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Everything posted by FALCON

  1. Hey Steve welcome to the forum congratulations on your dissuasion to go cold turkey .I believe it is the faster way to detox suffer for 1 or 2 weeks and get it over with .Its day 2 for you the adderall should be out of your system now it thanks about 48 hours to get out of your system .So now you should get your self ready to feel like shit its not a easy withdrawal butt moist of us did it so their is no reason wy you cant you jest need to have strong will power and patients you should see some relief on your 5 or 6 day clean good luck my brother stay on the web site it will help you in your recovery. keep us posted on how your doing . FALCON
  2. neversaynever Hey there girlfriend I Reid your story about you and your husband. It sounds like you want to let the members know hoo you are and where you came from. Honesty is a big part of recovery .I found your story to be strait up front thank you for sharing .I now understand you a little better after reading your post . I do believe you love your husband your right by saying that it was a blessing that your husband got busted it did save his life in a way he was so hooked on H that noting else maddered to him except his next fix he needed to rob steel and cheat to get his next fix and his family and even his life didn’t mater to him that’s how strong H is I do understand . Well in regards to you you need to be strong for him and for your kids and stay away from all forms of drugs them days are over with your finished with that part of your life you did it and bin there. Every one needs a second chance so when your husband gets out of prison you will need to start your life from the bottom his hope is to get out of prison and be with his family your hope is to waight for him to gets out of person and be a changed man with a new leas in life . I also sense your a street wiz women you bin around .Stay strong and anticipation for his release date . All this talk about drugs leads me to another one of my stores. I went to a house party last night to bring in the new year it was in the old naberhood there where about 70 people give or take. these whir the old guys I party with there was drugs flowing all around man talk about will power it was the first time I needed to put my will power into 5th gear I was offered drugs all night long and declined. I had my pre determent limit of two jack on the rocks every one there was pretty much flying high .Its funny the tings you notes when your strait its like I had a new pair of glasses on moistly everyone was fucket up thy where talking shit and the conversations did not make any sense to me jest mambo jumbo shit nonsenses bull shit. I felt like I did not belong there it was not my seen any more .So now comes the journey to find the new me. Your friend FALCON
  3. Hey sky I thank you for trying to place there comments into some Benin content that was not insulting. Butt to me it was. Sky I will agree with you on the insult part it was not made intensely but the sarcasm was an intentional comment. I think you know me by now I can read people like a novel and I feel there emotions its a gift I posses. There was plenty of sarcasm in there comments read it again bro when I spend my time on this computer making a post its to help my brothers and sisters get thru some difficult times in there life. So in my apenuon it was all sarcastic my post where made for a good intention. I consider it a insult don’t sugar coated it sky it reads all sarcasm there is no hard fellings in me with my quitting adderall friends. I have learned one thing this year that’s anger is a very negative reaction so it must not linger we need to dismiss anger because anger only hurts you or someone else it is never a good emotion to keep so instead of paping a benso I drank my tea and did some cleansing breath control and I feel fine now. NO hard feelings on my part .Let use all learn from this and move on to our recovery. Thank you SKY my friend FALCON
  4. Yoo brothers and sisters don’t knock it unless you at lest tried it and if it don’t work for you then it is what it is no one is forcing you to do mind control breathing techniques not for everyone it is only a tool to calm your mind so you don’t do or say something stooped and then feel bad for your auctions later you no what I mean. Didn’t you ever watch a Bruce Lee move the fucken guy was ousom Reid a little bio on him . Its all in berth control breathing techniques and controlling your mind goes hand and hand bruise lees principals is to control your chi move your internal energy where your body needs your internal positive energy hay its better then bensoing out. Hey one more fucken thing form me .neversaynever and quit -once. I am considering your comments directed to THE FALCON and Motivation_Follows_Action to be a insult to our character and intelligence. We jest wanted to express our experience in dealing with anxiety with out the use off drugs. So if you would be so kind give me a fucken brake don’t need to heir your bull shit comments please take no offense. Sincerely your friend FALCON
  5. Hey sky I’m clad to get to know you. Have a better then ever new year. The combination of adderall and welbutrin is not a good mix you get over stimulated and go into zombie mode iv ben ther .It jest goes to show you the doctors are experimenting on use they don’t no shit about the drugs they give out except what the pharmaceutical rep tells them. Sincerely yours FALCON
  6. Quitt-Once Thank you for your wisdom you are totally right in what you say. I will make it a priority to do what you say it does make sense . Have a great day and a great new year . Sincerely your friend FALCON
  7. To all my quit adderall friends I wish you all a better year to come .Jest what to give my thanks to all our members for the support you have given me in the last 3 mounts god bless you all. How lets get fucken series what is your new yeas eve fucken resolution have you ever successfully accomplished one . Well my new years eve resolution is to find inner piece and learn how not to hate myself for fucking up my life. Jest one of my stores went out last night my usual hang out its cold blouse ally deversy and holsted street there are a number of blouse clubs across the street from each other that’s how the area got its name blouse ally. Anyhow went to my first club which is a very small Place its like a old building going in there is like going back in time everything is old the place has bin in the same location about 70 years a small stage with an old stand up peano on the stage it not bin played since iv bin going their the musicians us it for their coats and to put their drinks on or whatever the walls in the Place are covert and filled with pictures of artist that have played the club and are no longer with use its sort off a marmoreal for them so we don’t forget the greats whom played there its a small naberhood club not a flashy environment at all jest small town Chicago most the folks no or have seen each other around blouse ally .Any how I was having my limit of two jacks on the rocks for mounts ago I had no limit the addeall kept me drinking all night and into the early morning back to my boring story. I was digging the band and bull shiting with the guys in this establishment. I was checking out the crowd my eys came a cross a old black man right around 80 year’s old the man was withered looking because hes Ben around but the old man was digging the band and looked happy He was driest up very elegant with a sute and polished shoes had a tie on and a very sharp hat class act. I offer the man a drink he said brother I stopped drinking 30 years ago anyhow we had a good conversation about the old times he told me a story or two .At this point I went back to my little corner of the club left the old man alone and wish him a good new years he returns my jester and said to me you have a good one also Yong man. I haven’t bin called a Yong man in a long time at this point I am observing this man I was about 20 feet from him the man would look down with his head crochet down and his feet were Crosst over each other of his hands thay are on his knees one on top of each anther the man he wood look up frequently and jam-ed with the music being played and then would resume to look down with his head crochet down he probably looked depresst to some peaple. Butt I new better because I have spoken to the man the man was jest looking back into his past and was having a flurry of good memeres good memeres most likely he was a happy and content man I could read his charecter he was not thinking of the his hard times or the end of his life is coming up. No I sow a old man whom was a proud and had filling life. Then my fucken mind started fucking with me and depression came in for a brief monument or two I was jest thinking about my self I will be that old man one day and I hop my life will bee as filling ass his was. Sorry for the fucket up spelling the computer can’t spell check my shit its so poor . your friend THE FALCON
  8. neversayneverHay baby the anxiety is the worst part of quitting adderall. I was angry at everything even a TV set the commercials where on my nerves for some reason no one could reach me for two week i closed my phone and hibernated .but you do not have that luggery. You have a very important responsibility to your kid you still need to nurture the kid so lets get a handle on your nerves a kid will be a kid the little one does not know mommy is hurting the kid is jest being a kid and needs some attention from mom so do your best controlling your nerves .A little help from the zen master when you feel that anxiety coming on you need to do some breathing exercises it dos not take long jest 1 minute you need to googal stress release breathing . I no it sounds like bull shit butt it works in any time you need to get rid of anxiety .Also you need to drink my special potion of tea lots of tea now jest have a cup going all day may I recommend my magic potion of teas that got me thru quitting adderall and quitting xanax my magic potion is cammamel tea and kava kava tea mixed together with a little honey for sweetener what a great combination believe me and trust me it works to control your nerves the secret is 4 or 5 cups a day it will calm you down both of these teas AR a mild natural sedatives its a lot better then fucken bensos you will be mellow all day please take my advice I’m not talking out off my ass don’t forget I am an X benso addict .And as far as finding a new man have patients devorse is fucken stressful event get yourself mentally healthy and in control of your self. You will find a man worthy of your love when the right time comes. I believe in destiny noting is by accident every thing is ment to be maybe its a preparation for our journey into the next demention of our spirits.I hope I was some help your friend FALCON
  9. Yoo brother sky how you dowing OK it sounds like. It jest takes that one fucken cigaret to start up smoking again. I know how hared it is quitting the nicotine habet its a real bitch stopping. I smoke my self and tried numerous times to stop butt with no luck so I stop trying to quit. I probably will never stop or maybe I will some day you never know don’t start up again if you do I will need to call you stupid keep the will power strong. Your friend FALCON YOO bro you like my new picture.
  10. neversaynever Hey baby jest got home 130 ' am in chi town went to the blues bar had a great time listening to live music its a rush. I haven’t Ben there in some time because I’m cleansing my soul if you no what I mean . Butt I did have 2 jack danuals . I needed to unwind a little .Your fucken post are a great read you are like me in a way you say it the way it is no fucken sugar coating .You go baby you sound fantastic and full of life I am Julius you feel so good in such little time. You go girl keep the will power strong. And don’t relapse you promos. Love FALCON
  11. neversaynever Hey there sounds like your doing OK you sound up beet keep up Your will power recovery takes time .I have clinically depression all my adult life I have what you call drug Resistance depression. I will start a drug or a combination of antidepressant drugs thy work for a short time then bam they stop working on me so then I’m given a new antidepressant or a new combination of antidepressants. Whenever there is a new drug big farma comes out with I am first in line to try it again it works for a short time then it stops and I become fucked up again .I have come to the realization of my condition and need jest to deal with the extremes ups and downs and adapt its funny how our minds work there is so much UN known about our own brains I have learned how to adapt to changes and I can somewhat control my depression jest to get thru the day by changing my thinking pattern. Thank you so much for the concern you have for me . Love FALCON
  12. whoami Hey girlfriend start over you are not a failure adderall has its way of pulling you in .Your injury will heal and you will continue with your exercise route-en boy do I hat that word rote-en . Don t weary about your weight. You know if you put you mind into losing thous extra pounds you can do it eating all day is a sign of depression do you think you may need to get some antidepressant med have you considerate that you may have a mild cash of depression. May I recommend webutrin it suppresses your apatite and takes care of the blues its also works well for after you quit adderall .Hang in their set your mind up again to stop using adderall you are not on a high dos and I don’t think you are addicted to adderall it is jest a habit of yours to take adderall when your tired or need to finish a task try it again break the chicle of stop and starting. Your friend FALCON
  13. Hey bebra in away you have a disability you can not function normally in every day tasks. I was in the same bout your in now believe me baby I know exactly where your at and the poison is jest getting deeper into your system your shrink jest made a suggestion to you that’s all it was .My shrink told me the same shit 1 year ago is far as permanent brain damage you and I may have damaged our brains yes I concur with you butt only time will tell how much damage we have made. I also think about it my self butt listen up her your brain is an remarkable organ it can heal it self from trauma and in our cases drug abuse we may not be the same as we where back in the day jest maybe different and we can adjust to the new you and me its like learning how to walk again after a stroke or something like that . Disability you may consider it lintel you heal you got a long way to go for recovery . Disability does not mean you cant work it jest means you cant function normally for a full time job. Your goal right now is to heal your self I believe you will never take adderall again in your life butt it will take a year to recover completely I am worried about your benso use you will need to step down soon you will need to make your mind up to step down from the shit its not working on you any more the effect of the drug is gone it will not return your benso days are over with there is no more you can do butt step down you can not go any higher on your does of bensos any higher you will OD .It took me 11 mounts to step down and quit using bensos .025 mil every two weeks so do the math it will take you some time also and most impotently you need to have patients its a fucken nasty ass drug. I have one quition for you how is your shrink giving you these outrages amounts of xanax it is UN ethical I never heard of any one doing 40 milligrams of bensos a day you should be dead by now I also think you need to go to a new shrink that specializes with drug addiction I think you will need professional help steeping down how are you getting all these pills please be honest with me I do not judge. Your friend FALCON
  14. Good for you your will power is strong yes there will always be temptation probably all your life. It is already etching your hard drive in your brain . When temptation knocks on your door bring your mind back to the darkest day you have had on adderall and look into that past think about how you surfert and the pain you endured quitting adderall that’s what I do. I don’t ever want to be in that place again it was living hell can you remember. Jest say no like you did with your addarall source I am proud of you keep your great will power going you and I are not out of the woods yet I believe it takes about 1 year to recover from adderall addiction good job your friend FALCON
  15. Hay baby its 1am in Chicago jest got home no more 48 hour no sleep weekends for me that’s over with look up my post on WY I quit adderall you will know me better .Any how I have Reid your post and I say holly fuck that’s a lot of xanax your taking .I no the shit stops working on you after long term use I Ben in the place your at now my heart goes out to you. I wish I can take away some of your pain. You went 11 days without adderall that alone is an accomplishment congratulations baby. Keep up the great work you have don it by not taking adderall for 11 days you may have about 4 days left on your crash landing your almost there baby hang in there and keep up your great willpower regarding adderall. As fair as your benso use I found it much harder to quit .As you know you need to taper down you can not go cold turkey like you can with adderall. One step at a time your off of adderall you will feel better in a few days trust me Iv Ben exactly where you are now in your own little hell hole right at the bottom with no way out butt up I hear your cry out for help and I wish I can be there to give you a big hug. I know you need it right now don’t try to quit your bensos right now its the wrong time wait to you get thru your crash landing and recovery from adderall .I know it will heart butt you do need to start stepping down from the bensos very soon but not now the shit is nasty in my experience with the bensos your right on it don’t mater how much you take the shit jest stops working on you and your tolerance gets higher and higher any how if you need to talk us the message bored on my profile page it sounds like you need some reinsurance that you will get thru the hell your going thru right now, my heart is with you don’t give up the fight your almost home from your crash landing from adderall is fair as bensos we can talk about it later may god be with you to get you thru this shit. your our members will be there for you your friend FALCON
  16. Whoami,Hey there from your post it sounds like your still taking adderall .Lets talk about welbutrin we had an extensive conversation about this drug. In my opinion and my experience talking to X drug users welbutrin is a great drug for people getting off of adderall and other substances .IT is also used for depression quitting cigarets and loosing weight it dos something with whatever chemical in your brain that controllers cravings so I think you sood give it a try. Butt you need to quit using adderall first because welbutran may cause anexiaty and the combination of adderall and welbutran is not a good combination. I’m not a fucken shrink I jest know this from first hand experience. Good luck to you we are her for you and we will support you. Your friend FALCON
  17. StartingOver3 Hey there we did not forget about you at lest I haven’t. Its great that you are doing so good isn’t this web site a life safer its helped me so much. Congratulations 0n 60 days clean feels so good. I am 92 days clean now every thing is OK with me I jest keep fighting off this depression man I wish there was a magic pill out there welcome back FALCON
  18. Hey babe don’t worry BE HAPPY post as much as you need theirs no post limit. Butt we may need to make a new forum jest for you. love FALCON
  19. I agree with the advice my fellow members said. 5 days clean for you its jest the beginning of your recovery. All I need to say is when you hit the 2week mark things will get better for you .Your motivation will come back you did not loos it jest have patients you will feel better very soon if you need to go into work do what you need to do don’t take on any new tasks right now and don’t feel guilty about not being productive take your napes when you feel fatigue. Drink coffee and red bull it helps good luck your half way don with your crash landing congratulations on quitting adderall .welcome to the fourum it will help. You friend THE FALCON
  20. Quit-once You are 100% correct the statement I made was written poorly and not interpreted correctly .My apologies to whom I may of offended some people do need this medication to function in life. Im just wondering the %%% of people whom are thru ADD ADHD .I believe a big %% of people are not diagnose properly. I also believe a very high %% of people using Adderall uses it to stimulate their minds so to get more tasks don. There is a test for ADD but how many doctors will send you to take this test before prescribing Adderall yes there is a lagitament use for this drug Adderall. It is not bashing the drug and again I am sorry for any bad feelings I may have caused. Using Adderall for the intended purposes can be a life saver for the user. Sincerely yours FALCON ----- Look at the word lagitament the spell checker can’t not correct it. Is there a program out there that could help me with proper vocabulary and spelling thanks you all? No joke it took me 40 minutes to compose this post
  21. Brandy76 quitting Adderall is not an easy drug to quit if you go cold turkey you will have about 7 days of real misery it’s your crash landing Adderall has a 48 hour half-life the drug is out of your blood stream .The recovery takes time you will be tiered no motivation hungry and depression. In my experience stepping down did not work for me I have tried it several times so I went cold turkey not because I wanted to I was forest to do cold turkey whit Adderall it was killing me it took away my soul now it wanted my life 90 to 120 mil in 10 hour time span and more on weekends. I drank lots of alcohol with it there was weekends I did not sleep for 48 hour it took bensos to get me to sleep on Sunday nights so I could wake up and go to work. 3 cups of coffee and 60 milligrams of Adderall to get me up on Monday morning in my experience bensos are a harder drug to quit you can’t go cold turkey on bensos you need to step down and it takes months. SO what I’m trying to say to you make your mind up take some time off like 5 day and the week end and you will get thru the worst of it you need to make your mind up jest like our members have don on quitting Adderall don’t get in the zombie zone. Good luck in quitting we are her for your support. Keep us posted on your progress Hey all my friends it’s my anniversary today quit using Adderall September 26 90 days clean Your friend FALCON could not have done it without all the support at the web site thank you
  22. Yoo choas good to see you back on your track sound like your OK now keep your head on strait good things will come to you my brother I feel it .you’re a good guy Hey bro no more binges OK. Your freind
  23. #1fight.this Hello and welcome to the form ADD ADHD this is all bull shit these terminology was developed by some stupid ass shrink .I don’t believe in attention devised disorder .We are not all created equal some people retain information more rapidly than other people. why do you study harder when you’re on a stimulant its common sence guys your nerve system is in fifth gear its running fast why is it running fast because fucken studeis and homework ar boring as hell. When you’re doing Adderall your mind wants to speed up and finish your studding STAT like ASAP because its fucken boring shit. When you’re not on Adderall and you attempt to study your mind wonders off like daydreaming you’re not focused on the task at hand your reading butt not obtaining the information necessary to pass your fucken class Adderall makes you speed your thinking process up to get thru your studies that’s all it does it does not make you smarter then you are your IQ level will still be the same some people are audio learners some people are visual learners and some people jest have a hard time remembering details. A man that belongs to Mensa with a high IQ ask the man to put a bike together without the manual he will not do the task then there’s a another man with a low IQ ask him to put the bike together without the manual he would have no problem doing so. The point is people all learn differently slow down and focus on the task in hand. All you students out there you must train your mind to focus in whatever you’re doing physical or mental focus your energy on the task in hand mind control no outside distractions it’s the key to learning without the use of Adderall when you’re doing your studies focused on the information the books teaching you do not let your mind wonder off the task at hand do not have any extractions from keeping the task at hand turn your phones off. Make a time in your day to comet to your studies go to the library where everyone’s energy is in harmony what I mean is a library is the place to do your studeis there are very little distractions there do not study where you will be distracted. Train your mind your mind should be 100% focus into your task at hand witch is your studies you will not miss out on your soulSal life it will still be there waiting for you when the task at hand is completed. Adderall dos not make you smarter then you are it only speeds up your thought proses so you can get things completed faster . We are not all created equal. My friends it took me two hours to compose this post my spelling is so poor the computer cannot spell check my weighting. I have dyslexia I was born with it so no man or women is created equally. Your friend THE FALCON
  24. neversaynever Hey there girlfriends I guess the hair chatter is a chic thing I get it. Anyhow neversaynever I am proud of you. You did it congratulations on quitting Adderall. You’re on the way to recovery. Please keep up the will power don’t give in .It will get easier every day when you hit your 2 week mark you will really note’s a different state of mind you will still be tired and hungry with some depression butt it will subside as the weeks go on. Your friend FALCON
  25. Yoo brother chaos I fucken told you the shit works I’m surprised it’s working so fast jest wait in tell it really kikes in in about 2 or 3 weeks the shit needs to get into your blood .You will really feel great I’m happy for you how are the side effects now.
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