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Everything posted by LILTEX41

  1. Hey everyone! This is for anyone out there who is struggling with the idea of quitting an addiction. I wanted to share it because I know there are a lot of people that come to this board and are probably very ambivalent to the idea of change. I struggled with sobriety for a LONG time. I'm talking over 15 years of being back and forth. It wasn't until I found this tool that my sobriety finally stuck. Hope you find it as helpful as I did. I got it from Smart Recovery. Enjoy! Four Questions About My Addiction Using the CBA (Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool) 1.What do I enjoy about my addiction, what does it do for me (be specific)? List as many things as you can that you liked about whatever you are/were addicted to. a. Where possible, find alternative ways of achieving the same goals. b. Recognize positive thinking about the addiction as a potential relapse warning sign. c. Realize that there are some things you liked about the addiction you will have to learn to live without. d. List what you enjoy about your addiction so you can ask yourself if it is really worth the price. e. Realize that you aren't stupid; you did get something from your addiction. It just may not be working on your behalf anymore. 2. What do I hate about my addiction, what does it do to me (give specific examples)? List as many of the bad, undesirable results of your addiction as you can. Here it is extremely important that you use specific examples. Specific examples have much greater emotional impact and motivational force! a. Ask yourself honestly "If my addiction was a used car, would I pay this much for it?" b. Review this list often, especially if you are having a lot of positive, happy thoughts about all the great things your addiction did for you. 3. What do I think I will like about giving up my addiction? List what good things you think/fantasize will happen when you stop your addiction. a. This provides you with a list of goals to achieve and things to look forward to as a result of your new addiction free lifestyle. b. This list also helps you to reality test your expectations. If they are unrealistic, they can lead to a disappointment based relapse. 4. What do I think I won't like about giving up my addiction? List what you think you are going to hate, dread or merely dislike about living without your addiction. a. This list tells you what kinds of new coping skills, behaviors and lifestyle changes you need to develop in order to stay addiction free. b. It also serves as another relapse warning list. If all you think about is how much life sucks now that you are not doing your addiction, you are in a relapse thought pattern that is just as dangerous as only focusing on what you liked about your addiction. Notes This is not a do once and forget about it exercise. It is an ongoing project. Most people simply can't remember all of the positive and negative aspects of addiction and recovery at any one time. Furthermore, seeing all the negative consequences of addiction listed in one place is very powerful. On the positive side, no one really knows what they like or don't like about living free of their addiction until they have done so for some time. I know of people who continued to add items to all four questions for a full 6 months. See Also: CBA Worksheet
  2. Searching Soul, That is awesome!!! Way to go!! To me..that kind of cleaning and tidying is TORTURE, BUT it is so thrilling once you're done because your space is decluttered and now your mind will be as well! This is such a great way to get the ball rolling in your adderall free life. Now your mind is clear to start working on some fun projects!
  3. Oh Ashley! I'm so sorry to hear that. I will say a prayer for you! I've never had one so I don't know if it will be painful or not. Thinking of you though. (((hugs)))
  4. Hey Brandoyoo, how are you doing? Are you still on this board at all?
  5. Thank you In Recovery! I really need to hear that tonight. Thank you for making me smile.
  6. Heather, I wasn't posting this for Kyle, lol. This is something I'm doing to help people with addictions.
  7. Thanks Ashley! Of course! I would love that. However, my meeting won't start till May most likely, but I'm sure you'll be back again this summer maybe?
  8. Add to list: I am training to become a SMART Recovery facilitator. I will be starting a meeting in my neighborhood.
  9. Does that mean on leave from military duties or something?
  10. Omg, you just totally took me back in time! I can so relate to that scenario. I used to be so paranoid thinking the docs knew I was an addict and they were on to me. It seemed like it never failed..whenever I needed my script, something would go wrong! I'd be waiting..counting down the days until it was ready, then boom! I'd call and they'd say something happened and it was too early or they wouldn't have it till Monday, or whatever, etc. I would go ape shit!!! Then I'd have to find other ways of getting messed up until the day it was ready. It just always seemed like something would go wrong and I was at their mercy. And I HATED that feeling of someone else having all control over my life. I was a freaking SLAVE to that drug. FREEDOM is the gift today. Nothing controls me today besides ME. Best feeling in the world. Thanks for the reminder!
  11. Hi Frii! Food is quite a perk of quitting. Yum. Welcome to the board and congrats on 2 weeks!
  12. In my humble experience, I have to personally state that recovering from adderall addiction is unlike any other addiction out there. At first it is rough. My self esteem took a nose dive as my work ethic deteriorated right before my eyes. Just to make it through the entire day was tough. I didn't have the motivation and I really felt like a failure without my super human drug. However, as I stuck it out and started slowly rebuilding my reputation without adderall it did get easier. I started having more respect for myself that I was able to function without it even if I was doing a half assed job. It definitely wasn't a quick fix by any means, but GOD were my co-workers glad to have my fun loving happy go lucky self back. I was no longer STRESSED out, ANXIOUS, PARANOID, DELUSIONAL, and as my one friend called it, doing the "jackhammer." , It's been 27 months and 20 days since I've been clean. Today, I have a new job and that was another tough challenge, but I got through it and I feel pretty confident in my abilities today. It was hard at first starting a new job after 5 years at my old one along with starting a new part in the industry I'm in. Now that I think about it, I spent the entire duration of my last job on adderall up until the last year. Anyhow, to answer your question...YES, I think he will return to his clever, extroverted confident self and eventually be stronger and even more self assured after overcoming this pill if he does decide to quit. However, it takes time. But there is no reason he cannot have a full and life long bad ass recovery. It will depend on his inner strength and determination to quit and see it through. Does he want to quit?
  13. You my friend, are an inspiration! Wow, I can relate to so much! I went to the ER twice because of adderall and ran into a median going 50 miles an hour..blew out all four tires and would've slammed into someone else had anyone been near me. To say that we are alive and beating this thing today is a miracle, MIRACLE! I have my ups and downs since I quit too, but reading stories like yours always makes me want to keep pushing forward and makes me remember I don't ever want to go back to that hell. Thank you for sharing and way to go!!!
  14. This is so beautiful. I LOVE stuff like this! Here are my faves: 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. 13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special. 38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
  15. WOW!!! So happy for you my friend!!
  16. I think journaling is a GREAT idea. I do it on a daily basis. I just do it on my lap top though. It helps me process my thoughts and forumlate decision making. I think it's also really great for people with ADD because you can just jot something down when it strikes and then later you actually have a reminder! Happy journaling!
  17. That sounds like a fabulous walk. I think next time you should take a video and share it with us. I've always dreamed of what it would be like to take a walk or go skiing in CO. Take us with you!
  18. Wow, thank you for sharing! I'm so glad you are mending your relationship with him. He seems to geniunely be trying to connect with you in the best way he can. He loves you!
  19. Hey everyone! Let's plan a meetup. I just saw these messages and wish I would've checked back a long time ago. Hope you are all okay!
  20. I agree about the day calculator. That's a great idea! Maybe you can suggest it to Mike? I DO NOT miss grinding my teeth and all the horrible canker sores. Those were the worst! Glad you are getting some sleep. Way to go and congrats on your clean time!!! Whoop whoop!
  21. My ex used to say there was a black cloud that hovered in the air over our relationship. It wasn't until I was clean that I realized the black cloud he was referring to was really just over me! I can totally relate to this post. Isn't it great to feel and be present in your life again?
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