be at risk if you do not get the proper treatment I jest do not want to see you suffering any more and I am hopping to open up your eyes to let you see that you need more help than quitting adderall can give you Like I said we are here for you if you need our support. Please keep on posting I am very concerned about you.Your friend FALCON
  17. Hey neversaynever Hi sister I do the same thing course out loud in public ore Evan when theirs no one around. I think we do it out of frustration I now I do I will course to my self out loud and sometimes course at myself . I now its crazy butt what the fuck we are jest venting its our own little therapy .FALCON
  18. Hay brother calm the fuck down do some deep breathing and look at it this way your class is half full not have empty you are so scared of not being successful with out your adderall . Your working your self up in to having anxiety. As I commented on my last post I believe you have depression associated with anxiety disorder. I’m not a fucken shrink butt I’m talking to you from my experience with the same disorder. It took me a long time to except my condition you will need to come to terms with yours do not think less of your self you are a smart man you jest need to get the right antidepressants and therapy from the right Dr. The sooner you come to terms with your condition the faster you will feel normal. Make an appointment with a good shrink and get your problem under control so you can move on with your life. And never question your dissensions in or out of the courtroom . You most likely calculated everything before you made them decisions to move and buy a home that’s the American dream. You are smart and you have a lot of cumin sense I know you do its not easy to become a lawyer you got my respect brother Your class is half full go for it and get that class filled up to the top.Your friend. Fucked up FALCON
  19. Hey there brother my friends and members of this wonderful site all have it right on the head .Brother you where not abusing the shit don’t worry about any permanent damage to your brain . You where on a fairly low does of adderall it may be helping you. It sounds like your a responsible user jest remember something about adderall after a long time use you begin increasing your tolerance level from adderall you will need more and more of the shit to keep dopamine levels happy its not you its the natcher of the fucken drug .Brother I am convenience you are not being treated with the right medication it sounds like you have depression and you need to get the right medication to combat your low serotonin levels .There are so many good drugs out their for depression the only thing is sometimes it takes trial you need to hit on that right antidepressant drug that does the trick and alleviates your symptoms of depression and anxiety at the same time. I what to let you now something antidepressants do not work instantly it may take 2 to 4 weeks to kick in and do its job so when trying a new drug you most have patients that’s if you are not having any bad side effects. Brother I will tell you something all my quit adderall friends know this about me. I have no secrets with them we have become like a dysfunctional family and I love them all. What I need to say is I have Ben battling fucken depression all my adult life I have drug Resistance depression a drug will work on me for a short time then stop working and I would need to change my antidepressants medication this is my pattern. I suffer every day with depression with little relief. Do not get hooked on fucken xanax its a bitch of a drug to get clean from go back to your Doctor. I hope you are seeing a shrink doctor they are fucken pill pushers but they have a little more experience on your antidepressants medications have patient my brother you will hit the right medication for your condition and don’t be embarest about your condition you cant control it .If you think its the addeall fucken you up go get off the shit cold turky. Your new friend FALCON
  20. neversaynever Hey I happen to like a nice ass to skinny no good man .Hay don’t worry about a little weight gain you have some strong will power Baby. Look what you have completed you quit using addarall you will have no problem taking off some extra weight when the time is right for you .SKY I like the rocky thing you crack me up bro. FALCON
  21. Motivation_Follows_Action Thanks baby your friendship means more then you know love you .
  22. Motivation_Follows_Action Hey baby if you Reid my first post I was also talking in your behalf you had noting to do with the hole thing you actually where agreeing with me if you recall. Apologizes are not needed everything is good . And their are no hard feelings with me it was jest another learning presses for us all. .Their is no paranoia with this old boy if I where still on adderall I probably would have not given a shit but I guess I am more sensitive now after quitting adderall and xanax. All my normal senses are coming back that’s a good thing. I have no desire to use any longer. The only thing I would like in my life now is that inner piece I have spoken about and this fucken life long depression to go away. I am thinking more clearer then I have in a long time and I am as sharp as an Indian aro head did you know the flint stone witch the aro head is made from is sharper then any man mad product some useless information. Thanks for being there for me I respect our friendship FALCON
  23. Krax Hey brother I’m clad you mention that about welbutran what most people do not understand webutran does not need to be permanent .Most people can get off it when there feeling better. Hey brother you had a great profile photo what happened to it.
  24. Hey guys what a dysfunctional family I would not what it any other way LOVE YOU ALL my brothers and sisters.
  25. Hello KRAK welcome to our forum yes you are welcome her as a redalin user speed is speed it jest has dreferent names. You said you bin off of redelin for 6 weeks now if I am understanding your post correctly redalin has left your body it is a short acting drug you where probably paping one every 3 hours if I am correct in saying. Before. I started adderall I was taking redalin it comes on fast then it leaves your system fast . So you needed to keep on paping am I correct with that statement welbutran is the drug of chose when your getting off of any form of speed your doctor made the right call. I’m not sure exactly how it works on your brain chemistry butt I know it helps a lot of our members her on quitting adderall and as you can probably tell by now it is helping you. You are in the recovery stage and you will need to be patient your brain is rebooting now like an old computer you need to adapt to the new you redilin free. Do what you need to as far as your energy is concerned coffee red bull 5 hour energy what ever gets you true your day. Full recovery takes about a full year yes my brother that’s where the patients comes in. Good lock to you and feel free to post when ever you need support or jest need to vent that wy wer all on tis web site. Your Friend FALCON
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