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Everything posted by Doge

  1. All this talk of snacks and pillows is making me miss those recovery days, which were almost fun in their own strange way. Anyone interested in a pizza eating contest? Whoever gains the most weight wins! I bet I can out eat all of you combined. *evil laugh*
  2. "There was no "you may not ever feel real happiness again" label on the bottle." If only there were. It damn well belongs there as a legitimate warning.
  3. smhjen: If you are willing to be honest with your doctor, and your doctor is good and actually listens to you, maybe you can discuss this with them and the doctor can help work with you to figure out whether tapering or cold turkey will work best. Tapering was not an option for me but I wouldn't write it off entirely (especially if your relation with adderall has been a long one). If you are cut back to half the dose and just end up taking it twice as fast, then you could let your doctor know this and you can decide what to do from there? Worst case scenario, it doesn't work, and you have to resort to cold turkey, which is rewarding in its own right. Because you get to start racking up "clean" days on your calendar which before long start to feel really good!
  4. Make yourself a big serving of comfort food and drink lots of fluids. No matter how strung out I ever was this always made me feel better at least temporarily. Please see my other reply to your other thread.
  5. Ok I hate to tell people what to do, but I'm going to tell you what to do. Having us read your posts (we are happy to do so and we will continue to do so!) and relate to them might make you feel less alone, but it won't solve your problem. Step 1) First things first, I demand that you stop being so hard on yourself. This is a viciously addictive chemical and it's not your fault that you were force fed them as a child. So take a minute now, go get a big glass of water (because we all need water) and just forgive yourself. I'm sure you aren't perfect (none of us are) but you do not nearly deserve all the guilt and blame you are putting on your shoulders. And while we're counting, my personal record is 300 mg in a single day. So if you did 450 mg in 4 days, I'd say you're being pretty responsible in comparison. (my attempt at comic relief). Step 2) Decide whether you want to continue in this manner, or quit. You say you are afraid of the withdrawals and facing life without your pills, and every single one of us can understand that. But it's pretty clear that you know this cannot continue. And if you'll forgive me for being blunt, it sounds like if you keep going the way you're going, things will get much worse - and probably not long from now. Step 3) Cut off your supply. I kind of assumed here that the answer to step 2 is that you really DO want to quit. But if you want to keep going, that's your choice and nobody here will judge you or think less of you. By cutting off your supply, I mean come clean to your doctor(s) and just tell them you are addicted and cannot quit. They will immediately cut you off (I know this is terrifying, but I promise that terror turns into freedom and joy before too long!). If we aren't talking doctors, and you're getting it from friends, tell them you need to be cut off and hope that they will respect that. If they won't, then they aren't your friends and you don't owe them any loyalty. Threaten to tell their doctor they are distributing their prescriptions (hey nobody likes a rat I know....) because you need to put yourself first. If your situation is more complicated, then tell us and we will work with you to find a solution! Use a private message if you don't want to risk ratting yourself out online. You mentioned that you don't work. Maybe this is a blessing right now because you will need lots of time to heal. There are a lot of good shows on netflix right now. Think of it as a vacation from abuse and try to enjoy the binge snacking and lazing around that your body and brain desperately need. We are your friends here, and we will help you get through this. The leap is scary but the thing is we all jump together!
  6. IT IS NOT JUST YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE! If you feel that coming clean to your mother is too much to bear, consider telling your doctor? I'm pretty sure they have to keep that information private. It's scary to take that leap but it feels so good to be free. I PROMISE you that cutting off my supply was the ONLY way to ensure a successful recovery. Maybe it might work for you too? At least consider it? Personally, I have only told my 'doctor' and one friend. Nobody in my family knows and if I tell them in the future it will be 100% voluntary. We're your friends here, and we want to help! Please tell us how we can help you take that first step! Its painfully clear that the real you wants out of this mess!
  7. "Get plenty of snacks and fluff your pillow." +1
  8. Cold turkey. People who have never binged may have a much better chance of tapering but I certainly can't say because all I ever did was binge. As soon as I took the first pill, the compulsion to continuously take more would absolutely *ROAR* inside of me (oh yeah, and the need for cigarettes).
  9. 1) "motivation to study" and "better work-ethic" are all middle school fairy tales. That ended a looooong time ago I know that feeling. The honeymoon stage is what everyone talks about. But us addicts know that it ends very quickly and turns into a disaster, and by the time you realize it, it has this inexplicable "grip" on you. 2) after I realized that it was mostly the psychological side of the addiction affecting me, to a certain extent, I just gave up I can definitely relate to this too. At first I was relieved to realize I wasn't just the stupid person on the planet for continuously destroying myself when I kept swearing I would stop. After a few more relapses the relief turned into despair and terror when I realized that I had totally lost control and would never be able to control it. Much like you, I just pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and popped anything I could get my hands on. 3) haven't taken it since yesterday if I take another one now, I can just keep it regulated. This is the romanticizing that I have no doubt we all experience. It's like your mind just wants to remember how it was when you *first* starting using it. You want to re-capture that demonic productivity that first turned you onto the drug. You can use it to fix all the problems that have been piling up. But it's a lie. If we could control it and regulate it none of us would be here. ------ It sounds to me like you know you want to quit but can't stop. I was exactly there almost 3 months ago. For me the solution was obvious but it took me a while to finally gather the courage to do it: cut myself off. I confessed my addiction and permanently cut off my supply. My heart was breaking for you when I read your post as I can totally understand. We all want to help you and we are here for you. Just tell us what we can do!
  10. That's a good one, and I forget it all too often!
  11. That must have been horrible to go through. I can easily see myself getting to that point. I did get caught by the cops with over 50 pills on me, for which I did not have any valid prescription. Without the slightest hesitation I went and got 50 more the next day.
  12. Oh man that one is creepy to read. Especially the screenshot of her texting her dealer. That was totally me. Ugh... it's making me want to send a text myself now..... *slap face*. No!
  13. I was on it for 2.5 years, but I wasn't taking it as prescribed. I would binge... crash... binge... crash. etc. So I don't know how my recovery experience will compare to yours. But maybe this will be helpful, if you are wanting to try quitting cold turkey. The first 72 hours or so I felt useless. (I crashed on a 4 day weekend thankfully.) The next two weeks or so got pretty easy for me because each day I felt noticeably better than the day before. Also because I work unsupervised so I could drag my ass at work without hearing too much shit for it. Then the next month was hell. I was more or less just feeling crappy all the time. I'd have trouble sleeping, I'd start feeling exhausted by 6pm and all I could do was lie around and veg on the TV. This was crappy because it wasn't a true escape. All I could think of was how much work I was procrastinating and how much of a piece of shit I was and how I had fucked my life up. My mind was just in general in a horrible place. But every once in a while; but very rarely, I would smell a nice breeze, or just get a tingly happy feeling for no reason at all. At about the 6 week period I hit a boiling point where I was desperately seeking to get more addy. I went back to my 'doctor' who I had already asked to cut me off. Fortunately he refused to 'prescribe' me any more. This was the absolute low point for me. For the next 3 days or so I felt worse than ever. Then suddenly things progressively started getting better ever since. I recently celebrated two months clean, and I'm happy to report that the next two weeks went by really fast and things are still getting better every day. As for caffeine, be prepared to rely on it like a crutch. It won't be the same as adderall obviously but it will keep you awake at least. It sounds like you have been using for a long time, but you never mention upping your dose and binging at any point. This is a good thing. The physical dependency you will have developed will be rough to overcome. But for me this was the easy part (because I literally did it every month after I ran out way early and had to wait several weeks for a refill). The psychological addiction was a brutal battle for me and I still think about it EVERY day. I don't know the science behind it, but I'm pretty sure these binges are how you develop the psychological addiction for adderall, which lasts FAR longer than the physical withdrawals. ---- TL;DR Days 1 - 30: This may be counter-intuitive, but I felt good and positive even though I was drained. I was pretty easy on myself and just had lots of snacks and watched a lot of netflix. Days 30 - 60: I put too much pressure on myself to up my performance and these days were the worst for me. As I mentioned above around day 45 I hit my rock bottom (the worst I have ever felt since I quit). Days 60 - present: I feel way more social, and when I'm in tough situations I really feel like I **DO** have what it takes inside to get through them. I think about adderall every day, and literally consider and plot ways to get more. But the thoughts have been fading a lot quicker and the thoughts are getting easier to push away. Please post back and let us know if and how we can help! Welcome to our community! I promise you are not alone!
  14. Not having to worry: am I going to be done this by the time my adderall wears off? I don't miss that tell-tale feeling where I realized my buzz was ending, and then being overwhelmed with the compulsion to take another pill to make it go away. And the thought in the back of my mind (and me trying to push it back further, even as the supply dwindled) dreading the fact that EVENTUALLY I'm going to have to come back to reality. I'm grateful that's gone.
  15. 60 days confirmed. (I went back and counted just to be sure.) This feels pretty good to post.
  16. 53 days confirmed. Thanks guys, last couple days have been so much better. I still have been thinking about it every day, but not like when I snapped. Been reflecting lately I think as I start to really wake up I am hit with the horrifying reality of what it took from me. What adderall offers is: "Hey I can make you stop thinking about that and escape from it again, if you just let me take the rest." Music has been a huge source of healing for me. It's been the source of most of my joy on the good days, and one of my last places to hide during the worst ones. I'm also learning to intertwining it with work in small time intervals, to rejuvenate myself and keep semi-engaged with my job.
  17. Day 51 confirmed. Feeling way better now. I think I just hit a low point and reached out from desperation. If I hadn't have confessed my problem 51 days ago I'd probably be high right now. I'm glad I was denied and cut off. Thanks for the encouragement.
  18. Day 47 confirmed..... Every day has been worse than the one before it seems. I finally broke down yesterday and asked for a refill and was denied. I feel sick to my stomach with humiliation. Psychologically I feel not that much different than during a crash. I guess what's what I wanted so badly... and now I got it. Update: Literally going through my crash ritual right now. Didn't even realize it until I had cleaned up a bunch of garbage and got a load of laundry started. (This is always how I would try to make myself feel better while I hated myself for relapsing). I feel so crappy right now, but at least I don't have an impending 3 day recovery period awaiting me tomorrow. Maybe this is what true recovery is supposed to feel like.....
  19. Day 43 confirmed. Things are going fine over the last few days. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. Yet the cravings are worse than ever and I can't help but feel like I'm going to cave. Sometimes I don't think it's my willpower that's keeping me from using, but rather it's my inner addict acting strategically. This is literally my thought process sometimes: If I were to ask for more adderall now, he would just say "No! You told me to cut you off!". I would have to convince him that I'm not addicted anymore. It's too soon for that. Wait a bit longer, maybe another month or so, and then act like you just needed a break. This is usually what I'm thinking during cravings, and then after they pass I am of course glad that I'm clean and glad I couldn't get any. But due to the nature of my situation, the longer I'm clean it feels like the louder those thoughts become. When I have work to do, and the energy to do it, I'm fine. But once I get tired and it's time to relax afterwards, that's when I feel the most vulnerable. I can't seem to take pleasure in just chilling out, doing nothing. Instead I think about work, and how I'm not doing it. I'm in this constant state of discomfort/guilt. I think that's why I found early recovery so much easier. I would just sleep through all this crap.
  20. I remember feelings of bitterness and resentment towards people that invited me to do things. HOW DARE THEY.
  21. Day 42 confirmed. Another weird dream with a much darker theme. I got my hands on a huge bottle full of about a 2 month supply. I was about to just start going mental and having a hayday when my best friend caught me and we had a huge argument. Eventually he gave up, and somehow pulled another stash out of his pocket. He threw it on the ground and it exploded with pills flying everywhere. I scrambled to the ground to start picking them up. I barely noticed him walking away saying to go find a new friend. I was just thrilled to add his stash to mine. That pretty accurately sums up my inner addict. I was really bummed out yesterday and spent half the day plotting to get my hands on a refill so it was probably not a coincidence that I had this dream. Saddest part was, when I woke up, I was kind of disappointed that it was just a dream.
  22. I don't know your situation so I won't pretend. All I can say is that I think it's amazing you have been able to stay away from it for almost two years now (from looking at your ticker). As it has already been said above, it would be such a shame to throw all that away! Edit: One thought that just occured to me.... I am horrified whenever I read the Calvin and Hobbes comic on this site, for obvious reasons. The sad reality is that outcome (just getting hyper focused on productivity and literally ignoring everything good and pure in life) is the BEST possible outcome. I don't know about you, but whenever I take those pills I feel like I experience the WORST possible outcome (taking more and more compulsively, binging and spending time doing things that absolutely horrify my true self).
  23. Awesome success story! I went back and read some of your earlier posts, sounds like you are doing awesome!
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